Am SA'd as child for years. My Nmom and goldenchild brothers bot when it came out, seperately told me… no joke.. “It hurts them way more that I was SA'd then me”…=/
I find it a big red flag for a narcisisitic personality disorder or something. Being SO incapable of emphaty you actually think.. it is harder on YOU?? if another person is SA's/abused/had cancer/whatnot/got in an accident/became homeless/etc.?? =/
Also; I hope you two were not planning on having children.. what is she gonna do if they get Sa'd?
Dayummmm. I’d say keep ghosting her. But honestly dude…you’ve only know the chick for a year and already engaged? C’mon man
For me personally yes.
Am SA'd as child for years. My Nmom and goldenchild brothers bot when it came out, seperately told me… no joke.. “It hurts them way more that I was SA'd then me”…=/
I find it a big red flag for a narcisisitic personality disorder or something. Being SO incapable of emphaty you actually think.. it is harder on YOU?? if another person is SA's/abused/had cancer/whatnot/got in an accident/became homeless/etc.?? =/
Also; I hope you two were not planning on having children.. what is she gonna do if they get Sa'd?
WOW. That is disgusting. I hope my son would never met a women like you.