Mellody-1 live webcams for YOU!


Come to fuck me in my office pvt open [297 tokens remaining]

Date: October 5, 2022

7 thoughts on “Mellody-1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. You have a boyfriend issue, and frankly, an age gap issue. There's always going to be issues like this when you're saying someone double your age, with kids you're close in age to.

    He needs to do that parenting, you have zero rights to do that, but you also need to accept that issues like this come with dating someone so much older.

  2. For her it's probably because of insecurities after a pregnancy and really the biggest issue with it, probably isn't the actual watching porn it's probably the lying and secrecy, i don't have a no porn rule with my partner but we do have a sort of no masturbation rule where we'll tell each other if we have the urge to masturbate that way we can have sex instead but this is because we have high sex drives so we are capable of satisfying each other to the fullest and we feel more satisfied by having sex so it's beneficial on both ends

  3. Pedophilia is a crime! Just because you only look at the photos doesn't absolve you of responsibility! You sick degenerate!

  4. Ok, im a pretty fair person and know right from wrong but today me and her haven't talked much but when we did talk to me she seem angry and annoyed with me just being in the presence of her what do i do in this situation?

  5. This is true, OP. I know you don't want to admit it, but someone who cares about you will not treat you this poorly. Wake up!!!

  6. I really don’t know. Her ability to take accountability for anything has been a struggle. When something happened, or there was tension, I had to apologize first to get one from her; even if I didn’t do anything wrong. I want her to be ready, but I have to remember she has never shown that probably ever will be.

  7. A lot of this is above Reddit’s pay grade. This OCD leading into religious zealotry feels like something your wife should seek major help with. Possible that she’s in the midst of a months long psychotic break? Or that’s she’s undiagnosed bipolar going through a manic episode (or series of them back to back)? If it’s OCD, why has it suddenly taken this form at her age? Did all of this start when she turned 33 (her “Jesus year”)?

    I don’t know what advice to give you, or comfort for that matter. You seem like a devoted husband, which is wonderful. But this situation is a lot.

    Can she talk to a priest/pastor (not sure your denomination, but I really hope for your sake it’s not crazy conservative or evangelical) to help her realize that piety can take many forms and doesn’t mean you need to absolve from all earthly pleasures?

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