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missed_ulive sex stripping with hd cam


37 thoughts on “missed_ulive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. After they have a conversation about being exclusive it would be a problem.

    You mean what he's saying? Because he wants to hide it from her. She has the ability to decide this for herself, but he wants to take away that ability.

  2. Socializing with your coworkers is quite normal and often leads to personal (friendly or romantic) relationships. This isn't bad, and someone isn't disrespecting work place etiquette by making friends. You mentioned you're a sex worker? That most likely gives you a skewed view of what other jobs would have normal socializing.

  3. Don’t date Indians or middle eastern men. They won’t marry a “western” or “white” girl, their family is everything and any dating is for fun. If they aren’t married in a year or dating that’s it. Some even introduce the gfs and parents know it’s for fun.

  4. So then just have them let you know when they get off and pick them up then…. Sounds like an easy fix

  5. That's pretty trashy. And most states it's 48 months for Romeo and Juliet so it wouldn't be a crime in most. Just depends on what state this is.

  6. You're probably looking at the art of some preteen on the internet who thought a pink and green fox would look cool. There are a lot of “furry” artists who are astoundingly talented. Hell, a lot of practical monster effects in Hollywood are done by closeted furries. I've seen suits that looked like living breathing animals.

  7. Maaan You didnt take the hint when she fucked both exes back to back, using the technicality of “we werent official so it wasnt cheating” whyyyyy did You married her My guy whyyyyyyyyy? Stop rewarding thrashy people like that with sex/relationships stooooooop.

  8. A quick search on the limerence subreddit led me right to his posts. I read through all of them and I just want to say that I’m sorry this happened to you, OP. Your husband is obsessive, delusional, and pathetic, and you should absolutely divorce him.

  9. Your mom is a daughter who chose to stay close to her mom in order to help out.

    She is overwhelmed and stressed/exhausted, as you say.

    If you choose to stay, that will be you, too.

    Move away, start your own life, and set yourself up in a way where your own family doesn’t have to worry about your care in the future. I know it’s tough to leave your mom, but she made her choice and now it’s time you make you own. If you choose to leave, you’re breaking that cycle of being stuck.

  10. Honey, what does your partner bring to the table other than money? He should be lifting you up, not a dead weight dragging you down.

    Chores are a shared responsibility. Childcare is a shared responsibility. Those changes need to be in place before you return to work or you will lose yourself honey. If your husband can't get on board with that, it might be time for you to take a short vacation, leave him to take care of himself. How did he survive before you were doing everything for him? The man's working 36 hours and acting like he's a king. How many hours are you working taking care of your child and home? When do you get a break? When are your days off?

  11. Exactly.

    If he’s lying about something so small, just wait till the rest start coming.

    It’s not just about the restaurant but him being a pathological liar who can’t take accountability

  12. I don't think the next couple of weeks will change anything at all, however I think finally being reunited in person possibly could

  13. Well if it is any help, something my wife told me once, “when you are going through hell, keep going, just keep on keeping on” I don't know if it is from a movie or what, but just keep climbing.

  14. Wow.. I would be forever grateful if someone did that for me. What a gem of a partner.

    Maybe it really is incompatibility of values..

  15. I think you might want to preface it. I've done this with both my kids since early childhood, in front of their dad, grandparents and aunts/uncles. And I tell my friends. What I say is: “I don't care who you bring home, a boy or a girl, or a girl who used to be a boy, or a boy who used to be a girl, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters to me is that they bring a smile to your face. The second they don't that's when the problem starts.”

    So, have a conversation with your husband, say something like: “I am so glad -middle- is happy. I know we were all worried. All I ever want is for him to be happy, it didn't matter to me if he ended up with a girl, or a boy or… Just so long as he's happy. Don't you agree?”

  16. I agree that there is something here that OP needs to figure out. A married guy should not be spending time alone with a woman alone at her house. However,I am laughing to myself that if the roles were reversed and he was suspicious of her going to a guy's house alone, how many here would be screaming he is abusive, controlling, etc.

  17. Follow up with him and ask if he will be able to make it. Let him know that it would mean a lot to you for him to be there.

    Some people just aren’t that close to family—especially family that are far away—because they have a full life of their own. It doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem. It’s more “out of sight, out of mind”.

    I left my hometown in the US and moved to Europe right after college. I’ve now moved 26 times within the US, Europe, and Africa. My parents and my youngest brother and his wife/kids are still in the hometown. My middle brother and his wife and kids move around a lot too as they’re military. The closest middle brother or I have lived to home town has been a 12 hour drive.

    I love my family but it’s hard to stay in the loop when you’re so far away. I talk to my brothers a few times a year but we often struggle to have a conversation beyond “happy bday” or “merry Christmas” because I have no idea what they’re up to and they have no idea what I’m up to. We just don’t have much overlap unless we are talking about our mother’s health issues.

