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MahMutlar_2022live sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “MahMutlar_2022live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would at least file a report. I don't know if they'd do an actual restraining order for this. I'm making kind of an analogy, and “IANAL” or whatever, but a cursory Google search says that “[a]ssault is generally defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact.” Like, the point is there are things you can do that make people reasonably anticipate harm, such that it can be described as making them change how they're going to live their lives or whatever–it's not just that, like, “feelings are super important.” It's “this is how we anticipate and defend against actual threats.” If the police don't accept this kind of behavior as, y'know, doing that, I think this is part of the political process of, like, changing the law to get them to do that. Like, we know how intimate partner violence works and this is part of it. I don't know if it should be defined as harassment or what exactly because I'm not that good of a legal theoretician or whatever, but I'm just saying.

  2. If you can check his phone for emails, text messages and videos. Often they'll have secret apps installed hidden under a calculator. Also you can look at bank statemets to see if there are any charges for hotels, restaurants or gifts. Becoming defensive over a question is a red flag, I'd start paying attention.

  3. I think you should flip this scenario in your head. Let’s say YOU used to talk to someone who looks like a model. Tall, chiseled body, perfect hair, whatever. Forget that he might have had the personality of a doorknob. Just imagine that you’d dated him. You didn’t really get along and broke up. Then you met this awesome dude who was cute, you get along well with, love spending time with, and just overall think is a great bf. Would you really EVER be like, oh dang I wish my bf was like that doorknob personality dude. NO OF COURSE NOT. Because you love your man. Other people just become irrelevant. Because you dated a “model,” does that mean your current bf would be inferior if he’s not like a model? OF COURSE NOT because when you love someone, all of that stuff literally becomes irrelevant. It would be irrelevant to you, like a I guarantee that. So don’t sell your boyfriend (or yourself) short, because that’s really what you’re doing.

  4. This is so cute and I’m so happy that you discovered this part of you so young. And that you are embracing whatever comes your way. Many blessings to you

  5. If the only purpose of this party is to get drunk, I have to wonder how much your boyfriend is supporting your sobriety. I’m not really a drinker but my daughter is recovering and lives with me. I don’t keep any alcohol in the house. It’s a pain to have to get some wine etc from my sister where I keep it if I want to make a recipe but I do that because I want to support her sobriety.

  6. She can't give me a reason why she did it but she knew how I felt and still decided to do it anyway

    The reason why she did it is because you stayed with her, and she didn't face any consequences for her actions. Why would she change when she knows that no matter what she does you won't leave? She didn't change because she doesn't have to.

    Now you know that the reason why she doesn't want you to check her phone is because she never stopped talking and texting the other guy. She doesn't want to stop. Now you know that she is willing to lie, destroy your sense of self, and your self-esteem, FOR HIM. She blamed you, told you you were controlling, made you doubt yourself, FOR HIM.

    You are not overreacting. You need to leave her. Are mediators a necessary part of getting divorced? Are you still trying to work things out with her?

    You need professional help. Work on your self-esteem and sense of self-worth.

  7. It's fake

    I can absolutely guarantee you, if such a thing happened in an English speaking country, it would be all over the right wing news and tabloids.

    Funnily enough, op deleted their post right after I pointed out that I can't find any such news online.

  8. Hello /u/caracilixir,

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  9. 55 year old man had an affair with a woman 18 years younger. I’m gonna venture to guess dad has heaps more money than mom, and if he chooses mom he’ll lose out on that inheritance.

  10. My BIL wouldn’t propose. She finally told him she was going to see other people. She went in 1 date. He proposed the next day. I get it. And, communication is the key.

  11. I've been very vocal about encouraging her to work more and getting to know her coworkers better. I feel like her career is very important to her.

    For the record I'm also very supportive of her being a SAHM.

  12. Are you search out groups, activities, leagues you can join in Uni?

    You need to push your comfort zones to grow. This problem comes from avoidance.

  13. All relationships built have value. You have built a friendship 10 years strong and this person wants you to break that off because they are insecure.

    You may not want to break up but this is breakup worthy. This is controlling behavior… and in the end, continuing with them will negatively impact your friendship.

  14. I think it’s fair to classify this as cheating. My guess, you were both young and she felt guilty for leaving you in the state you were in, unemployed and depressed and unable to even take care of yourself, so she emotionally checked out of the relationship. You finally made some positive life changes and she responded to that, but after time had set in she probably still has that picture of you from the years past in her head and so she just wants to ditch it all together and move on. Sorry man. You need to see a therapist and work through your depression if you want to have healthy relationships in the future, because no woman wants to play caretaker to their boyfriend. That doesn’t make her emotional cheating right, just human.

