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nene_sweet_mommylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat nene_sweet_mommy

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Birth Date: 1984-06-05

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Date: October 10, 2022

67 thoughts on “nene_sweet_mommylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Just be straight forward. I would maybe give him another text or maybe even try calling, which ever feels more comfortable.

    Better yet, send a text asking when would be a good time for you to give him a call. Then express that you thought there was supposed to be a second meet up and no response at all is kind of offensive. Ask him is everything okay

  2. Since the business asked the old boss that was sleeping with his wife. I feel you could sue on defamation on that. I doubt that they gave a good review

  3. Dude. You need professional help to handle this. Whether it's couples counseling, or just someone you trust you can tell who can be on your team. This is not healthy. I would never marry someone who thinks they own me.

  4. Ohhh thaaaats why you’re so fussy. Yeah I don’t like his dick size. Never said it was the end of the world tho ? it just might make me less likely to initiate sex sometimes and I know that might hurt him. Does that make sense to you at all yet?

  5. Not really-what I’d care about far more is a work ethic/ambition/drive/plan. You’re in high school. Nobody expects you to be rich or have a huge place (honestly it’s impressive you’ve got an apartment). I’d care if you were lazy, had no plans/hopes for the future, and didn’t want to improve yourself.

    And as a side note, choose somebody with a work ethic like your own. If you’re willing to put in the work and you’ve ambitious, choose somebody similar, or you’re likely to come to resent each other.

  6. Yes before it’s too late, she’s keeping you as the “settle option” when she’s tired of getting with people she’ll go to you, the last option, cut all contact with her and heal, trust me, she sees you as the last resort for when she wants to stop being with a lot of men, so please leave, good luck my guy

  7. Well her giving you anxiety is absolutely not going to help. If she's going to be like that just let her leave and find someone who has a libido similar to yours.or speak to a doctor and find the root cause.

  8. I don't think he did know – she said she never told him it bothered her.

    Edit: Until she very literally started getting mad about it after 2 years.

  9. u/Eastern-Conflict-164, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. u/princessmononoke22, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. Why do you feel bad?

    You have nothing wrong. You never made any promises he has the choice and ability to talk to other women. Omg lady have some self respect. Your not a candy that a little boy wants. Your a human being a person with your own rights.

    You don't owe him anything.

  12. Im not saying you are angry but that you life in an angry society (im not english so it may sound weird to you, I mean in a very aggressive society where it seems that violence is the solution to the problems, that guns get solved with more guns and that peaceful protests should be dismissed with police force). I understand that you were scared but I also think that believing people are going to silence you for “knowing too much” is a very US way of seeing things, that or you are part of a mafia, which doesnt seem like it

    Of course how can you not be scared, but I think being scared for that is too much, therefore why I suggested therapy

  13. I think so too… what throws me off is that he says he wants to be in the relationship. Maybe he’s just too comfortable

    Thank you

  14. It’s not, I would argue it’s exposing her to different people and different activities which is enriching her life rather than taking away from it.

    If they are enjoying their time together, what’s the harm?

    Maybe if something happened between you two and he stopped coming around, that maybe hard for her. I can see how that would suck, but we can’t just avoid having relationships with other to avoid hurt

  15. You’re way too controlling and suffocating. She needed space from you so bad she lived this random guy. This is on you. You can’t freak out everything she makes you jealous, as you seem to be easily jealous. You’re lucky she’s giving you another chance. More people wouldn’t as it’s not much fun being controlled. Imagine she treated you like you treat her. That would get pretty old pretty fast, don’t you think?

  16. Your friend sounds like he shouldn't be a friend.

    He's clearly giving two different answers here as he wants to get away with whatever he can with you Girlfriend and push you out of the picture as if you are the ass here.

    The fact both you and your GF are setting boundaries for him should already be setting off alarms, that he's giving two different answers is more alarms still.

    Much less his half-assed “I guess I'll make an effort”.

    He's no friend.

  17. I read the original thread and this one, and it's unclear… are we talking about 2-3″ heeled Western style boots? Or Louboutin peep-toe slingback pumps?

    No judgement here, BTW, I'm just trying to figure out how badly the GF overreacted.

  18. Unfortunately, your wife cannot see that has she is in an abusive relationship. I would treat her like an addict, and have an intervention with family and friends, maybe a therapist also. I would have everybody spell out the differences they saw in her after she broke off contact and remind her of all the pain her abuser has caused when in her life. I would also tell her that you cannot just standby and watch her destroy her life over her abuser and that you are there to help her, help herself.

  19. Man he does not care about you at all. Save yourself OP. Leave him before it gets worse. Don't let him sweet talk you into staying.

  20. Tell her: “If you dont think you are pretty enough to cancel that out, we can certainly look for an egg donor who is.”

