Nathymoon live webcams for YOU!


the girl wants to fuck until cumming and squirt// 111 tks control me, ♥ [2211 tokens remaining]

Date: October 9, 2022

18 thoughts on “Nathymoon live webcams for YOU!

  1. Pro tip, save money on a climate controlled storage unit by investing in a new bf instead. Why are you with and planning to have kids with this loser? Run! He is literally waving his 'mother' of a red flag right in your face!

  2. You can’t fix him he’s an adult. You can only fix yourself. You need to decide is he worth it? Sounds like new job every 6 months is his normal.

  3. Sounds like you’re not the one with fertility issues. It’s just about figuring out if you just want the baby or to raise the baby in a 2 parent home. Maybe find somebody that’s serious about you and also wants a baby if the ONS isn’t a real prospect?

  4. Been reading other stories in your profile. I admire you greatly for your strength and dedication. It will be rough getting him out of his fog with respect to his family. In the vein of your idea to recreate the list together, maybe add columns (like a spreadsheet) where you assess what you view the severity as (likert scaling or 1 to 10) so that he realizes that if you are acknowledging they are mixed severity it will increase his ability to allow the list to be more comprehensive. Maybe introduce ideas to make these things more like “professional assessment “ versus “burn list”. Journaling like this can be a very effective therapeutic tool

    Additionally, to help with his own path in standing up for you more/up to his FOO more, maybe have one night a week where you find some assertiveness role play YouTube videos with tips around discussions w difficult folk. Or have a joint reading discussion on books read on a similar topic. Having a designated night allows him to feel like it’s not something being sprung on him or always a topic of contention if it is a topic that is dealt with in a regular and timely manner, and it helps both of you

    Best of luck and many hugs to you

  5. Throwing him out might be the only thing that will wake him up. He doesn’t offer you anything apart from stress and an extra mouth to feed.

  6. Talk to him again and see what he says. A conversation is necessary, not just you expressing how you feel and him staying silent.

    It's important to still do the special things together and for each other even with a newborn, and to put in effort for each other.

  7. Everyone in here pissed off at OP's boyfriend and calling people insecure. 50% of marriages end in divorce. 60% of partners cheat or would cheat if given the chance. 70% of divorces are started by the woman.

    Your feelings are irrelevant, it's a simple fact that most of you don't have it figured out. The vast majority of us are insecure, we're not perfect, and everyone has good intentions until oops I ruined my relationship.

    You know what's a common trait for the ones that DO survive for life? They protect their relationship. They set boundaries and goals. And they're usually traditional relationships.

    Sis, do you want your BF to resent you for ignoring his feelings for your own benefit? Also, where do y'all plan on going with this if you both move and live in entirely different towns? You can't long distance for life. What's y'all's goal?

    Do you see him in your future? Is living with your friend the most important thing in your life right now? There's a middle ground. It's not about who's right or wrong.

  8. here's my go to “move” from when I was a young and fit f-boy.

    Talk to her about favorite childhood movies. Let her go first. No matter what she says is hers, you say you have never seen it. Never. If she's into you, she'll be over your place watching it with you on the couch. you probably won't finish the movie if she's really into you.

    I must have “never seen” Labyrinth 10 times.

  9. How often does your fiancé actually search through your phone looking for evidence that you’ve cheated? It’s one thing to swap passwords, another to use them and regularly go through someone’s phone.

  10. That’s fine, but said ‘good’ man has to hold himself to the same standard.

    It’s fine to be turned off my your partner having a threesome as long as you yourself haven’t either had one or would be open to having one.


    knocking up to lock you in? what are you an object or a human being, you are absolutely instinctively right to want to break up, your gut feeling is spot on!

  12. Well dont become crazy!. Work on all your positive points and strive to make your marriage happy. He chose to be with you remember that. He has history, Im sure you do too.

  13. ?

    I mean, in my circles that's how I talk to my friends- but again I'm not gonna refute what you said, there is merit.

  14. Stop letting her do this. Since you keep letting it slide, she thinks it's okay. You are being a doormat. She is trying to hookup with other guys. You have to set a boundary and be willing to break up if she doesn't stop the behavior.

  15. Also we started talking a month after they officially broke up. Keep in mind when we got together he hadn’t found out she was pregnant yet.

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