Pumma Santiago live webcams for YOU!


cam to cam with me .. unless u pussy , ?

Date: October 16, 2022

14 thoughts on “Pumma Santiago live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is horrible advice I have no idea why it has so many upvotes.

    First, he only suspects her of cheating. He has no proof. She might have been hanging out with them that night, maybe her story was true. Receiving a horny Snapchat is not proof of anything.

    Relationships can recover from cheating. They way y’all treat relationships on here is nuts sometimes.

    Seems like his jealousy of her sexual past is the big problem here. He feels inadequate. He snoops on her phone.

    Y’all need to break up , but i don’t agree that she is the monster you all have tried and convinced her of.

  2. Avoiding pain doesn't mean it's giving pleasure.

    It's not a complicated idea that if someone enjoys something they do it more often… If they don't…

    Dude you need a serious look at yourself and your partners needs. Everything about this screams “selfish male lover”

  3. Don’t let him isolate her further

    The friend came over without her husband. One of the likely many he’s chased off before OP. Just harder to chase off a daughter.

  4. Girl you cannot be thinking of terminating WANTED IVF pregnancy at almost half term foe this ain't shut man? How do you think this works?

  5. Well usually this post would be written by the gf and we would all tell her to break up with her disgusting boyfriend. But since you're the disgusting boyfriend the only advice would be to wait till she breaks up with you and take this as a life lesson to never say anything like that again.

  6. You say your boyfriend gets angry and defensive whenever you bring this up, but how exactly do you bring it up and what does he say in response?

    To me, his behaviour is a red flag, but only in the sense that it sounds like something might be going on for which he needs your support. Your post is very factual and to-the-point, but it doesn't offer any insight into whether you're actually trying to give him that.

  7. I have anxiety and depression. I tried IVF when we wanted to have a baby. It was unsuccessful. That sent me on such a downward spiral that I almost died in agony. Also, the whole process of hormone intake was horrendous (for me). I understand your position.

  8. And the way to do this, in my opinion, is by confessing.

    There you have it. You'll never know if you don't. But like you said you do run a risk…. if she doesn't reciprocate it may change the dynamic of your friendship (but maybe only temporarily, there is no way to tell). But if you are prepared to get over her if that happens, go for it.

  9. Was thinking he just doesn’t have the “guys’ guy” personality or presentation. Could also be ND or a highly sensitive person. Nothing wrong with any of those! I kinda relate bc this could describe me but from the women’s side. Not in a humble brag way but that I look like I should fit in with the majority of straight women and I 10,000% don’t and have always struggled a bit with friendships. I’ve always been a few-close-friends type of person and most of my friends are queer or ND. I’m reading the HSP book now and I really relate to that a lot and it talks about how we can have difficulties with friendships so that’s why I thought of it.

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