Salome live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 19, 2022

7 thoughts on “Salome live webcams for YOU!

  1. To put it mildly, it's a dopey idea. If he wants to “sow his wild oats” then he shouldn't be in a relationship. No OP, it's a REALLY bad idea. Don't compromise your own happiness. He's being immature. If he truly wants this say “we could open the relationship. However in saying this, I get to have sex with other people too.” If he says no, then you could say, “there's your answer. Commit to me, or we go our separate ways.”

    If his thinking is that he fears he's missing out on things, you can always try other stuff sexually. Ask if he has any fantasies. Do you have any that you haven't told him?

  2. I would say don't do anything rash. Give her some time to think through the situation a bit clearer and see if she can see the issue with what she is suggesting. She might realise she was getting caught up in the emotions of Susan's situation and come round, if not then yes I think breaking up is reasonable.

    I don't think it would be a bad idea to show her this post even just so she gets some perspective on the situation.

  3. OP isn't answering any questions so we're all just throwing assumptions into the air, friend, it's all we can do.

  4. So is the bully part of the group or is he someone on an opposing team? Good on you for defending your brother. If he was physical like that, the two if you should have pounded him together. Fuck that dude, hard.

    As to your friends, I would say they are more of a social circle as they are clearly not your friends. I went through the same thing around your age, my best ‘friend’ became obsessed with whom ever he perceived as being able to get the most girls and would latch onto them. He became a big douche, so I dropped him and found new friends. Seldom do high school friends translate to life long friends. You grow up in different ways. What’s important to you and who you are is not always the same.

    I know it’s hard to leave the group and maybe you extend an olive branch, but these guys aren’t your friends and if that guy comes at you or your brother again, the two of you need to go down swinging.

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