SofiaCammy live webcams for YOU!


play boobs [Multi Goal]

Date: October 30, 2022

58 thoughts on “SofiaCammy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Say that you have a lot going on in your life and need to prioritize yourself right now.

    I’m very sorry about your father.

  2. No, I don’t think they regret because the type of men who do that see their partners as accessories in climbing social hierarchy. It’s more about impressing other men than it is about finding value in a partner for who they are. If his new gf get cancer or gets fat he’ll leave her too.

  3. “Trauma shouldn't be a clause to quit, the inability to improve would be the point in which one should walk away”

  4. You are no longer a person to her. “I can't live without you” = I depend on you to provide me with money/validation/etc. Also, since she wrongly accused you of cheating, I'd bet money that she's already cheated on you.

    Sorry, but to her, you're just a tool now. Leave and never look back.

  5. How repugnant. I’m trying to recognize your situation and keep civil but you’re way of things is so disgusting. Morally, I human being can choose to only associate with those who treat them well and no one else. I can only imagine how validated you’re daughter would feel if she had access to this thread. My advice was to ONLY reach out IF you were ready to listen and acknowledge. Your reaction was to show me why your children don’t want you around. Ma’m your ownership of humans expired when they turned 18. Somehow your children are able to set healthy boundaries. Either treat them well or be alone!

  6. He’s not going to be able to take your kids;

    This. It's common for abusive spouses, especially financially abusive ones, to claim that because they have the money they'll take the kids in a divorce, but that simply isn't true. If custody was determined solely on which parent made the most money, there would be way more fathers with full custody than mothers.

  7. I got a lot of help by learning about attachment styles. You sound a bit like me, which is an anxious attachment style. We tend to be hyper sensitive about even tiny changes and we overthink everything.

  8. Tell her if you aren't her man everywhere and in front of everyone, then maybe you should open up the relationship bc honestly, it sounds like she's keeping it open on the S and H end of her life.

  9. Yeah, i was kinda forced to be with her. But its over. Its a long story first i wanted to be with her, then she rejected me, so then i was like okay, im done trying to get girls and then she wanted to be with me, and i didnt but it really doesnt matter.

    The uni thing, well i got a job that im starting tommorow in that branch of work, business management. I can always come back to uni if i want to.

    Will she regret? Probably? Who cares about her. There are so many girls out there who are just free and available when i do decide to get a girlfriend. But right now? Hell nah. Im going to build myself so high that i dont even want to think about approaching girls. Im going to attract, not pull. And im not going to rush a single thing.

    She did me a favour. I didnt even know i had this much discipline and ambition. Unlike her, she will probably end up in the same place she is. The hometown that i dont want to comeback to. Many reasons for that, but i dont really care.

    A new chapter for me has begun. The comeback is not personal, ive realised the only person who loves me, is me. And i have to act like that. Im going to build up such a high ego and i will have the means neceseary to justify it.

    If i decide one day to comeback. It will be in my new car, and with the best possible clothes and il be so fckn confident because i realised the only thing you can fake is your confidence and then just play like you have it, and then you just have it.

    She is my past. The guy who wrote the original post is dead and buried 6 ft underground. And the feelings? Huh? Non-existent.

    I finally know what i want in life. And all it took was a breakup from a 6/10 girl.

  10. How can you not see the writing on the wall? This is supposed to be the honeymoon and love phase of the relationship. He is treating you like a side piece and squeezing you In between kids basketball games and running errands. He isn’t courting you like a future girlfriend. He’s 31 trying to get with a 22 year old because he’s a snake.

  11. We lived 8h apart so after 6 months I “moved” in. Not officially because all my stuff are still at mine, but I stay at his place most of time because traveling between his place and mine is expensive and takes long.

  12. I feel like people who do stuff like this and sound like that we’re very lost before they found this type of… thing. And when they find it, they lose themselves even more, until something terrible happens. This sounds nuts to me. Try your hardest not to lose touch with her. Good luck OP. I’m sorry this is even a thing.

  13. Good for you for touching base with others and being open to others’ responses! I’m an analyst but have previously worked in fashion, so I’ve worked with many other females in both casual and more formal business settings. Calibrating your view with others is important! Buuuut maybe search “business casual 2023 outfits” instead hahaha.

  14. There's this movie from the 60s where this guy goes to place where you borrow a camera and take pictures of women in lingerie. It's just a regular storefront you walk into off the street. I was telling my friend about it and he said “Oh I think there's still a place like that in Hollywood.” Me (not believing) looked it up and turns out it's real.

    I then went to their website a couple other times and their Yelp page because I was telling other friends “OMG can you believe this is a real thing?”

    I had and have zero interest in going there but if you looked at my search history you would be 'concerned.'

  15. That's literally not how children think but okay ig? This is weird to even argue about. Infantilizing men and women who don't want their partners to be nude in front of others is not fair. You know what? Your girlfriend has every right to sleep with other men. She is not your property and if you expect her to sleep only with you, then you are controlling her. Dude, think smh. It's not rocket science to understand that people are different and not everyone finds nudity appropriate. Most people don't want their partners to be naked around other people. So according to you, most people are insecure while you are totally fine? That's kinda narcissistic, no?

