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ShirleyHarrislive sex stripping with hd cam


4 thoughts on “ShirleyHarrislive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Give her space, but her silent treatment is a problem itself.

    Some things about childhood can be really vulnerable and can even bring up the worst feelings. I've shown pictures of me and my father smiling together when I was 5 to people… well, to say the least… I'll just say any mention of my father can make me very angry now because of his actions. I don't even talk to him anymore.

    That picture I've shown to people is a vulnerable one and I don't like to show it because it is something that reminds me of his manipulation. If she had pictures like that, it makes sense to me.

    If she did not want to show you those photos now in your relationship, she did not have to. In a few years? Maybe, but can't say for sure.

    Also, when people are hurt by something or someone else or just have a hard time opening up anything remotely sensitive, they won't do it easily if at all. Personal things in pasts exist and happen, and people are not willing to always share.

    She can be open and show you her vulnerable side, but it does not have to be from childhood pictures.

  2. You need to face this and ask him. It won't go away on its own and you definitely won't forget about it. If he is up to something awful, then it's better to find out now than when you've been with him even longer and are even more attached.

    I know this is hard. I feel for you. Hate anything like this, anxiety inducing. But you know you have to confront him.

    Say you went on her ig at the time because you were curious as to what she looked like and saw it wasn't the same person, and you thought you could get past that but you now know you need answers from him as its playing on your mind and threatening to ruin the huge trust you have in him.

  3. You have to do what is best for yourself and your children.

    Your husband is using substances to cope with his mental health struggles and that's not the best way forward. He should be in therapy and addiction counselling.

    I'm sure that writing this means you are getting to your wits end. If he cannot commit to change and show growth you will need to make a decision on whether or not this is the life, and relationship, you want to model for your children. They are old enough to know what is happening, no matter how much parents think they are hiding substance abuse and relationship problems from their children – they are not.

    I would also suggest individual therapy for yourself to help guide you on how to have these conversations with your husband around goal setting and boundaries. Good luck!

  4. No, but just as he accepts her family has a place in their home (he's not saying they can't visit, he's just stressing about the visit) she needs to respect that his needs matter too, and it's not about just expecting him to be okay with being stressed out, and that she can ALSO give an inch, and have her family visit, but find ways to give him the space he needs to feel safe in what is ALSO his home.

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