MissKatee the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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MissKatee live sex chat

Date: January 17, 2023

20 thoughts on “MissKatee the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Hey! I’m a drunk and I’ve never pissed myself or on anything!

    I’m trying to be funny. But I’m dying on the inside.

  2. Next time take a moment for your brain to catch up to your fingers before you make such a moronic statement.

    My WaCkY CaPs are obviously (I thought) mocking the poster I replied to, for the same reason you are attacking me. Labeling everything that you don't like “cultural appropriation” completely diminishes the seriousness of real issues. Claiming to be fighting for social justice by feining outrage at trivial things – like consenting adults posing in hijabs – just to score some internet points when, as you mentioned, real heroes fighting for real justice are being tortured and murdered in real life doesn't sit well with me.

  3. i can most definitely see where he's coming from from his side of things, its just the excecution of it all. Id be willing to do things if he was like be safe and everything and have fun but just know that im gonna wanna meet him sooner than later. I just dont want me standing up for myself to turn into a huge fight, and i know just doing what he says would be easier but just super uncomfortable

  4. This situation sounds miserable.

    Don't sleep with someone who is not sure if they want to have sex. Why sleep with someone who doesn't even consider you a friend? Don't sleep with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself (unless that's your kink, then carry on)

  5. I'm commenting because your marriage seems to have very similar dynamic as mine, but I'm the husband. My wife is also emotional and undisciplined (? sorry, english as second language), while I'm the opposite. The other issues are also oddly similar.

    Your husband surely has serious problems, especially when he ignore the child. But I think you do have issues as well. I'll try to break it down:

    While our son was at his baseball game I ran home to grab jackets and my husband was sitting on the couch on his phone…

    You seem to have zero consideration about how to enter a “serious discussion”. You don't just poke someone who previously had an argument and demand a serious discussion “now” at your convenience. That's evident with your other attempts as well. Better way is to schedule a time, so the other party can prepare.

    My issue is how much control he wants despite all of this

    You want control and totally disregard your husband's eligibility to give input on your child. You automatically assume that if you do housework and childcare, you should have all say in related matter. From your description, that's never agreed or negotiated.

    The current situation resulted in us getting into a fight over our son.

    Important information here is who started the fight? Do you find your self to be the one starting? If that is correct, do think you started the fight because of him pushing you over the edge?

    I ended up yelling, close to having a panic attack, and told my husband how mad I was at him. He calmly looked at me and said I should go for a walk. I responded with “seriously?”

    Seems like you have problem with regulating your emotions.

    In your husband mind, you're emotional and unreasonable. He does not want to “trigger” you anymore. In your mind, you think you are ready to solve the problem and he's not cooperating.

    I have similar problem as your husband, I do shutdown quite often after arguments. However, I don't have such severe shutdowns as your husband and I'm of assertive type so I usually explain to my wife why I shut down after her yelling, crying, and panic attacks.

    but I do know our son tried to talk to him this morning and my husband didn’t say a single word to him.

    This is perhaps an incriminating event. I don't know for sure what actually happened in your husband's head. I can tell you my experience. I eventually got quite deep into depression (diagnosed by psychiatrist) after all those arguments with my wife. I detach myself from my family and my support system, a total shutdown. I don't have kid (luckily), but I stopped picking up phone calls from anyone who cares for me, lost a few friends. I also avoid my wife because I'm afraid of more “pains”, in a way I see her as an emotional abuser without knowing. That period last almost half a year.

    As for my wife, she thought that she's emotional because she cares, and I don't give a shit and just want to punish her. It took my wife years to admit that she has issues with regulating emotions, and also to admit that she's part of the problem.

    I did not coerce her into thinking that with my shutdowns, but our relationship got so bad that my wife brought up divorce, I agreed immediately and even insisted. She soon changed her mind and ask what she could do. I told her to see a psychotherapist to identify her own problems, or else we would divorce then. With therapy and better understanding, our relationship has been slowly getting better.

    Please note that there's a difference between seeking therapy to complain about your husband vs. seeking therapy to identify your own behavioral problem.

    I would not be surprised if you bring up divorce now, your husband would not resist. Your marriage sounds like torture to both of you.

  6. If I thought my SO was trying to give me a gift that made me happy that would be enough to make me happy. Don’t build your career around someone your not ready to marry. You care about this woman so your gut is working against your heart and it’s loud enough to hear. Maybe she’s not emotionally mature enough for the sort of relationship you want.