  16. Sure, but it isn’t clear that what you want to know. “Where” is a relative term. When you ask, “where is that,” do you mean, what city/town it is in? The name of the neighbor? How far it is from the restaurant? How far it is from home? Like, nothing about that question tells someone necessarily what specific information you want. I wouldn’t know from that question what you were after.

  17. I wouldn’t be ok with it if this has happened more then one time and you’ve expressed that your uncomfortable with it before then it’s a serious problem

  18. Your girlfriend needs to learn how to say “no” to her child. A six year old should not be biting because she didn’t get a toy she wanted; that’s toddler behavior. Until she learns how to parent that child, this won’t get better. She will keep being irresponsible and trying to use you to fall back on so she doesn’t have to make her kid learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her.

  19. Yes, because you broke the trust. Until you gain it back, you have no right to complain. You did the crime, do the time.

    You can't just say, 'let bygones be bygones' after cheating and expect him to fully trust you again. Doesn't work that way.

  20. It's not just the cheating. It's the lack of respect for you and the marriage.

    He needs to learn a lot more than stopping inappropriate thoughts and behaviors. He is nowhere close to being a respectable man ready for marriage and commitment.

  21. Says you, who is coming off as “I’m morally better” bc you think it’s childish to flash a tit lmfao

  22. You probably did see the responses but you have this wrong. Friends called to get picked up because wallet was lost. When friend is unsuccessful, he goes in to help. Wallet is found, was in club no longer than 15-20 minutes. Returned home.

    No rationale person with someone close to birth would do this? Do you think people stop living their lives and stay inside the house and tethered to their partner just because of a pregnancy?

  23. Do not have a child with this man!

    You had a bad relationship for a decade. He's not invested. He doesn't want to be doing this. He doesn't want to marry you and you are giving into the sunk cost fallacy. Well you've done your time loving this dude. Time to love yourself.

  24. Well he blamed me for why he cheated lol. But he cheated because he's an awful human being that has no regard for others and their feelings. Just lie after lie with him. And yep in hindsight I should have but lesson learned. Won't do that again lol.

  25. This is the other thing I wanted to point out, also.

    OP, you helped a woman in need. You should be commended. It's not like you were buying her drugs, you were helping her have clean clothes in a time that has been hard on everyone, but especially the homeless. I'm sorry your husband is so heartless he couldn't see that. That point aside, he is most definitely trapping you in some form of financial abuse. At the very minimum, please don't let him make you feel bad for doing something charitable. My mother and I were homeless when I was young. People like you are blessings.

  26. It's whatever the person wants to give up for the 40 days. Why she chose sex, you would have to ask her. But the fact that what she chose imposes on you does not bode well for the relationship.

  27. That's even still an utterly bizarre thing to say about someone you've only been messaging whom you've never met and apparently never even had a phone call with.

  28. I wouldn't even waste the energy on this. You're never ever going to be able to trust this person ever again.

    And if she cheats again she's going to be even more scared of telling you and drag it out again. Fear or not she knew exactly what she was doing and hiding it for so long just seems like manipulation to me.

  29. ‘Still acting like the little bitch I always was…’

    This man literally tortured you, and now he wants and expects forgiveness?? He hasn’t changed. He doesn’t get forgiveness. Do NOT doubt yourself.

    I would email him (and make sure his nosy wife was cc’ed to it) and list every single thing he had done to me. I would include pictures of my scars. I would let it ALL out, because I bet his wife doesn’t know the extent of it. After telling him I feel bad for his daughter because she has HIM as a father—a cruel bully—I would end it with, this little bitch wants nothing to do with you. Now, go bother someone else…

    I’m sorry. This has got to be draining on you.

  30. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    This morning I was sitting on my boyfriend’s lap and we were chatting and he grabbed my nipples and squeezed them. I typically don’t like him touching my nipples – I have some sensory issues and I’ve been sexually assaulted in the past. Basically, he squeezed them quickly on and off and I pulled away and pushed him in the chest. He immediately got upset that I hit him, and I feel awful. I was just trying to push him away, and it really was a knee-jerk reaction but I’m worried this has broken his trust irreversibly. I just can’t believe I hit him like that and it really felt like just an instant reaction, I didn’t feel angry or anything. He said we’ll be fine after some time and everyone makes mistakes, but I’m worried what this means about me if my immediate reaction was physical violence. Now I can never go back to the relationship we had before wherein I had never hit him. I don’t know what to do.


    Thank you everyone for your replies and explanations. I really didn’t realize how big of a deal this was, and am glad to have some perspective now. While he definitely crossed a boundary – I’m not excusing that – we have some difficulty with physical intimacy because of my past and sometimes I am reactive in situations that don’t always call for it. This time, the situation called for it and I’m not going to let him convince me I did something wrong by reacting to it.

