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47 thoughts on “Malai_squirtlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You saying this should be a deal breaker helps. I tend to be very understanding of others but ultimately it’s not ok to not be upfront about his daughter.

  2. You're clearly not ready to be in another relationship if you're having these thoughts. It's unfair to the ew guy you're seeing, he's basically a rebound.

  3. It is very weird and we’re heavily going into speculation now, but emotions are complex, so that part can be true even if there is someone else involved. And the avoidance could be because she feels guilty and is scared of your reaction.

    I don’t know.. I hope you figure out some way to get the truth out of her, if it still matters to you that is.

  4. It is inherently wrong to willingly participate in a betrayal of the worst kind. Once you experience the gut wrenching discovery that your spouse is having sex and emotionally involved with someone else, you'll realize the gravity of what an affair means and the damage and trauma it causes. To the Betrayed spouse, it's on the scale of a woman being raped…. It's a visceral violation and it often takes years to overcome and many can never overcome it carrying the emotional scars forever preventing them from trusting anyone on an emotional level again.

  5. How do you know you didn’t grind on him? You blacked out remember? You may think your BF is over exaggerating, but you don’t know he is. You can’t remember so you can’t comment. Others may remember so you can ask, but clearly whatever you did was deemed inappropriate by your BF and therefore you have to live with the consequences of your own actions.

    Look I get it drinking is fun, I enjoyed it way too much and hence why I had a serious problem with it. I would strongly suggest if you’re prone to blackouts then you need to limit how much you drink. I would only blackout if I drank extreme amounts that most normal drinkers wouldn’t be able to handle. So blackouts were pretty rare for me. In all honesty as much of a buzzkill as it may sound, if you want to have a responsible relationship with alcohol there’s literally no downside to limiting your alcohol intake. Because you can end up like me where it has to be 0 or problems arise.

  6. Key to healthy arguments is listening and validating your partner’s feelings. Unhealthy arguments involve not acknowledging how your actions led to certain feelings and being generally invalidating or dismissive

    Don’t tell them they shouldn’t feel the way they do. Hear what they’re saying and empathize— ask yourself “how would I feel given x behavior?” Then, while acknowledging their feelings, explain how you feel and what your intent was. Be careful to not fall into the trap of saying “I didn’t mean for you to feel this way so it’s not my fault.”

  7. I would do but I need to get the last of my stuff out of her place first… she initally said she was happy to hold it until i found somewhere new but it feels like its just another thing to control me with

  8. That kind of wording is often used in a way that is not literal. Example: “If you stand for equality you're a feminist. I'm sorry to tell you.”

    Or, powerful feelings can be intimidating. Especially for boys, who just typically don't spend a lot of time contemplating feelings.

    Or, he really thinks it's a good idea to keep his options open, and also to reveal to you that he is doing so.

    I'd put less weight on the words and more on the context and his actions. Was this just a casual sweet nothing that came out of his mouth? Is he proposing to throttle back the relationship? Is he being distant? Without knowing the context, to me it just sounds like a golly gee moment for a boy who has never been simultaneously in love and on a vacation before.

  9. It doesn’t matter now. He strung you along and has replaced you. Learn from this that mistakes have consequences.

  10. I think I could somehow grasp the idea of him still holding a flame in the sliding doors “what if” or “how would life have been different if” way if he didn’t seem to have a) formed anger it didn’t happen and b) transferred that anger into you for it not happening. Even the initial behavior would be unhealthy and delusional at this level of behavior and this much later but that transference of anger is what makes me worried for OP now that the person he’s been objectifying has rejected him. His martyr complex and delusions make him dangerous. Please be careful

  11. This whole thing is a mess dude. You should obviously know that what you did was wrong. The only advice I would give you is that if you plan on telling this guy that his fiancé cheated on him, warn her. Not because she deserves the courtesy, but because it sounds like her fiancé has anger issues. Even if she is a cheater, I don’t want her to be physically harmed by this guy. But he deserves to know and hopefully he leaves her and everyone finds more suitable partners and grows from this experience.

  12. He DOES have clarity, he can control it, he knows it’s frowned on, but he can get away with it at his job and with you, so he continues to do it, as it feels good to him and it’s easier than trying to change. And every time he does it, it reinforces the behavior, decreases his interest and ability to control it next time and if you stay he’ll feel even more and more entitled to do it, because there are no consequences for doing it. He’s being slowly enabled to become the worst version of himself. Like I said, stay and be prepared for injury, mental health struggles, and a shorter life span.

  13. Was it planned? Maybe, he literally told this girl he'd date her if he were single. So what? He's now single. There's nothing to forgive. There's no relationship to repair.

  14. Wow. So your partner is considerate and asks to ensure his actions won’t negatively impact you and your reaction is to call him stupid.

    That must be fun for him.

    You know exactly what he means sure he could be more specific by highlighting the reason behind the question. But unless you’re being purposefully obtuse, you know why he’s asking and are being a jerk.

    I usually take the garbage out to the bins and the bins to the road. This week, I wanted to fill up the garbage bin with some stuff from the garage so the bin was still by the garage when he got home. When partner asked “should I take out the bin now?” I responded “not yet, need to get that old x,y,z in there.”

