NARABEE live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 17, 2022

12 thoughts on “NARABEE live webcams for YOU!

  1. This is the reason why I think this post is bullshit.

    After I got my nipple pierced, there was no question of swapping temporary jewelry (made of medical grade silicone and titanium) for some cheap crap. The master warned me that women nipples they can heal up to 18 months.

    Even at the age of 19, pull out the jewelry that the master had just inserted into the nipples in order to stick luminous rings there? I do not believe. Impossible.

  2. I heard the same sorts of things when I was 14, 16, 18, etc. It doesn't matter that I'm still “young”, because I'm only getting older and it only gets to be a bigger and bigger problem with age. 16 is a pretty normal age for a lot of firsts in relationships. 18 is also normal enough, some people just need to be out on their own before they're able to realize themselves. But I'm even beyond that. Virtually everyone my age is gonna have years more experience than I do, which puts me at a huge disadvantage, on top of whatever else has kept me in a place where I'm not wanted.

    So I can't just leave it all in the wind to pick back up later on, because those later on opportunities aren't gonna exist. I'd like at least some time before I get started in a career to figure the whole dating thing out, because it's only gonna be harder after I'm out of college. I don't get why that's so hard for people to understand

  3. Ok first, where Are you from. And where is he from?

    You left your country, for him. But what is the culture differences. I’ve dated so many from so many different countries, I promise you now, what your experiencing is culture shock. And is something that is really really really hard to work out. But it can be done.

    As far as the intimacy, sometimes arguments get in the way, it’s so hard sometimes because your angry. If nothing else quit the argument, maybe till the next day.

    Nothing wrong with going to your partner and saying “I don’t want to talk about our fight again until tomorrow, right now I just want to be intimate, but we still have to continue this argument.”

  4. Hello /u/Leoparaa,

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  5. I feel ya. It's definitely a tricky situation and I totally get where you're coming from. The dude sounds like a sleaze, hitting on your girl in the past and asking her out when y'all are together now. But, you also gotta think about your girl's perspective. She's saying she just wants to catch up and that she's gonna reject him if he tries anything. And, I mean, she's been with you for 4 years, so it's not like she's gonna be all over this dude the second she sees him.

    From the sounds of it, it seems like she's trying to be a good friend and maybe she doesn't have a lot of those. So, if it were me, I'd probably let her go to the breakfast. But, if it starts becoming something more and you're not cool with it, then that's something you need to talk to her about. And, honestly, if the roles were reversed, I doubt she would be okay with you hanging out with some chick who hit on you in the past. So, just have a convo with her, lay out your feelings and see what she says. But, overall, trust your girl, she's been with you for 4 years and I'm sure she ain't gonna do something to mess that up.

  6. She's lying. She's feeling guilty for enjoying what happened and dismissing her own religious boundaries and now is placing the guilt on you.

    OP don't allow this type of behavior, it's very manipulative. Stand your ground, be firm, don't allow the lie to pass without consequences.

  7. You feel the way you feel for good reason. Your gut is telling you that you aren’t happy in this marriage or with this person. Don’t try to talk yourself into staying in a bad situation. You aren’t happy. You don’t trust him. He’s controlling and dismissive. It’s great that he’s nice sometimes, but so what? Even serial killers have good days. That doesn’t cancel out his bad behavior or change the way you feel about this marriage. Get out. While you’re still young. Don’t waste another precious minute of your life deliberately staying in a situation that makes you so unhappy.

  8. Being scared is no way to be in a relationship. Trust that initial instinct. I am glad you came here looking for advice.

  9. Why can’t she meet her friends at their places if they are bigger?

    You shouldn’t have to leave your own place.

  10. So, your husband lies about you. Lies to you. Doesn't contribute to your home and is threatening you?

    Does he have any positive influence on your life in any way?

    I would feel pretty fed up with my partner if I were you. I'm fact I would look for safe ways to end the marriage.

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