Orianabrooks live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 10, 2022

14 thoughts on “Orianabrooks live webcams for YOU!

  1. I thought y’all were dating…but I think you guys need to talk about what you guys are. If you keep supporting her the way you are and let you guys say “I love you” etc the line between being exclusive will blur. She also does need to see therapy especially if she wants to better herself. I say this as someone who was dealt with SA by a family member. But you really want to figure where you are placed. Like will you continue like this for two years? Five?

  2. There's no bias involved. People don't leave their partners to pursue another person before something has been established with that other person. It just isn't how it works. That means that they betrayed the relationship when they gave room for another person to get between you. They betrayed the relationship when they indulged their extra-relationship romantic feelings and allowed them to grow. Then they lied when they ended the relationship without mentioning their history and intentions with this other person.

  3. I had an ex like this. Did not listen to boundaries and then was angry at me when I got upset about him violating those boundaries. Would be hurt and insecure and angry at me for not “loving him enough to not have boundaries with him.” It was very exhausting and confusing – making me feel like it was wrong of me to not want to be touched certain ways. In the end, if he had just respected them, I would have been so much closer and safer with him – but he didn’t so it reinforced me wanting them.

    I can tell you, it doesn’t change. It continues. And the reactions from him will get bigger over time. It starts out like a small thing, but it turns I to bigger resentment and this fear of being unheard. I don’t think this will ever change. So think about if you want to deal with this every day forever.

  4. Ummm… so, you are not in a relationship with the boyfriend. Boyfriend and wife are in a relationship with each other (independent from you) and are having a kid together.

    I know she is legally your wife, but the dynamic looks like you’re just the third wheel? When the kid comes along, are you going to be the nanny or what exactly?

    They didn’t include you in the decision to have a baby because they don’t see you as an equal partner in this dynamic. And that’s because you’re not. Maybe you have a relationship with your wife beyond a legal piece of paper… but you’re not her main partner. The person she is making long term decisions with, her boyfriend, is her main partner.

    You sure you’re not just their roommate?

  5. you need to have a heart to heart talk with your husband. Let him read this post so that he can understand how hurt you truly feel.

  6. This doesn’t sound great. Have you told him you would like to meet them? How it makes you feel that you haven’t? I would ask him if there was anything holding him back from wanting to introduce you to them. If he doesn’t have a reasonable answer to that question i would start feeling like he’s hiding something.

  7. I would start positioning myself for life as a single woman. If you're not working, get a job or get training to get a job. He might have a tremendous amount of credit card debt that you are unaware of – he has to be spending money on these affairs. Make sure he is paying income taxes so that you're not surprised if he isn't. Try to find out if he's taken out any equity loans against any property you might own. Look toward a future without him as it appears he will be leaving you. Contact a lawyer to prepare yourself for any legal action he may take against you.

  8. Get over yourself….

    It's all in your own head. Sounds like she's trying to accommodate you.

    Honestly men are much more fragile than people overall would come to believe. And I understand where you would be coming from. But honestly….

    Nice she's young….roll with it and enjoy lol better than alternative So she's getting criticism and you getting residual noise….WHO CARES. Like people in general also care too much outside noise. Seriously maybe you just need to hear it. But it's YOU. Not her. She can't control this phenominon. You can control your own thinking (more or less)

  9. You are extremely annoying. You have a different version of this post ten times. I can only imagine how annoyed he must be with you.

  10. Get out of this sub – there is only one answer here. Go to r/AsOneAfterInfidelity if you want advice that actually answers your questions and offers you options.

    As for her why, she needs to figure this out or it can happen again. Is she in therapy? If so, has she worked on this?

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