    Like…this is normal communication. Why are you being so weird about it?

  15. But do you have any evidence it is hindering your sex life? You dont know when he got it, you don't know where he got it, you don't how he got it (could have been a gag gift for all you know), you don't know why he has it, and you don't know how often he uses it. If his sex drive has been consistent, then either he has always had it, or he rarely uses it

  16. I disagree. My partner and i talk in future hypotheticals frequently. Its good to be aware of the other persons ideal timelines

  17. My fiancé is OCD and he literally does the exact same thing. So does his mom. They drive me insane but neither one will get treatment

  18. What? It's not a boundary mate. It's basic human decency.

    “Sorry, one of my boundaries is that I don't like to be falsely accused of rape.”

    She is unhinged and incredibly dangerous. He needs to leave her immediately.

  19. Wow…. just wow.. That's the equivalent of asking for a DNA test every time your wife pops out a kid. Your girl (ex?) is not ready for a relationship. She may never be with that kind of attitude. This is about as big of a red flag as you can get. So think real.hard about getting out before you tied down to this woman.

  20. You don’t value intelligence much yet you made an entire post talking solely about how you believe she’s not as intelligent as you and is causing multiple problems.

  21. lol That's some sexist bollocks BS here.

    There are women interested in lots of different fields, same as men interested in different fields. Not having found your “the one” doesn't mean there aren't women into similar things.

    I wouldn't be okay with a husband not sharing some of my interests and not being able to do conversation. We talk anything between history (especially details of WW2), astrophysics, philosophy, politics and whatever topics you can imagine. Him being smart and into similar interests than me was one of the things I found very attractive early on, and vice versa.

    Had some experiences with men before who were only interested in soccer and cars – boring! Absolutely nothing for me.

  22. I feel like somebody somewhere needs anal. There’s a bomb strapped to him by some evil genius and if he doesn’t get buttsecs 3 times a week it will go off. Or something.

  23. She's been getting help through the local council drug and alcohol service. She's had slip ups with her drinking which is understandable, however it's the lying that drives me insane.

    I really don't know if I can continue to help her after this.

  24. The boundary is he has to go no contact. Your line in that boundary is that he has to go no contact 100%, there’s no situation in which he gets to cross that. If she goes crazy, cops are called.

    Also, I can’t believe I am saying this, but man this is cruel and odd on his end. If he is scared of her, that’s one thing that needs to be addressed immediately, but if he isn’t trying to distance himself and not standing up to her, that’s a problem. He personally is dragging this on and leading her on. Don’t lead crazy on.

  25. You dont confront him. You bring his laptop to the police. Let them go through it, build a case, and arrest and charge him.

    While the police are goin through the laptop, you hire a divorce lawyer and get that process started.

  26. He went out with his ex and their old friends before he knew you. It's pretty obvious he wants to hold onto his past and not include you. I think it's pretty telling that he doesn't even care enough about you to give you a legit excuse. Instead it's “I don't know.” Do some thinking about how you want to live your life. I, for one, would want to be with someone who includes me in his life instead of ditching you to hang with an ex

  27. Yea buddy this is a set up for a bad situation. You gf doesn’t seem to care about your feelings which are supported by the guys own statements. I’d be reconsidering the relationship.

  28. A bunch of misogynistic little turds in this thread are thrilled to have an excuse to be derogatory towards women.

  29. Get a lawyer and get your own.

    It seems like there’s more to this from your wife’s actions. She’s awfully quick to just jump ship and be against any kind of therapy. It’s almost as if she’s using this as an excuse. Also, why across the country? What’s she running from? Is there any way your biological children with Amy aren’t yours?

    If I were you, I’d have so many questions for Amy. This child was born 3 years before you met Amy so it’s not like you betrayed her. There’s no way you cheated. You’ve got children you adopted so it’s not like she doesn’t know how the system works and she doesn’t have an issue raising a child who isn’t biologically hers so how is this child any different?

    You’ve been married 10 years. The least she could do is be honest about why she’s making so many lame excuses and ending things so abruptly. You both were victims here.

  30. Is this the FFXIV fanfest? I play FFXIV with my boyfriend and I would absolutely not be okay with this. I know he’d be very upset if the roles were reversed and I was going off to share a room with some dude I met in game, too.

  31. Thanks. I think I needed that reassurance and affirmation. It's super late here so I wasn't sure but yeah, I will leave so he can come home. I called my mom and she's okay with me coming home.

  32. I'm glad you've decided that for all 400m people in the US. Personally I'd have no interest in someone that young, in fact I attended a friends wedding when I was 35 and he had a group of cousins who were 20 and one of them sort of fixated on me (I'm very fit and typically am mistaken for roughly 10 years younger), but I just couldn't do it. It was like speaking to a child.

    But it's not illegal. The reality is woman are at peak physical beautify for a relatively small number of years. All men are attracted to women in that peak window whether you like that reality or not.

  33. He used you.

    To him you are just the next step above jerking off on porn hub.

    You're disposable to him.

    In five years he wont be able to remember your name.

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