MuraSang live webcams for YOU!


murasang chat

Date: October 5, 2022

8 thoughts on “MuraSang live webcams for YOU!

  1. Going to hang out with an ex, especially in this situation, doesn't seem good. You risk hurting your now BF and you might give hope to the ex that is obviously still having some issues from the relationship.

  2. I say train the dogs and the kid. I got a 2 year old GSD I raised from a puppy. I know I could leave my switch and games out over night and he wouldn't touch them. It took a lot of consistent training and redirection to get him there though.

  3. No, cancel any wedding plans you may have. Tell him, if he wants to be with he needs to get over his ex. This means you will intentionally wear things that he asked you not to, and he will do all the things he wasn't doing, because of his.

    Essentially tell him to choose, “respect” for his ex or respect for you. Tell him this is a permanent choice he can either discard her or you will have to break up.

    Even if he agrees keep it up for some time to see if it lasts. Optimally at least 2 years, since he may put effort temporarily to lure you into marriage, and then revert to his current state.

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