Sahara live webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Sahara live webcams for YOU!

  1. Up to you. As long as you’re good with no bio kids. I might get downvoted for this but I would just make the decision however you feel.

  2. Have you tried asking her how she doesn't feel well or asking if there's anything that she needs to speak to a doctor about?

    Hormones change over time. Bodies change over time. It could be a physical or psychological issue or a combination of both. Has she been depressed? When a woman does not want sex, there is a reason. When a woman tells you that she feels unwell, believe her. Ask questions. Show concern.

  3. I think we need to know more. You can have male friends at the same time he can have female friends. I'm more concerned about the fact that he is playing 8h a day. The fact that he plays with others is not that important but the attention he really gives you it is.

    I don't know your situation but if is giving more attention to the game than yourself i will be concerned.

  4. Something is clearly wrong and she needs time to fix it.

    Time? Ha ha, I think ut's something else, begins with a D, ends with a K. But IC your point

  5. Why did you have a kid with him?

    Walk away. You and your child deserve better. But see a therapist on your own as no one who is emotionally healthy would have put themselves in your situation and you don’t want to repeat that.

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