  7. It's interesting to me how some people say that sociopaths are devoid of emotion in it's entirety, because it's really things like kindness, love, and empathy that they lack. A desire for vengeance is an emotion. They seem to have negative emotions, like anger and envy.

    And I wonder why that is. Where these emotions are “stored” in the brain that they can experience the more negative ones but fail to conceptualize more positive ones.

    It's good when people are self aware of PDs are aware of their issues and put in the effort to understand and curb their negative impulses. But I think that OP is setting herself up for failure thinking of herself as an exception.

  8. I don’t know an exact date or anything, but basically he said he was tested the week or two before and he was clear for everything. That same night we talked about it though was also the same night we had sex.

    So I didn’t really have a chance to go get tested ?

  9. thank you for taking the time to write this he is not my boyfriend though, we just hang out together but we are intimate i don’t mind him talking about other women usually, but not about my best friend and not after i told him it makes me weirdly jealous wasn’t an intrusive though, it’s something he’d been thinking about for a while (idk, last few weeks maybe?) it was very weird for me he’d ask me about her ass and breasts, makes me a bit sick remembering it

  10. My dude, she's gone, she wanted to be gone. She didn't want a relationship with you, during a time when a strong relationship helps. Sounds like an excuse to dump your ass if you ask me. That tells you a lot. This is not the girl for you, be glad this happened now. Go NC, if you you see her stay nice, but keep your distance, move on and grow from this.

  11. Like the others, I'm not sure I'd call it controlling, but that may not even matter. What's obvious is he's incredibly insensitive, insecure and basically an asshole.

    If you want this relationship to work for some reason, you have to be a lot more firm. Don't address this stuff in the moment or right after. Instead, you need to have a much deeper convo where you specifically explain that these behaviors need to change or the relationship won't last.

    The biggest seems to be he doesn't listen to you or respect you. You don't eat shellfish. Full stop. When you say you need time before jumping into an activity, you're telling him something that doesn't require a response.

    Also, if you've been too accommodating all along, you're a small part of the problem. He keeps doing it because you keep letting him. I mention this only because he's treating you like a 5 year old child.

  12. Start focusing on yourself. Do you have hobbies, healthy distractions, or things you want to improve instead of focusing on your son living his life in a way you don't approve of? Your attitude is driving him away emotionally. I hope you realize that. He can't even share happy news with you without you making it about yourself and how he's not following tradition. Why are you acting like you can never go visit him? Get back on his good side by not being selfish so that you can be welcomed into their new home and family. No one wants to be around someone who resents them.

    Either try a new therapist or change your mindset. Try writing your post from your son's perspective. Think of having a parent who doesn't truly want to see you happy unless it aligns with how they picture their life. If you have expectations when it comes to other people (including your family), you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

  13. >I feel like, during arguments, he treats me more like a business partner than a girlfriend lmao; his responses are SO cut and dry.

    Honestly, you sound needy. If you have a problem, and you're asking for a solution, he's going to help you try and find a solution.

    >but didn’t really take care of me aside from hanging with me for a few hours one day

    That's fair. He doesn't want to catch COVID-19.

    >but he could’ve answered in a way that didn’t invalidate me and make me feel needy for wanting to see him.

    I doubt that's the exact quote he said, however that's the way you remember that quote. But I don't understand that quote tough.

    >I don’t need to be taken out on dates all the time, etc. but I still want to get some “princess” behavior

    If I had a girlfriend, and she told me that, that would be a massive red flag. Princesses are known for being demanding, needy, wanting to be put up on a pedestal, etc.

    >I want him to be at least a little afraid to lose me, ykwim?!

    Why the heck do you want to play these mind games?! That's very toxic of you.

    >but he’s just lacking in the affection department when we have arguments lol

    Why would someone be affectionate during arguments? Why?

    > He always verbalizes shit in the most logical way rather than sprinkling in some words of affirmation/affection. I respect that he’s blunt and I appreciate the tough love at times

    These two sentences conflict with each others. There's ways to soften ideas, but using “affection” isn't the way to resolve problems and solve arguments.

    Bluntly, if you were my girlfriend, and you started playing gams, I would end the relationship in a heartbeat. A person in a relationship should never be scared of losing another person, it just breeds distrust and a feeling of walking on eggshells – toxic behavior.

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