Congratulations, you moved in with an inconsiderate, selfish jerk. This is why many of us look back on our late teens and early 20s and delve to on how much better our relationship choices are now compared to how they were back then.
As pointed out, it's her insecurities. I would maybe explain how you want to share it with her BECAUSE she's the most important person that you care about in terms of support. That you love her regardless and your there for her.
Worthy to note, therapy might not be a bad idea for her
He has accused you of not being honest about something something (it seems to be something significant) so consequently “you lose the good ones” (i.e., him). He's 30-years-old so it's strange that he's acting like a pre-teen but he's definitely broken up with you.
I e had some basic jobs that I LOVED. The co workers were better, the customers were awesome because they loved the product. He can find something he won’t hate as much as his gf breaking up with him.
I had the opposite of this when I was 16 at the time (male) talking to an older woman at the time (26). Seriously. I’m now 24 and even 20 year olds feel like children to me. The age gap and maturity at younger ages is absolutely crazy. You may think you are mature, and comparatively to other people your age you probably are! But in even a year or two, you’ll look back at yourself now and go “oh my god she knows nothing”. That cycle repeats every year (and has done for me) every year even till I’m 24 now. Please, please listen to everyone else saying the same thing – this guy is creepy, knew exactly what he was doing to get you to “seduce him” and your cousin is right. I know you can’t always tell the full story on a Reddit post, but you are really too young to have this much of an age gap.
I have probably worded the post badly since it’s hard to explain but I don’t always think my partner is wrong and when I am wrong about something I accept it. It’s more me bringing up differing opinions of things. I won’t try to change her mind or say her opinion is wrong I’ll just state my own opinion and why I have it etc. this is the main thing that happens but there are times when there is a right and wrong answer, using the train v coach example in the post for example.
He doesn't like your figurines, but expects to be able to have his and also his own gamer decor too?
This isn't a “compromise” even, he just refuses to let you have any say with things you like, while expecting to do what he wants.
Why can't you both share a display case? Him with one level you with another or something?
Why does he get his Gamer decor up while you seem to get none of your own?
This isn't a shared house, not when it's basically his and you're a visitor and there's no sign two people live there.
Sit his backside down and level with him that this isn't fair, it's not reasonable, if you live together you compromise and go 50/50 as if you're splitting bills, you get a say.
If he doesn't like your figurines, well don't look at them – they're horses for pete's sake it's not like they're obscene – if he gets to have his stuff on show then so do you and that means not hiding them away as no disrespect here but while I don't mind Funko Pops, nor Horses, if he's going to be childish and petty over his stuff taking precedence and being “ok” while yours is “creepy” you have bigger issues to handle that should precede you living together.
I never would have thought that I would not immediately say goodbye to someone that cheated on me! But life is not perfect there are shades of gray! There’s a thin line between love and hate and I’m navigating ?your words speak truth to me though ?I think that I need to leave my husband ?
I'd like to drink responsibly rather than to excess. I'm actually fine with beer – I'm able to drink at pace and keep it low-percentage. Funnily enough since meeting my boyfriend I've been getting drunk *less* because I'm substituting wine with beer more. The alarm bell incidents have all involved wine, which I drink like juice.
I think I'll aim to keep it sober like my last 5 days for weekdays, and at weekends try to drink responsibly and stick to beer.
Tell him you don’t want him to do that, to block her etc. It’s worth a try. Breaking up is always an option if it fails – but then you’ll have a reason.
(Also apologies for comment editing but sometimes I post before I’m done thinking)
You are brave, as a man shorter than 6 feet i always was attracted to women shorter than me. I always had 3 rules for women I would consider girlfriend material.
I have to want my mother to meet them. Can't be taller than me in 3 inch heels. Can't be into horses because i fucking hate that shit.
You are brave, as a man shorter than 6 feet i always was attracted to women shorter than me. I always had 3 rules for women I would consider girlfriend material.
I have to want my mother to meet them. Can't be taller than me in 3 inch heels. Can't be into horses because i fucking hate that shit.
He could, he just chose not to. He’s at a restaurant having breakfast with his Mother right now while I’m crying writing this.I told him that and he said it didn’t matter because he was hungry
It’s abuse. They’re right.
Verbal abuse/ bullying AND he’s not behaving like a gentleman. If he doesn’t make some serious changes then I’d leave him.
Congratulations, you moved in with an inconsiderate, selfish jerk. This is why many of us look back on our late teens and early 20s and delve to on how much better our relationship choices are now compared to how they were back then.
Is he generally selfish outside this one issue?
As pointed out, it's her insecurities. I would maybe explain how you want to share it with her BECAUSE she's the most important person that you care about in terms of support. That you love her regardless and your there for her.
Worthy to note, therapy might not be a bad idea for her
Explain the part about your past/their concerns about the past
He has accused you of not being honest about something something (it seems to be something significant) so consequently “you lose the good ones” (i.e., him). He's 30-years-old so it's strange that he's acting like a pre-teen but he's definitely broken up with you.
I was broken up with by someone changing their status on facebook! I called as soon as I noticed and he was like, “I was gonna tell you.”
WHEN??? Obviously not before you cheated on me or told the whole world you were dumping me.