  15. No idea but If that's what he's doing then it's doing the opposite, turning me away from cause I know I don't smell bad. No one tells me that but him.

  16. You say that he was skinny and now has a bit of a gut. Is he actually overweight or was he underweight and is now a healthy weight?

    Honestly, it sounds like he might actually be a healthier weight now and what you're suggesting he do is unhealthy for him. If that's the case, you shouldn't have the conversation at all. You shouldn't suggest to your partner that they do something that may impact their health just because it's more aesthetically pleasing to you.

  17. I think with time it will be less stressful and difficult actually. He should have some reservations about feeling a need to immediately remedy this in an over-the-top way because it's not pressing anymore. He would understand why it was kept secret I would hope. But if this guy tries to initiate anything else tell the whole fam.

  18. What you want is simply not possible either you tell her the truth and she realizes it makes no sense to bring it up. Or you keep the truth to yourself and suck it up. If you have such a great relationship I do not understand why you won’t tell her.

  19. That’ll never happen, she’ll have these bills for 10 more years due to the situation with her sons dad. But again, she’s making me feel like a sugar daddy and not a partner. When we looked at wedding venues she made it abundantly clear that I was to pay for everything because “I could afford it” when I told her explicitly that I couldn’t.

  20. Cheating is cheating.

    That women can't cheat with women is a sexist and homophobic idea that assumes nothing two women do together could ever be sincere or meaningful.

    I would understand the point somewhat if a straight woman gets drunk and kisses another woman, sobers up, and then realizes she feels no attraction to women whatsoever. But your wife is literally bisexual, meaning to her sleeping with a woman would mean just as much as sleeping with a man.

    I get she might experience confusion, and she is allowed to ask the question. That she disrespects your feelings this way and guilt-trips you into granting permission is what makes me dislike her.

    OP, if she wants this so badly and completely disregards your feelings on the matter that strongly suggests she will act on these desires – if she hasn't already. She clearly thinks you're being silly (which you're not) and that is enough for me to think she will go ahead with it anyway.

    If a one-time flick with another woman is so important to her that she is willing to risk her marriage, you might just keep your own dignity and leave yourself.

  21. “Should I confront my girlfriend for cheating on me, and then hiding it for months?”

    Come on man, have more self-respect than that. She cheated on you, I doubt it was more than just this one incident; she is a cheater, and you are doing yourself a favor if you confront her and demand full transparency and access to her phone to see if anything else happened

  22. My step mom has had a steel rod in her spine for over 35 years because of her Ex DDing on a motorcycle. The highway curved, but they didn't. Don't replace your spine with a steel rod, GTFO.

  23. It's very common for traumatised people to be attracted to toxicity, that's why therapy is essential. If he has poor technique then give him instructions. If you aren't genuinely attracted to then you should break up with him so both can find healthy relationships.

  24. I’d leave this relationship if it were me.

    If you aren’t doing that, I would insist that the chore contributions match the financial ones – if he’s paying 80% of the bills, he does 20% of the chores, and vice versa. I’d make a weekly chore spreadsheet where, every day, you initial any chore you’ve completed. Then, when he says you aren’t pulling your weight, I’d refer to the sheet. Point out that you’re doing 100% of the chores despite the fact that you contribute x% to finances. He can make vague accusations, but data doesn’t lie.

    But yeah – once you get to the point that you have to do that, you’re dealing with someone who is emotionally abusive, and it’s time to leave.

  25. I’d leave this relationship if it were me.

    If you aren’t doing that, I would insist that the chore contributions match the financial ones – if he’s paying 80% of the bills, he does 20% of the chores, and vice versa. I’d make a weekly chore spreadsheet where, every day, you initial any chore you’ve completed. Then, when he says you aren’t pulling your weight, I’d refer to the sheet. Point out that you’re doing 100% of the chores despite the fact that you contribute x% to finances. He can make vague accusations, but data doesn’t lie.

    But yeah – once you get to the point that you have to do that, you’re dealing with someone who is emotionally abusive, and it’s time to leave.

  26. I told her they’re just fine and it is fortunate for us that I’m an ass man.

    You actually said that to a woman, and she's still with you? Amazing…

    If she brings up wanting a boob job, then you can be supportive. Otherwise, there's no “nice” way of suggesting it. You already are aware of this, because you're looking for a “gentle” way to say something.

    If a boob job is that important to you that you'd run the risk of ruining the relationship, by all means go ahead and good luck.

  27. People here are crazy, I've always found a bad diet to be a huge turnoff. And he's 20, the “my parents won't give me food” stops cutting it when you're old enough to support yourself. Do you really want to have separate meals every meal?

