Mily 74 live webcams for YOU!


TODAY I HAVE YOUR FAVORITE POSE, MY ASS IN HD ? [454 tokens remaining]

Date: October 21, 2022

46 thoughts on “Mily 74 live webcams for YOU!

  1. This sounds like love bombing, I’m so sorry you had this experience and you don’t have family close maybe bumble bff or an activity you enjoy could help you with a good healthy community of friends first to help you see if anything is ever awry again and I’m just really sorry you’re hurting

  2. Life always works out when you just cut out anything that brings you down bro. 90% people are in bad situations and don’t realize they chose to be in the situation and can leave at anytime. Keep that in mind and I’m sure in two months I’ll have a message from you thanking me for applying this ?

  3. Excuses on his end, he is a chronic cheater and a liar. You will never be enough for him. Why on earth marry so young?? Walk away and protect yourself.

  4. I can't think of a bigger red flag.

    block him and end everything. NOW.

    make sure he can't easily get to you/find you

  5. It sounds like he doesn't want it. If you feel guilty and don't want to keep the gifts, the less personal stuff can be dropped off at a charity. Near me we have local thrift stores that provide money for adults with developmental disabilities, women's shelters, and the homeless that are all happy to accept almost new clothing.

  6. Hello /u/throwawaysadromantic,

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  7. Change what you can, Accept what you cannot and worry about only what has happened not what may. I've found that for men and women both, we know the type of people they are, if they will cheat or not, if they will stand up for the relationship, or let it take fire. Sometimes we lie to ourselves, say we didn't know, didn't see the signs, etc. But we do.

    With that I would say, either trust him or don't, but base it on his behavior, not theirs. If he is flirting back then by all means address the issue. Also, if they are saying disrespectful things about him or you, I don't see anything wrong with you addressing that issue with whoever said it. I know whenever I am seeing someone I always make it a point to bring them up however I can. Just so the girl who is flirting knows that I'm taken (or was when it would happen).

    There is nothing wrong with having insecurities, and the.right guy is going to help you beat the insecurities down. Let him know when you feel he should address them and doesn't, but also, I wouldn't drag him into things that happen outside his sphere.

  8. On the one hand, he could be trying to baby trap you. The age gap between you suggests he might be a creep like that.

    On the other hand, maybe he’s a decent guy but men cannot easily control where they cum during sex. Pulling out always comes with a risk that he will finish inside you because it’s not an easy thing to control.

    Like sometimes you can control bodily functions (think pee, farts, vomit etc for a comparison if you want), sometimes they are a surprise. Ever had surprise vomit and got it on your clothes because you didn’t know you needed to lean over? Or you were laughing or bending over or something and you farted when you hadn’t even realised you needed to fart? Bodily functions are not always easy to control. A man needs to realise he’s going to cum with enough warning to get his dick out. When he gets that warning, he needs to act fast to make sure he doesn’t finish inside. Not always an easy thing.

    Add alcohol into the situation and it makes it more likely that he will cum somewhere he shouldn’t because his reactions will be slower and his brain will be more focused on what feels good and less on anything else. Maybe even one of those ‘what was I supposed to be doing?’ moments like when you go into another room and forget why you went in there. He’s not going to quickly remember what he was supposed to be doing (not cumming inside you) when drunk.

    But you should use a condom anyway. There is sometimes small amounts of cum that leak out during sex before he finishes that you both would be unaware of as it happened and risks pregnancy. Please be careful.

  9. I'm sorry but this really should have been a post in AITAH

    Someone who loves you spent money on you, a lot of money, so you can spend the money you have on something else, and you chastise them, dude she deserved better and you really have to look at how you reacted and if this is the way you are as a person.

  10. Stop the freelance work. Sure, it'll take you longer to save, but it's not like your partner seems to care given he is contributing less and not looking to increase his contributions or take on other work to help. Since he also won't support your additional work by helping more at home, it's clear marriage isn't a priority for him, and there is no reason to kill yourself and stress yourself to the point where your body is holding weight in defense.

    This will also give you more time to consider if you really really want to tie yourself to someone who cares so little for your welfare, and who understands so little about you that he'd rather you over work yourself and give up something you enjoy.

  11. Yes-you are nuts… nuts that you stay with this dude…. He won’t change, you won’t leave-so why complain???this is your life until you wake up and realise you deserve better…..

  12. Both of you need to get your shit together before continuing in a relationship.

    Love is not the only requirement of a healthy relationship. Love and abuse are not mutually exclusive.

    If you have an ounce of care for her and yourself, you need to separate now and work on your respective problems. Get clean and get into therapy.

    At the very least, you need to be physically separated from each other so you won't be able to hurt each other. DV is serious and you might end up permanently injuring her or getting into jail.

  13. I've had a few arguments (maybe, like, ten) with my partner over the course of 11 years, but they never lasted more than a few hours because we talked through the issue once we were both calm, we never go to bed angry with each other. Our biggest argument was when work comp took me off work for ten months and was receiving $200/week during that time, so we were struggling.

    I would say small arguments once in awhile is pretty normal, but not multiple times in only six months. OP's relationship sounds stressful as fuck.

  14. I know that on the outside it looks bad, but I know I deserve it when he gets 'physical'. I'm willing to do absolutely anything to make it work. I can't leave him.

  15. Yes I do that but oftentimes it gets annoying after a certain point because now none of is talking. She resonates to thinking she’s not good enough and feels shitty and I tell her i’m here and we’ll get through this.. what more can you do?

