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23 thoughts on “saosao0755live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It sounds like you and your friend have a very close and emotionally dependent relationship. While it's great to have someone you can rely on and support each other through tough times, it's important to make sure that both people in the relationship are getting their needs met and feeling supported. In this situation, it sounds like you felt hurt and unsupported by your friend's reaction to the attempted break-in. It's understandable that you're feeling confused and unsure about what to do next.

    It might be helpful to talk to your friend about how his reaction made you feel and to express your concerns about the health of your relationship. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with each other and to listen to each other's perspectives. You may also want to consider seeking support from a counselor or therapist who can help you both work through your emotions and understand the dynamic of your relationship.

    In the meantime, it's okay to take some time for yourself to process your feelings and to focus on your own well-being. It's important to make sure that you're taking care of yourself and not sacrificing your own needs for the sake of your friend. It's also okay to set boundaries in the relationship and to make sure that you're both treating each other with kindness and respect.

    Overall, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your friend and to make sure that your relationship is healthy and supportive for both of you.

  2. The fact that her desire was so strong for this guy that she went out of her way communicate it to her friends…. Her mind shouldn’t even be going there. And over time I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually acted on it. Because what she did was technically acting on it, on a smaller scale.

  3. Hello /u/ippasodimetaponto,

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  4. Controversial thought: The reason men do it behind your backs, might be because some women are indeed manipulative and cheating psycho's who would throw a temper tantrum or dismiss the 1st second the guy would propose doing a dna test.

  5. *SHRUGS* Oh, he's still a punk for walking off and leaving her, but he did try to get her to forget about the cigarettes. He told her not to worry about them, but she was bull-headed and stubborn. She is, by no means, free of guilt here.

    It's a mutual issue, regardless of how you try to gloss over her part in this.

  6. As a circumcised person please for the love of god don’t do it to yourself. Uncut dicks are how they’re meant to be.

    My wife is from a different country where they don’t mutilate baby boys, and I’m often very self conscious about it having been done to me. She’s had uncut before and I often get in my own head and bring myself down. There’s no way mine can compare, right? Is it uncomfortable for her? Lots of other questions and insecurities go through my head.

    Keep that skin my friend.

  7. Of course it's that! Why aren't you trying to help reduce the dress in his life or at least actually being understanding of that fact?

  8. It sounds to me like you’re seeing things that aren’t there. Texting you about her experience in a new country doesn’t necessarily qualify as ‘flirty’ texts. Nothing from this post would lead me to believe that she has feelings for you, other than platonic.

    Regarding your original question, some people simply just prefer to keep their love life and social life separate — even from close friends. Chances are she’s just one of those people. I wouldn’t read into it.

    Overall, it sounds like you’re just somebody she vibes with.

  9. Because that is how AITA usually works; you can find opposite judgements for super similar situations all the time.

  10. Okay. I don’t believe that things can never be the same. It would take work but sometimes getting through the hard stuff makes us stronger. He’s willing to get help but I also recommend couples counseling. If you still feel the same way after that, then you leave. I would fight for it because he has owned up to his behavior and is willing to do the work to change. I’m really sorry that you are going through this.

  11. That's an excuse some people make to cheat, she could have taken a cab home. If you take her back it will tell her this type of behaviour is ok, she'll do it again.

  12. Good!

    I always try to look at my past mistakes as learning experiences. If I didn't do that dumb/bad stuff, I wouldn't really KNOW why it's so bad or how to avoid it in the future.

    It's kind of silly but a lot of the “can't change the past only the future” stuff is one of the main themes of A Christmas Carole by Charles Dickens (you know with Ebenezer Scrooge). So even if you're an evil miser, it's never too late to change into a good person. And you already did that years ago so you're already on the right path.

    Good luck!

  13. Sounds about right. I’d disagree with the person saying he’s “tolerating” hanging out with you. He just sounds like he doesn’t know how to communicate.

  14. Because some subreddits are very strict about name calling. I wasn't sure if this was one of them.

  15. That's not true in the least.

    I have a range of health issues (including debilitating migraines) and I still manage to be pleasant to others instead of “organizing (my) things” (how much crap does OP carry to work, anyway?), growling and stalking off to bed.

  16. I wouldn’t say I was exactly abused brutally or anything as a child, but my parents would physically discipline (hand, belt , slapped etc) sometimes it would be out of anger. So honestly when I’m really angry or someone else is angry with me, I cannot handle being touched. It sets me off.

    Poor you. No excuse for slapping him or the wall. If the 2 of you are in massive blow up fights like this, it is time to reevaluate if you should be in a relationship with each other.

  17. I also wonder if it has anything to do with maybe trying to get me to wear more fitted clothing even though he doesn't push it normally or tell me what to wear.

  18. Is the age gap too much? probably not for what you two are using each other for…is it going to work out? hell no, but who cares. He gets that young body to fuck and you get the older man to pay for you. Win, win right?

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