Sammyboom live webcams for YOU!


11 thoughts on “Sammyboom live webcams for YOU!

  1. It doesn't matter what we think. You two agreed to it, and she didn't follow the agreement. Whether it's cheating or not, not only cannot be defined by anyone outside of a relationship, but doesn't change that she made an agreement and didn't follow through.

    It suggests to me that you two will not be getting back together, and that she never planned for, nor wanted you two to get back together though.

    Tbh, if I held out hope to get back together with an ex, I wouldn't be sleeping with anyone. So you just need to decide if it's a deal breaker or not (if she's attempting to fix things with you, of course. If she's not, then there's nothing to consider).

  2. Grow up. Be more bothered with the guy who went after two sisters, especially since you say he means nothing to you now. You guys didn’t date so not like he really owed you shit either. If she felt comfortable enough to do with a guy she knew and unfortunately picked someone you all have history with, that’s her prerogative. You already have a man anyway lol. Don’t be upset over the past that doesn’t have any true baring over your present and future. You reacted like this guy was your ex husband and you had kids together ?. THAT would be truly fucked and reason to cut out your sister.

  3. Kids usually say things depending how they feel at the moment, just try to spend time with him and create a connection(finding things in common, going to his important events, him going to your important events, etc) it takes time and patience, but it’s totally possible

  4. Let him go. A “break” means he wants to keep you as a back up plan.

    So you aren't his physical taste anymore, and you don't know if you ever will be again. That's ok. Move on, don't kill yourself trying to meet some ideal body type for anyone else.

    The way to move forward is both of you moving forward, single, separately.

    Good luck.

  5. Yeah, big issue is that to secure student loans, the amount is based on your parents income. Her parents make good money, so her loans would amount to $0 basically, so it's a lose-lose. She says she'll just continue her time off university and keep working until she can afford it, but I'm thinking there must be a better way

  6. I wouldn’t play paper rock scissors no more with him for a while eventually I would play again but I wouldn’t consider it special no more rather let’s make a decision who does this and that. You need to talk to him about how you felt disrespected and feel like it’s no longer special

  7. No one here can tell you if you should go no contact with your parents or not. I'd ask: what do you hope to gain by doing so?

  8. If sex isn’t important, the relationship is dead. She’s not sexually attracted to you any more. Counseling won’t solve this.

  9. Aha lol you must be a deep sleeper! She could wake you up I guess. I always have a hard time getting back to sleep after someone wakes me up too so I can sympathizer with her!

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