Sexy-sexyporn live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 30, 2022

8 thoughts on “Sexy-sexyporn live webcams for YOU!

  1. You are not being entitled, HE is. 8 months??? And you are so young. This isn't jsut one small thing, he is making demands of your body when he has no rights to

  2. A wolf in sheep's clothing is still a wolf, no matter how fluffy it may seem. He's got his true colors on display for you: controlling, manipulative, uncaring and irritable, and you deserve SO much better. Divorce is hard, but trust me, if you get out of this situation you'll feel infinitely better.

  3. You don't love him. You love the idea of him. How could you love someone who sexually coerses you into doing something that makes you feel that way? How could you love someone who threatens to leave you if you don't act the way he wants and do something that violates your boundaries? He is a bad person. The person you love is an idea you have made up about him, not the real him.

    He is an abuser and you have suffered sexual abuse. Please leave this guy and get some therapy.

  4. Whether he's gay or not doesn't even matter, what matters is your relationship with him isn't going anywhere. He wasn't ready to commit to moving in with you which is fine but he makes a big move without even telling you until he's already decided and done it AND he's making it clear you aren't welcome there. How exactly would you make this relationship work now considering he's basically ended the relationship without actually telling you that…

  5. Something seems very wrong here. So from a brief conversation with your dad, who I assume he already knows isn't his biggest fan, he got it in to his head that he should just let the marriage end immediately the first time you had a minor disagreement and then acted on that belief?

    Either there's something else going on here or your husband is a serious flight risk anytime anyone says anything to him.

  6. Good for him. I hope he's nicer and none abusive to his next gf. I also hope you find someone you always feel safe and trusting with.

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