    All this to say, thanks to everyone who gave genuine advice and a perspective I hadn’t seen. This isn’t a pattern for him so I’m hoping we can have another conversation and set some firmer boundaries and if he continues to push them and blame me, I’ll know what to do thanks to you all.

  31. Thanks for the advice, and I definitely came across as insecure. She’s just my entire world, and I would have nothing without her, couldn’t help sounding that way

  32. Why with all these posts.

    “He's a great man!” When he's not raping me and treating me like his property.

  33. Though its low-key kinda weird those kind of pics are still up after 7 years. I would hate if my ex from 7 yrs ago still had pics of us up. Private them and keep them to yourself if you want to keep them I guess. Idk bf seems off.

  34. This is rape. That someone else's trauma may or may not have been worse is not relevant. It is not a contest.

    He is a rapist. He choked you and raped you.

    You were raped.

    I am glad that you confronted him and threw his necklace down. Don't let him convince you that you consented or that his behavior was ok.

    I would strongly encourage you to break up with someone who chokes and rapes you.

  35. Sounds like you're making a lot of bad decisions as a result of this relationship. Maybe break up with this person and get your financial and emotional affairs in order first. Your relationship sounds like a job you're not being paid for.

    You have to set standards for yourself and not let anyone walk all over them or people will take advantage of you. How can you be in a relationship with someone who thinks your MCAT study time doesn't count as work then makes you do all the chores? I personally know 12-15 who have taken the MCAT, that's a lot of work for a test that will literally define the rest of your life. The fact that you're studying for an MCAT means you're a smart person with a clear and ambitious trajectory for your life. Why are you burdening yourself with this person? You deserve better. But only you can set standards for yourself and maintain them.

  36. Your brother did a super shitty thing that he needs to take accountability for. This is an opportunity for you to guide him and set an example as his older brother and best friend. Give him an ultimatum and follow through if he does not. Give him a chance to understand the value of being honest, coming clean, and navigating the consequences. He may not be the person you thought he was right now, but you can help him make the right choices to be a better person going forward.

  37. I’m a lesbian and my SO in high school came out as MtF about three years into our relationship before we left for college.

    I was shattered but also realized that continuing the relationship would be disrespectful to his identity as well as my own. I’m only attracted to women. He is a man, and fully deserves to be seen as such.

    As tough as it is, it ultimately boils down to framing it from a place of respect: “After doing a lot of thinking and reflecting, I’ve come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be respectful to either of us to continue to stay together. I have always been straight, and cannot picture myself having feelings for another woman in a romantic relationship. To try to do so would be disingenuous to both of us and ultimately prolong the inevitable. I have truly enjoyed the time we spent together and want you to find someone that can give you the opportunity to give you the future you deserve.”

  38. I can understand why he took a break from you. I can't understand why he didn't make it a permanent break instead of a temporary break.

  39. Team r/ You guys got this right? ✅️ nice work everyone ? ? move out ! Lol

    OP seriously… you can't be real right now.

  40. ? Selfish lover

    ? Continues immature behaviour you have talked to him about stopping

    ? Doesn't make you feel loved or special

    ? Compliments others but not you

    … and I probably missed some here. Seriously the biggest one is the selfish lover flag. Get yourself moving on and moving on up. You can do better. Sunken cost fallacy is a real thing and this will not get better in time. You will just be more annoyed you didn't leave earlier.

  41. Have you tried therapy? I really do believe in doing everything you can to maintain your marriage. She hasn't cheated on you.

    That said, if you're dead set on divorcing her, you're just going to have to divorce her. In most states, she's gonna get half of the money anyway.

    And even if she doesn't, you can either allow yourself to be emotionally manipulated or you can pull the plug and what will be will be.

  42. This is your body, so taking his obviously terrible reassurance is wholly on you.

    His pull out game is clearly as strong as you ovulation tracking.

    Wear condoms, go on birth control, abstain, or start saving for your new baby.

    The IUD still seems like the worse option since it gave you serious medical complications.

    So be responsible for yourself and stop looking to share blame – you make the choices, not him.

    Mother's baby, fathers maybe…so support yourself, not wait for support from him.

  43. Who cares? Do it anyway. Where was their consideration for you on your wedding day? This is absolutely worthy of mentioning in a review. Who would want this joke to happen to them?

  44. Do you really want this to be the rest of your life?

    It will be the rest of your life if you remain married to him.

    If there was one roach you saw, there are hundreds swarming through the house while you sleep. Running across the kitchen counters. Under the bag of bread or potatoes, crawling across the cleaned dishes in the cabinets.

    And where there are roaches, there are most likely mice or rats. It’s only a matter of time before the rodent shit starts showing up.

  45. Do you really want this to be the rest of your life?

    It will be the rest of your life if you remain married to him.

    If there was one roach you saw, there are hundreds swarming through the house while you sleep. Running across the kitchen counters. Under the bag of bread or potatoes, crawling across the cleaned dishes in the cabinets.

    And where there are roaches, there are most likely mice or rats. It’s only a matter of time before the rodent shit starts showing up.

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