Milf_Petalo_Rosalive sex stripping with hd cam


3 thoughts on “Milf_Petalo_Rosalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. “Hey babe, I'm really glad that you wanted to start going to the gym together, but I'm struggling with the gym we go to and the time(s) we go. I really miss my old gym because of X and I enjoyed going at Y because of Z.”

    You could see how she reacts to just that and be prepared with more. Or you could keep going with ideas of your own. Maybe y'all could maintain motivational check ins or something. Maybe she could try going to your gym when you do for a couple weeks. Compromise entirely. Do your own things.

  2. It really sounds like she doesn't want children period. Have you two discussed adoption? Have you discussed IVF (if necessary)? She is getting to the age where IVF may be necessary.

    If you want kids in your future, you will have to do it with someone else.

    I know that hurts to hear. But this is a fundamental value that the two of you disagree on. I will suggest getting counseling. A good counselor can help the two of you have a constructive conversation around this. Without either of you getting overly emotional.

    Which is to be expected. This is an emotional discussion. This is an emotional decision.

    Take care of yourself.


  3. I think you may need to talk to a lawyer, and find out what the law are in you jurisdiction. You may be able to evict her after one month, or you may need more time.

    Do NOT 1. try to kiss her, be physical with her again. 2. get back together with her when he finally dumps her. She may be the most beautiful narcissist in the world who is wonderful in bed, but she's not worth your mental health.

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