  21. Clearly he didn't want the baby as much as you do cause if he did then he'd be happy and not even think that way. Also, if he feels like you're trapping him then he obviously still thinks of the possibilty of not being with you anymore and now he's stuck cause of the baby. His feelings towards this are as clear as day. And to go confide in his brother and create that impression of you… Nah fam, y'all either lack communication, or comprehension.

  22. Without evidence that he has or will abuse the child, he was deemed a fit father in the eyes of the court. She didn’t willingly leave her child with him, she fought a long court battle that she ultimately lost.

    Nobody is forgetting the child, least of all OP.

  23. Depends where you are from. I am from Ontario, Canada and my ex wasn’t allowed custody or visitation based on an assault incident between me and him 1 time where he was charged.

  24. If everyone in your office knows what you did, your husband will eventually find out, too, unless you change jobs. Go ahead and tell him and live with the consequences.

  25. I think block, but if you want to respond and acknowledge I think the way to go is a simple thumbs up. Then block him.

  26. His female friend sounds like such a NLOG. “She's one of the guys!” I'm sorry this happened to you, and I think your bf should become an ex. He didn't have your back. He doubled down on his awful behaviour, and he didn't stand up to his friends. Shame on him. Good luck x

  27. I understand what I did was wrong and I really feel bad about doing that. I was sharing with my friends about her past but very briefly because I want them to understand what my current situation with relationship is.

    A lied about a small part of what i said to her and instantly told her that it was a lie because I didn’t want her to feel bad which she already does.

    I know I fucked up badly and I feel guilty about everything. I will accept going forward that it’s going to be hard for us since I broke her trust.

  28. You said his ex wife is moving out in 2 months. He’s still very married and no one told you because everyone would assume you knew and accepted it. You aren’t the first and won’t be the last and he’ll probably stay married.

  29. PS I love her very much and breaking up is not an option at all

    So your option is to stay with someone who is out there raw dogging people and bringing home STIs? Ok, what advice would you be looking for then?

  30. I did no downvote you my man lmao But feel free to downvote all my dumbasses comments. It’s not like I’m paid in reddit karma. I honestly don’t give a fuck

    And not high, but pretty tipsy actually. So yeah, I’m probably understanding half of the comments I’m reading

  31. seems like she may have married for reasons outside of love (sunk cost fallacy, settling, money, etc.) but now she's seeing what she could have had if she'd married someone like your husband she wants him

  32. he yells at me, tells me to shut the fuck up, calls me names (idiot, bitch, cunt)

    Leave. This isn't how you speak with people you love.

  33. Don't put yourself out there. Less stress on you. The bridal party will do their part.

    Have fun with the wedding you are involved with. It sounds like you will make it an amazing experience.

  34. Of course she had fun and enjoyed the things she won’t do with you. She was a sex worker too.

    You’re married to someone whose values around sex are not aligned with your own. And she’s not as attracted to you as she was to these other men. Now what? You’re not going to be able to get the thought of what she did in those videos out of your head.

  35. I've missed flights and I still put the hotel through on my expense report. Every expense when traveling for the company gets charged.

  36. He sounds like an idiot.

    End the relationship there no fixing this he immature and being in a relationship you don't say oh well I need to go fu#k someone to even out the scales.

    Tell him he can go even out the scales all he wants because it is over.

    There is no other way to fix this, and do not be stupid and have a threesome Jesus, you have done nothing wrong.

  37. No, he knows women don’t write about it. It was his disgusting passive aggressive way of letting her know he wanted his dick sucked ?

  38. That's ludicrous. He's either out of his mind or is so controlling and manipulative that he expects you to believe this.

    He is not a good person. At all.

  39. Just go live your life and look for the right people that should be in your life. One day you’ll wake up and not even remember her name or face, and that day will come sooner than you think.

  40. Regardless of your relationship situation, it seems like you need to move out. Your parents are too invested in your life, and you should not have to deal with physical and verbal abuse.

  41. Yes. But you wouldn't bogus invite him.

    But straightout tell him you wanted a mini vacation on your own, wouldn't you?

  42. Not to jump to any conclusions, and we don't know where your beliefs lie, but… do you really want to bring another child into the world with an abusive father? If you've been married less than a year, how far along can you be? Is this something you would consider ending if it helped you seek a safer situation for yourself and your already born children? Don't they deserve to feel safe and secure in their home? You have some hard decisions ahead of you, but it might be something to truly think about.

  43. I would be worried about the fact how this family handled this situation. How much your boyfriend would be capable to handle any hard situation if they have this past collectively and no one talks about it and they all stayed with this person who should sit in a prison cell? Can you imagine letting your future children be in their house? These family secrets and traumas can be really difficult because things will jump out of under the rug at some point and probably you would get the same support as the poor victim. I would stay away from this family, far far away.

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