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Samantha_officiallive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Samantha_officiallive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. The way I always look at a relationship is: it's not 50-50, it's 60-40. But both people are trying to be the one giving 60.

    If my girlfriend collected creepy dolls and wanted to display em I'd hang up the shelves myself. Because, while it might not make me happy to see something like that, it would certainly make her happy to. And that's my goal in the relationship, that's how I win, by making her happy. And she's over there on the other side trying to do the same things for me.

    What you might have here is that your boyfriend doesn't necessarily want you because of who you are, but what you can do for him. I.e. cooking, cleaning, and sex. He doesn't believe you need your own space because that's not cooking, cleaning, or sex. He doesn't want your horse figurines on display because that would imply that any square inch of the apartment wasn't there solely for his comfort. He wants his friends to see his cool gamer space, then brag that his girlfriend lives with him.

    That's just the vibe I get from the incredibly limited information you've given. And you're both really young. Just have a real conversation about how you are a full, adult human being and you deserve to be an equal partner in the relationship. That means that you can display the things you like in addition to his stuff. That means you get to have a room where you can do your hobbies. If he still wants to say no, then it's probably time to get your own place where you can have those things.

    P.s. Funko pops are infinitely more freaky looking than any horse figurines could possibly be.

  2. The way I always look at a relationship is: it's not 50-50, it's 60-40. But both people are trying to be the one giving 60.

    If my girlfriend collected creepy dolls and wanted to display em I'd hang up the shelves myself. Because, while it might not make me happy to see something like that, it would certainly make her happy to. And that's my goal in the relationship, that's how I win, by making her happy. And she's over there on the other side trying to do the same things for me.

    What you might have here is that your boyfriend doesn't necessarily want you because of who you are, but what you can do for him. I.e. cooking, cleaning, and sex. He doesn't believe you need your own space because that's not cooking, cleaning, or sex. He doesn't want your horse figurines on display because that would imply that any square inch of the apartment wasn't there solely for his comfort. He wants his friends to see his cool gamer space, then brag that his girlfriend lives with him.

    That's just the vibe I get from the incredibly limited information you've given. And you're both really young. Just have a real conversation about how you are a full, adult human being and you deserve to be an equal partner in the relationship. That means that you can display the things you like in addition to his stuff. That means you get to have a room where you can do your hobbies. If he still wants to say no, then it's probably time to get your own place where you can have those things.

    P.s. Funko pops are infinitely more freaky looking than any horse figurines could possibly be.

  3. I saw those links – I’m home from work and I’ll be reading them a little later.

    It’s hard to explain that you don’t realize this stuff is happening or that it’s bad or whatever. It’s hard to put the whole thing into words so other people understand.

    I’m just glad I will learn and be able to be more aware if anything happens in the future. I wasn’t even aware of what a narcissist was until a friend (Bee) of mine was telling me about his ex husband.. who ghosted him. My “friend” had been drilling into my head that I was a narcissist & I told him that I’m a narcissist, my friend tells me all the time. Bee said, “I’ve known you for over a decade and a half.. you are far from a narcissist. A little self centred, but far from a narcissist.” That’s when I found out what a narcissist is, what they do.. etc etc which put more insight into what was going on with this person and their behaviour.

    Thank you again!!

  4. I’d start with a lawyer. I wouldn’t communicate with your ex at all without legal advice.

    If it’s not legally bad, I’d say: “I didn’t make you miss out on anything. I told you I was pregnant. You didn’t believe it was yours, you said some nasty things, and I never heard from you again until now. That’s not my fault. I informed you in good faith and then respected how you chose to handle it.

    I’m willing to discuss how you can meet them. I won’t try to stand in the way. But I want us thinking about them first. If you try to put yourself first, they’ll pick up on it, and they won’t like it. If you’re worried about what this means for you, and how you feel, and how you want the relationship to look, it’s not going to go well. If you focus on what this means for them, and how they feel, and what they want, I think that could be the beginning of a good relationship.”

    This is the nicest way I can think of to set him (and them) up for success.

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