NatalyGomez live webcams for YOU!


Hey guys let’s play hot, explodes my pussy

Date: October 30, 2022

14 thoughts on “NatalyGomez live webcams for YOU!

  1. I don’t have a rebound girl, if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t want to date anyone until the shit that’s happening in my life is at least manageable. And I literally can’t leave, because due to some funky legal stuff breaking my lease would leave my other two roommates homeless too.

    I’m definitely going to follow your advice on the possessions stuff and locks though. Looked through my lease, and it looks like I might have a way to keep the RG from sleeping in the house at least.

    I’m probably going to start stashing some stuff in my car that I don’t want messed with, since break-ins are rare here and it locks securely. And locking my door, since I do have a key for it.

    Fortunately this whole ordeal has forced me to well and truly get over my ex, so at least I’m not still mourning the relationship.

    Thanks for the advice

  2. ORRR, third option you forgot ? He is insecure with himself and won’t allow his partner to have close friends other than himself based on something small enough as gender, he refuses to work on himself, and I gtfo of there

  3. Hello /u/AlternativeM1lk,

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  4. What is a 32 year old man doing dating a 17-18 year old? It’s not in pedo territory per se, but it’s still creepy. Mentally and maturity-wise they should be on such separate plains that it’d introduce a huge power imbalance. And if they’re on the same level? That’s not flattering to the guy whatsoever.

  5. Why does it matter so much to him to keep doing it? Are these real people he knows? Are they random woman and his like gets thrown into an abyss of likes never to be seen again? The former is worse but they’re both bad. What compels him to continue, what does he get out of it? You can think someone is attractive without throwing your two cents in(in this case liking their pictures). I’ve been in my relationship for 7 years and if this had come to light a year in and it didn’t stop after saying something I’d be done. It’s okay if this is a dealbreaker for you. I almost left my boyfriend a year ago because he commented on a gif that was this woman showing off her vagina and he said, “#1 reason I want to move to Canada”. We have two small children and a low income so that shit is far off from ever happening. I don’t go through his phone often, my phone had died and he gave me his phone I was looking through his Reddit cause sometimes he comments funny things on here and we have similar humors. He wasn’t even responding to the actual person some dude probably reposted that gif but gosh dang it hit me hard. Things smoothed over after some time but I think about it more than I should, because it should have never been typed. It’s hard to say whether you should look through your partners phone because how are you suppose to know when fucked up shit is happening? We probably need therapy or to not be together but easier said than done. Find someone who doesn’t make you worry about those things. It’s not cheating but it’s disrespectful as fuck. You can watch porn or get off to a picture or whatever and not say anything and it’s fine. What compels people to take it a step further idk. I think instagram is ducked up because it’s real people, it’s like shopping around.

  6. Every time you ‘obey’ your husband, you tell your children that, at the end of the day, they do not matter to you.

    How your children see you respond to your husband’s demands teaches them what they should expect from their spouses.

  7. My point is that these arguments for these absurd boundaries(You can't be alone with someone you have the potential to be attracted to) falls apart immediately once queer people enter the picture. As another commenter said, they and their partner are bi- so if they followed such silly ideas then they would be left with no one to hang out with.

    The idea that you can't trust your partner with someone of the opposite sex is insane. To me it is indicative that either A: You don't trust them and thus shouldn't be with them or B: You are not ready for a relationship with such insecurities.

  8. Oh, yeah no, he should stay dumped. You did the right thing.

    If you give him another chance, he’ll come with a new, highly-unpleasant and very time-consuming hobby for you: monitoring his whereabouts and verifying all statements he makes. You don’t want to live like that, and you’d have to, because a man who would lie to you about that trip clearly doesn’t share your values. You’d never be able to trust him or predict his behavior.

  9. Why you took an adjustment. And turned it into an ending of a relationship. Everybody that steps up and commitment level goes through that for 3 to 6 months. Then they adjust and it settles. But you used it to not like her anymore. Break up so I can’t be nice to you, but I can’t say.

    She needs to get an apartment if you can help her she may not be able to get in the section it for years. I don’t know what her work situation is like that her child is old enough to go to school so she’s going to have to take responsibility and find work one job at least maybe two and get her self up on her feet I’d give her 90 days to do it but have a firm and date and say she needs to be moved out by that time. You cannot wait the time it takes for section 8 housing . Also stay single you’re not really suited for human consumption.

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