  16. The lying is 100% wrong, because it makes him look guilty when he's just doing things with his best friend. And honestly there's nothing wrong with any of what he's doing (except the lying, of course). Not sure why you'd be so upset about him bringing her food he makes? Tell him he doesn't need to lie because you're not mad about him hanging out with her. You trust him and just want to know when they do something together because keeping it from you makes you feel excluded from his life and it's hurtful.

  17. I’ve been on the other side of this, as a woman, and was totally cool with it. So has my husband (before we were married). He was cool too. The only thing that came up was whether we’d be able to afford the bills and we’d be comfortable with the people and their habits, and if they’d be happy with ours. It all worked out fine- I can’t think of a single issue that came up except for minor fights over dishes and stuff like that. I’m actually a bit surprised at how insecure all the comments are here, but maybe I skew older than people here.

  18. Possibly? She works from home though, and does need an office space. But we could possibly move some things around and workshop it. I’m going to talk to her about it when she gets home tonight.

  19. Don't project your insecurities on to others, this is why people.don't want to talk about these kinds of things. It's fine if you need to stay completely monogamous to keep your relationship intact, but not everyone feels the same.

  20. Idk why you're being so harsh on op like her husband is a victim. She said that he's wanted three somes before and she'd obliged, and together they have both selected male and female partners before this. He wasn't coerced into this arrangement. He went willingly. They were both stupid. Not just her. I personally would never open my relationship up, but I'm not going to batter the op for a consensual agreement bc her husband didn't realize he couldn't handle playing with extreme fetishes.

  21. If the foilbrain has taken over, then yeah, I guess that's a wrap unless you too want to go headfirst in a Q Anon binge.

  22. Absolutely tell her. It’s the only decent thing to do. He will do this to her again and again.

  23. Thank you for the insight. I tried to research Asperger’s to support her with the struggles that it causes, but I have a hard time imagining how she actually perceives social cues, so this comment has been really helpful.

    She has been telling me about her lack of empathy even before this situation, but I thought that we would be able to work it out together. She is in a lot of ways pretty self-centered, but I thought that it might be because of Asperger’s too. Thinking about it now, a lot of her behaviour alings with narcissism. Maybe I need to do some research on that aswell.

    I really don’t mind guy friends, but this was explicitely a crush, which makes the whole secrecy worse for me. It all felt so deliberate, that I can’t count this as just an accident.

    You’ve given me a lot to think about, and your comment is really helpful. Thank you.

  24. My advice is he has to acknowledge that what he said was unmasked good and rude and offensive and he has to genuinely apologize and not be a dick about it.

  25. Not to sound callous and cold, but you guys are no longer together, so this is no longer your problem.

    This is a her problem and she has to figure it out on her own, if that means having her parents sign as backup then so be it. but just be aware that this has the potential to hang over your head like a sword as it is your name and your credit on the line if she doesn't pay. you would have to have it in writing that she is fully responsible for the lease and the break fee to get your name off it, and even then I really don't think that if push comes to shove that little piece of paper would mean much in the eyes of the judge.

    Your decision, but ultimately not your problem. tell her to find a roommate if she's that worried.

  26. The simple fact you find it discomforting should be enough for him to lock that shit down and stop it.

    I’m naturally flirty and don’t know I’m doing it, but it seems like it’s super obvious in his case, I can see how he’d think it’s harmless (my SO and I think flirting is harmless), but I can also see how it would make you uncomfortable.

    It’s a tough one, but you need to re-affirm your boundaries; if he thinks it’s unreasonable and that you’re just being insecure, he knows where the door is.

  27. Ya the age gap has been hard haha! No reason I think he would be cheating, he is just a very private/secretive person. I have had experiences with other men as well, but I don’t hangout with them 1:1. Just feel uncomfortable about it and wasn’t sure if other people would feel uncomfortable as well.

  28. I understand his position, as it is unexpected, and getting cold feet is natural. Of course aborting baby shouldn't be take lightly, but doing to ruin your life is a usual justification.

    However, condering, you may trouble conceiving in future you should probably keep your child. Logic being, if you aborted, and failed to conceive in the future you would be absolutely devestated.

    The not ruin your life argument is also wrak, as you have means to raise this child.

    Considering where this is posted, you will no doubt hear, that father should have no saying in decision to keep the child or not. I disagree on that front, but given you circumstances you should ignore his reasoning, and keep the baby.

  29. You’re awfully focused on the idea that the breakup happened because of you.

    It may not have anything to do with you.

    There’s numerous reasons why she might have her own personal reasons for no longer wanting to be in a relationship that aren’t related to you in any way.

    Devoting so much energy on the “why” isn’t helpful in this situation.

  30. That would be a hill to die on for me. If she intends on sharing what I tell her, she doesn't get told stuff.

    Then again I am am only child.

  31. We've talked a lot about his past relationships, and he's mentioned that his mom didn't like either of his past two girlfriends. She liked his first one before she cheated on him and didn't like the second one at all because she was controlling/acted incredibly entitled. I'm pretty positive he doesn't have another girlfriend, especially one that they know about. He mentioned that it took several months before he told his mom about his relationship with his last girlfriend. He had also mentioned before that when I met his parents, to say that we met at school versus over a dating app. There are a number of other big things he has told me his parents aren't aware of in regard to things that happened during his last relationship, such as his last gf becoming pregnant after she lied to him about being on birth control and her ultimately having a miscarriage. He has said he thinks his mom will like me because I'm kind and nice and whatnot.

  32. You’re required to bring in multiple people when you’re doing cosmology or hair dressing school. They’re viewed as a model and it’s all strictly professional. I’m sure once she’s fully licensed, she’ll have clients that she knew previously. Would you require her to ditch paying customers too?

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