He said he didnt dump me on FB, but that is where I found out I was dumped so…
I e had some basic jobs that I LOVED. The co workers were better, the customers were awesome because they loved the product. He can find something he won’t hate as much as his gf breaking up with him.
It’s okay I know the truth hurts, that is why you come on here to project that ?
Common law would disagree.
But that's beside the point. They can go down the to courthouse and get married tomorrow afternoon. But I don't think that's what she wants.
She wants a wedding, not a marriage. A marriage is what she already has.
If you don't think that's true then I'm going to say you've probably never been married.
I’m sorry that happened to your cat as well.
I had the opposite of this when I was 16 at the time (male) talking to an older woman at the time (26). Seriously. I’m now 24 and even 20 year olds feel like children to me. The age gap and maturity at younger ages is absolutely crazy. You may think you are mature, and comparatively to other people your age you probably are! But in even a year or two, you’ll look back at yourself now and go “oh my god she knows nothing”. That cycle repeats every year (and has done for me) every year even till I’m 24 now. Please, please listen to everyone else saying the same thing – this guy is creepy, knew exactly what he was doing to get you to “seduce him” and your cousin is right. I know you can’t always tell the full story on a Reddit post, but you are really too young to have this much of an age gap.
I have probably worded the post badly since it’s hard to explain but I don’t always think my partner is wrong and when I am wrong about something I accept it. It’s more me bringing up differing opinions of things. I won’t try to change her mind or say her opinion is wrong I’ll just state my own opinion and why I have it etc. this is the main thing that happens but there are times when there is a right and wrong answer, using the train v coach example in the post for example.
I think it’s too early for him to say it I love you means a lot I
You edited your comment and took out the bit that said 'to make it less painful'. That's where i got the painful from.
Not the right place OP.
Maybe try searching subs related to your issue and try your best to resume what you wanna say, will be also useful as an exercise for yourself.
So basically it's one rule for you, one for him.
He doesn't like your figurines, but expects to be able to have his and also his own gamer decor too?
This isn't a “compromise” even, he just refuses to let you have any say with things you like, while expecting to do what he wants.
Why can't you both share a display case? Him with one level you with another or something?
Why does he get his Gamer decor up while you seem to get none of your own?
This isn't a shared house, not when it's basically his and you're a visitor and there's no sign two people live there.
Sit his backside down and level with him that this isn't fair, it's not reasonable, if you live together you compromise and go 50/50 as if you're splitting bills, you get a say.
If he doesn't like your figurines, well don't look at them – they're horses for pete's sake it's not like they're obscene – if he gets to have his stuff on show then so do you and that means not hiding them away as no disrespect here but while I don't mind Funko Pops, nor Horses, if he's going to be childish and petty over his stuff taking precedence and being “ok” while yours is “creepy” you have bigger issues to handle that should precede you living together.
Walk away. No, make the RUN away.
“You” can not help his recovery – he will need a lot of professional help.
You are just 18 – just go away.
Yes you are a fool to talk to him. ? duh. Plus you are the rebound after the break up.
I never would have thought that I would not immediately say goodbye to someone that cheated on me! But life is not perfect there are shades of gray! There’s a thin line between love and hate and I’m navigating ?your words speak truth to me though ?I think that I need to leave my husband ?
He’s unreasonable and selfish.
Here’s an idea: you guys can chat when it’s early-morning your time & late-night his time. This won’t work every day, but it’s ideal for your weekend.
During the week, maybe you can wake up A bit early for shorter chats.
As it is, he’s demanding that you be sleep deprived, and he’s sacrificing absolutely nothing. Then he has the audacity to be mad that you’re tired?
Honestly, he’s too selfish to continue to date.
I'd like to drink responsibly rather than to excess. I'm actually fine with beer – I'm able to drink at pace and keep it low-percentage. Funnily enough since meeting my boyfriend I've been getting drunk *less* because I'm substituting wine with beer more. The alarm bell incidents have all involved wine, which I drink like juice.
I think I'll aim to keep it sober like my last 5 days for weekdays, and at weekends try to drink responsibly and stick to beer.
Tell him you don’t want him to do that, to block her etc. It’s worth a try. Breaking up is always an option if it fails – but then you’ll have a reason.
(Also apologies for comment editing but sometimes I post before I’m done thinking)
You are brave, as a man shorter than 6 feet i always was attracted to women shorter than me. I always had 3 rules for women I would consider girlfriend material.
I have to want my mother to meet them. Can't be taller than me in 3 inch heels. Can't be into horses because i fucking hate that shit.
You are brave, as a man shorter than 6 feet i always was attracted to women shorter than me. I always had 3 rules for women I would consider girlfriend material.
I have to want my mother to meet them. Can't be taller than me in 3 inch heels. Can't be into horses because i fucking hate that shit.
He could, he just chose not to. He’s at a restaurant having breakfast with his Mother right now while I’m crying writing this.I told him that and he said it didn’t matter because he was hungry
Give yourself permission to grieve. Socialize with friends, get exercise the only true cure is time.
Say yes but only if he wears a clown costume everywhere. Give him the same reasons he gave you
You should be asking yourself if she'll apply this level of honesty to other aspects of your relationship going forward.
Nope, he just said that his parents reaction was an APPROPRIATE one.