MadamNBoy live webcams for YOU!


madamnboy chat

Date: October 21, 2022

10 thoughts on “MadamNBoy live webcams for YOU!

  1. We've read so many stories about people cheating, and it's so sad to read about people getting hurt by that. We know that there's a huge societal expectation to choose monogamy in romantic relationships, but from what we've read here, and see in daily life it seems kinda dumb for that to be the default choice.

    sorry, why does monogamy seem dumb? because people cheat?

    there are great benefits to being monogamous. feels good when you have someone who chooses you above everyone else. feels good to have that level of intimacy and security. the person who cheats knows this – desires this. that's why they don't leave their partner. i mean they could just choose to be single and fuck around, but that's not as satisfying. sure, it's exciting in the moment, but at the end of the day they want to come home for cuddles and takeaway with their intimate partner.

  2. If he cannot deal with living only 1 week in 18 months with his MIL, the partner is the problem. You tolerate things when you love someone. In some cultures, it is unacceptable to recommend your parents to stay in a hotel. I come from a similar culture – if I ever recommend my mother to stay at a hotel instead of my home, I can very well just stop being her daughter. She even stayed with us 2 weeks every 2-3 years when we lived in a 1 bedroom with my SO who never ever complained.

  3. My now ex wife said the exact same things, I didn’t want to be controlling so I said it was up to her but I was strongly against it and would be hurt if she did…well she did, then started being “friends” behind my back, let it turn into a full on affair, and wrecked the marriage.

  4. I agree with you 100%. But she has to realize what he went through to even get to this point. IMHO! He is trying to figure shit out. This is a fresh new relationship. They need to be together. You don't leave your girl with your friends and go to work!! He doesn't need to be with her friends while she is gone.

    You get my drift. They need to know they can trust one another. Laying boundaries down is absolutely crucial. It's not laying the law down. It's saying I will not do this and I want you to do the same. In whatever the discussion is. Then they talk about it and come to a compromise.

    I personally believe this dude has his shit together. No game playing.

    What about her? Who knows what she went through!! They like each other. Are into each other. And care for one another.

    Life has no guarantees!! You live it. Peace

  5. Making a joke is always more helpful than being butt hurt by the fact that your girl doesn’t want to have sex with you at that moment

  6. You're not his doctor. Him being depressed shouldn't be an excuse to stay with a man who sucks the life out of you. Are you living in his house, or are both of your names on the lease? If both of your names are on the lease, simply tell him that you only want to live as roommates from now on, and then quietly look for another place and leave. If he leaves, find another roommate. If you're not on the lease, why did you allow this? Since your name isn't on the lease, just look for a house with roommates and leave. Ask your parents to loan you the money to find another place to live.

  7. Sooner than that. When she has the baby he probably won’t like sharing her adoration. Honestly, she sounds like one of those women who writes love letters to serial killers.

  8. So you CAN find this material on the “normal” web, which is how there are so many prosecutions for cp. It usually gets flagged and removed, but pops up on regular amateur porn sites, photo sites, etc. You can find it on Facebook – that’s one of the reason so many content moderators end up with serious trauma from the things they see regularly. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean people don’t try to get away with it.

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