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Porsche_Cayennelive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Porsche_Cayennelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. As someone who at one point had an unhealthy attachment/codependency with another person ( to the pointvi had anxiety/felt sick if we didnt talk…11+ year friendship bwfore we realized the toxicity.) She needs to break off the “friendship” when it is hindering her relationship. Shes choosing to ignore that this person, for her own selfish gains and pettiness, decided to lie about you just because you voiced your feelings about said friend. You have a right to feel how you feel and had valid reasons. Her friend didnt have valid reasons for lying about you, and definitely didnt have any right to cast shade and diminish the birthing/labor experience and getting to finally meet your child face to face. As for your girlfriend. YOU are her boyfriend, who she has decided to have a child with- she should trust you especially if youve never given her reason to distrust you, she should have listened to the situation from your side of things and realize that this friend was being petty because her feelings got hurt (boohoo) and wanted to get revenge. She needs to decide if her family is more important to her. Or if this friend is more important to her. Someone who will try and give you doubts about your relationship and is willing to flat out lie about them to cast them in a bad light at any point in time for any random reason such as they just dont like her boyfriend- is that someone she wants to keep around? Is that someone she wants her child around? There's no telling honestly what that friend could teach your child. From where im standing it seems as though she is choosing her friend over you (of course im a random internet stranger so my opinion doesnt matter- take it like a grain of salt) but id be hurt. It will be hard if she decides to cut the friendship off especially if their that attached to each other. But she really needs to realize what the healthier options for her family is. This friend had already caused a pregnant woman unnecessary stress, upset a bit before her due date for her own selfish pettiness…Not a good friend at all weather she admitted to lying or not, how can she trust her to not do something like that again when she randomly gets her feelings hurt?

  2. Are you drinking an excessive amount or mixing alcohol with psychiatric medicines that should not be consumed with alcohol? The blackouts are really worrying. Im concerned for your brain and liver.

  3. buddy, she doesn't know what she wants yet, and it's kind of skeevy for somebody your age to be looking at girls that don't know who they are yet for that type of relationship.

  4. She doesn't want children. She's 35 and if she's not 100% sure about children then that means it's not happening. She's not interested. Also, I am a child of a mother who did not want children… Don't have children unless both of you 100% want them.

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