PassionVikki live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 26, 2022

16 thoughts on “PassionVikki live webcams for YOU!

  1. Break up for your sake and hers. If you don’t feel it then you don’t feel it. It’s best to move on and be with someone who makes you happy and happy in bed

  2. There are so many different relationships and personalities. It could be your feeling affection and concern. If it is more of a caretaker feeling, it's not hurting anyone so stop worrying.

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  4. It’s not really about forgiving me it’s about helping both of us. I’m not just going to be doing couples counseling with him I want him to go to Therepy himself without me because it’s something he needs and I want to support. We’ve been dating a year now and I’ll be 18 in not even a month, I’m also in Therepy as I stated. I’m not going to just give up on him because I love him and I see us having a future together and so has he

  5. When I read a relationship post I like to read the relationship post and really consider the relationship post. If the relationship is really there, then it’s something I should consider giving advice on, though I’m honestly not interested in considering things. I should just accept that the relationship has progressed.

    Or maybe it’s interesting. I’m uncertain. I’ll need to think about it.

  6. Thank You! I wondered how far I'd have to scroll to find this statement. This woman is a walking public health hazard. I wonder how many people she has infected?

  7. My husband has taken to buying me fun underwear and sexy things and we have fun doing a private fashion show lol – I lost weight and was able to graduate to pretty underthings and we both had fun. Make it fun and I’d bet she joins in – go get something for you to model for her!

  8. He is like 30. I can tell he is not a good man. A hypocrite. You stay with him and find out how he will treat you in years to come.

  9. Try to let the past stay in the past. He doesn't continue to do this now, so you need to trust him and let his past decisions go. You need to trust him and stop letting porn be an issue since neither of you use it anymore

  10. I’m from the US and sure we aren’t known for our culinary skills either

    I’m going to stop you there because I think there’s a difference between the perception of a country’s cuisine and the people’s culinary skill (the ability to prepare food).

    Pretty sure most people consider the later to be about the same across equal socio-economic groups in different locations.

    I think anyone who actually expects the average italian to have a better understanding of technique, application and theory outside the dishes they make regularly than the average Irish person, is probably off their rocker.

    But on to your larger question: I would recommend getting veggies introduced by making delicious slightly less healthy versions of veggies that he’ll enjoy. I’m talking Brussels sprouts and broccoli doused in fat, heavily seasoned and roasted, and served along some potatoes. Meet him halfway and he’ll probably meet you halfway as well. You’be got chef experience, make delicious dishes that are a little unhealthy now to avoid the really unhealthy ones down the road

  11. Yeah, that's real weird. It sounds very very controlling and abnormal, and all related to what you wear. He needs to back off.

    Do you have children?

  12. I agree that he probably doesn't want to date you, but you don't even know for sure. My point is that you have two options and need to discuss them. Neither of you did anything wrong, but it seems that you are the only one with romantic feelings, that's the friendzone. I would talk with him because maybe he's hiding feelings too. Very strange that he lied about dates. It's simple: you can't be this close of friends with him unless it turns into something more. Cupid's fault.

  13. You’re going to have a hard time finding a partner that accepts their partner living with someone of the opposite sex. Man or woman wouldn’t be comfortable with this situation.

    It’s his boundaries and that is perfectly normal amongst most people, it’s not insecurity it’s a boundary.

  14. Cheaters cheat. And they lie. Her betrayal is not your fault, and her refusal to take responsibility for her actions means it’ll almost certainly happen again.

  15. Exactly, I'd also bet she's still involved with husband.

    She's basically asking the OP to buy a house for her and her husband.

    Even if husband was out of equation completely, there is still no reason for him to be the only one to pay, let alone let her be only one with her name on the contract.

    Sometimes I genuinely can't believe shitty people like OP's gf exist.

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