    But my brothers showed up for my wedding. And at the time, it meant a 12 hour drive for one and a flight from Europe to the US for the other. I let them know it was important to me (they walked me down the aisle) and they showed up.

    So just let him know how important it is to you. What he does with that info is up to him. ? that he goes!

  18. Not an answer, telling

    They were not exclusive, had never even gone out on a single date but somehow she owes him sexual exclusivity, yeah just because a bunch of guys got their dick in a knot at the mere thought of a woman not owing them shit when they are not dating, that doesn't mean your entitlement is rational

  19. This is definitely one of those scenarios where you need a neutral 3rd party that has no bias to assess the situation. It must be someone you can build trust with. I'd say seek a psychologist or psychiatrist to help you with a more informed decision as to how to go forward.

    In regards to the abortion, that's an extreme decision regardless of the other people in this story. If you want to keep your child, that's only your choice. No one should force you to keep or not keep the baby. Again, you can speak to the neutral party you trust to speak your mind in regards to the baby too.

  20. You make many assumptions as well as painting me out to be a horrible person because I made my sexual needs known? You are essentially saying that I don't deserve to have my needs met? How else is someone meant to decide if they want to be in a relationship other than ask for what they want? I considered the fact that it is unfair to ask for what I want without considering what she wants so I did and I came to terms with my own issues with it. I offered to have an mmf first but I am sure that doesn't change anything because I am a man and I do not have any right to feelings according to society I am just supposed to suck it up and get over it?

  21. What did he say about it when he asked you if you wanted to go? What fantasies have you talked about before this.

  22. This is a disaster on top of a mess, OP. Yes that's domestic violence, acting out and destroying property.

    Why did he quit his job? I have to guess there's a lot of shame of some kind going on in the background. In any case, seriously not okay. Needs an intervention basically. Hopefully this can be walked back right away. Hoping he understands he crossed the line; and can look at how he wound up there. What's really going in?

  23. I was not arguing about anything. I'm just explaining the situation a little more, but I get what you mean. I appreciate the advice. Thank you.

  24. INFO: How often does he see this friend?

    I have two ways of viewing this. One is that he rarely sees her. He used to talk about her a lot because they hung out a lot, but years have passed, they've grown older, he is with his girlfriend most of the time, and doesn't really have time to hang out. So she texts him when she needs a last minute “date” and doesn't really put a lot of thought into the girlfriend she does not know at all. Just like he puts little thought into her offer once he realized he already had plans with you. Honestly, she might have been trying to arrange meetups for a while, and he has been blowing them off because he would rather just stay in with you. Maybe she's interested. Maybe not. I like that she knew to say friend date, and that asking him on a date would be weird. Either way, HE is not interested.

    But if he sees her regularly – I would also not be comfortable, and would need to address it. It is strange that he has a close friend that you have only met once. That this close friend, who knows he is with you, thinks nothing of flippantly telling him to cancel on you. Male or female, if he is close with them, they should be aware of his relationship and respect it. And this kind of indicates that he has allowed a lowering of boundaries.

    Not the end of the world. But worth the discussion.

    I don't think you should worry or even be insecure. Nothing about those texts indicate cheating, and nothing about his behavior (because he could have made up an excuse and lied and cancelled on you) indicates he has any interest in being with her instead of you. I don't think your past conversation is a sign of anything other than young people aware of potential dates. Sure, she was someone he would have been fine considering dating. I'm sure there were plenty of guys when you were in your early 20s that you would have maybe said yes if they asked you out. But you never pursued relationships with those guys, and he never pursued one with her. Whatever that extra hump is that makes people take the leap beyond the observation of reasonably compatible person into the person they want to pursue – he didn't have that with her.

  25. I've read your answers to other people. I think you're trying to find out if what you're feeling is valid. Because as you say she's a good partner. She may be a good partner right now, but she's not a good life partner and has a lot of work to do on herself, emotionally. Your feelings about money are valid, it's really a deal breaker. It's the instant gratification thing, she may want a nose job, but she can't afford it, so instead of waiting she borrows. She wants an oversees trip, can't afford but can't wait. Lash business the same thing. Who the f..k gets a loan for a Jetski at 21? Also in the scheme of things none of the things she's getting loans for are important needs, they're all wants.

  26. I mean, if you go on the trip, it would make sense for whoever’s in the car to split the gas equally.

  27. I think they're talking about the post where you say your girlfriend gets turned on by gay men. He must've seen the sentence towards the end where you say “she's been taken advantage of by men before and I dont want to do that to her” and must've thought that her fantasy was about being SAed. And since they thought her fantasy was to be SAed, they then assumed that she made up the r*pe story.

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