  28. I'll talk with her. I don't think she cheated, but she wants some chance in her live as there's a lot of professional pressure and this guy talks about all kinds of nice things to do.

  29. How far apart do you live currently?

    Will you or your partner have to leave your current job(s) and find a new one for this move?

    Personally, I believe that getting separate places is the way to go. It may be financially inconvenient, but it removes an unnecessary pressure on the relationship while you're adjusting to all these new things. Feeling obligated to make it work because you and/or your partner just gave up so much comfort and normalcy and familiarity is pretty common in these situations. In my experience, its not a comfortable feeling to have to sit down with someone after your relationship starts failing and help them apartment hunt because they love their new job SO much, and they won't be able to afford the place you got together alone after you leave. Establish some individual stability and enjoy the benefit and excitement of GETTING to see each other instead — Grow together naturally!

  30. Yes, it is totally normal to get an election when getting waxed. Yes, the people who provide these services are used to it. Even if you were to accidentally ejaculate they probably wouldn't make a big deal out of it. It happens.

    However, then going and rubbing one out in a public bathroom afterward is not normal. Ok, so you have to drive home with a boner. Yeah, if it's uncomfortable. You realize that women have to drive with swollen labia and saturated panties and it is uncomfortable for us as well. But you will likely hear of very few women going to masturbate in a public toilet.

    It doesn't matter how much you beg for forgiveness on this one. In your wife's mind the damage is already done. You were aroused by another woman to the point that you went and masturbated in a public bathroom. Yes, you can argue your stance but it isn't going to make difference.

    Her feelings are hurt. Put yourself on the flip-side. If your wife had gone to get a deep tissue massage by a male and started to feel herself getting aroused as he massaged her butt and thighs, aroused enough that she then went and masturbated in the bathroom and THEN came home to tell you about it, wouldn't it hurt your feelings even a little bit that she couldn't have waited for you? Or at least waited to get home to relieve herself?

  31. You can make it crystal clear that you don't mind if she has friends, just not friends that wanna be more than friends. There's nothing wrong with not being okay with what's going on. Let her know you still trust her, but you don't trust him. Communication is key and you both need to discuss boundaries and what boundaries either of you don't want the other to cross. Hope this helps.

  32. He understands perfectly. The pain is the point.

    If you don't want to be hurt by this man, leave him. He'll graduate to beating you if you won't sacrifice your entire life to him.

    If you have no children yet, make sure it stays that way. Make plans to leave him.

  33. “My wife convinced me to open our relationship, as it would help us grow closer. She looks so happy now, and I'm glad. Strangely, we don't have sex any more, but I'm just glad she is happy. :)”

  34. I’m not gonna read this but I’m just gonna ask would you be mad if you saw him kiss a girl on the cheek?

  35. Hi OP, I think you need to be a bit clearer on:

    exactly what you want advice on, this is an advice sub and you posted a statement rather than ask for advice, and you'll need to make it a bit clearer in the post what has got you to the point of asking for advice because that's not clear either.

    You're only allowed 1 update so you may want to take this down and repost (or jump in and post the update so the Redditors can help out with their thoughts.

  36. I'm glad it seems you're both communicating! It's tough to see someone you love struggle with a disease like addiction. Maybe reflect on what it would mean to postpone the elopement. I'm not sure how far off the actual trip is but you don't have to cancel the whole thing. Maybe you can use it as a way to reconnect as a couple instead. He is likely going to struggle with addiction his whole life and finding ways that you both agree on how to handle those moments when or if it continues to flare up would be beneficial in the long run. Have you talked to him about how it made you feel that you had to be the one to bring it up?

  37. She has cheated on you.

    I will not tell you whether to stay or go. However I can address what would it take for you staying to not completely insane.

    She cuts this “friend” off, here there can be no nehotistion. If she refuses to go no contact you should just leave.

    Second if she blames alcohol, then she admits she is prone to cheat on you while drunk. For you to stst she needs to agree to never get drunk without ypu around.

    Finally you need to establish firmly what your boundaries are. I suggedt making things like kissing other people sth off limit.

  38. I can completely relate to this. My ex talked like this all the time. I came to realize it was a sign of his insecurity, where he needed to be the center of attention. And I found myself sometimes embarrassed about how clueless he was to other people (not just me). I never said anything and just kept quiet, which is not the right thing to do. Or when I couldn’t stand it anymore, I just butt in and interrupt him. Also not the right thing! It’s good you are talking about it. But it might be interesting to ask her how other people see her – don’t make it about you – instead try to understand why she tries to dominate so much. There is probably some need that isn’t being met and that how you learn to understand and support each other. Good luck !

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