Linella the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Linella, 19 y.o.


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Linella live sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

50 thoughts on “Linella the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well what do we have here a pre-med student having relationship issues. Get used to it honestly it's very difficult, it's hard and you're just in college med school is going to be insane if you think you don't have any time for a life now just wait. Then you get to do a wonderful residency where you have absolutely zero life depending on your matched specialty.

    Get ready for strained relationships horrible hours trying to find any time to connect it's just the way of life. I'm 27 just finished up my residency and I'm about to get married it's a lot of hard work a lot of dedication and takes a toll on the social, mental and physical aspects of your life.

  2. But why is he initiating sex at all when he has the knowledge that OP was just crying about sexual trauma for hours? It’s creepy and predatory

  3. Most men I know appreciate the straightforward approach ESPECIALLY when it comes to dating apps. Don't be afraid to just ask him how he felt about it and let him know that it usually takes a while for you to fully open up.

  4. The proper term is “objectification” and proceeds from the view of

    individuals as objects of self-gratification. If I do the math you have

    been sexually active with your female since age 15, yes?

    Now you are entering your 20-s and just using her body to

    masturbate with is no longer satisfying, yes?

    You are now experiencing preasures to diversify your inseminations.

    This is not rocket science.

  5. They are both adults. If you've been broken up for longer than you were together, then they can do what they want. It was respectful of him to talk to you about it beforehand, but it's pretty bad for you to think you have any actual say in this situation. You don't have permanent dibs on everyone you ever dated

  6. You are not overreacting. Your response to this is normal. You laid out very reasonable boundaries. The first step is to cut contact and she's not willing to follow through and actually fix this. She's also not willing to give him up. Instead, she's dragging other people in to lie for her. I know you want to work it out but this is very one sided here. It would be better to just save your money and walk away.

  7. Everyone is giving you grief about purchasing the pup from a pet store, and I'd just like to say that the first pup I ever got was from a pet store, which is how I learned never to get a pup from a pet store (he had parvo and died). But I didn't know about puppy mills before that, so I don't blame you for not knowing.

  8. Pretty much always the person suggesting it already has someone they want to bang and this is how they justify it instead of blatantly cheating. Probably ruins the relationship like 99% of the time

  9. Abso-FUCKING-lutely unacceptable! Divorce this abusive p.o.s. already. Take pictures of the bruises. Document what happened while you held the baby.

  10. Get out, it’s a 4 month relationship, you’ll be fine. She’s being unreasonable waking you up and it doesn’t sound like she wants solutions only problems. Save yourself

  11. I think the question you need to ask yourself is “what will I do if I reach out and she isn’t ok?”

    Although the general consensus is that people put their highlights reel on Facebook, you’re making a lot of assumptions based on the little information you have from her social media. And a lot of them are quite misogynistic. Oh no, she’s gained weight and doesn’t post photos with a man! She must be really unhappy /s

    It’s entirely possible that she kicked her man out, and is living her best life as a single mum. Maybe she’s too focussed on her child to have any interest in dating.

    I think you’re getting caught up in being a white knight, and you need to take a step back and consider that your presence in her life (and now lack of presence in her life) isn’t as much of a defining factor as you think it is. And maybe you put a lot more weight on the goals that the two of you spoke about than she did.

  12. Thank you for your input!

    You are right that noone should go into relationship with unresolved issues that will probably pile up and explode some day. I wonder if that's the case here though. It was my first time of being infatuated with someone so intensely. I kind of let it happen because, for once, I wanted to give it a shot no matter what. But I couldn't deal with my emotions, I was overwhelmed because it was too much happiness for me at once. I've started to be overly confident, pushed my job aside and was wasting time by sinking into text messages with her. I've put my life on hold for her and it was mistake. I've realized that, told her so and we've decided to keep things between us on friendly note. However, chemistry between us grows each time we see each other. However, some time has passed, I've had time to digest my emotions and I'm able to understand myself better. My life went back to normal and I can control my behaviors. I've just chilled out a little.

    Maybe I'm overly optimistic though and I can be influenced by emotions. So… do you think that anything I wrote above changes your opinion about this situation?

  13. Unless you want to be his 2nd baby mama who he cheats on and leaves like he's doing to his current girlfriend, I suggest you stay away from him.

    Why would you want to be with someone who you know will cheat on you?

  14. Omg LOL i can imagine the kind of person you are purely based on your comment. I bet you’re uncomfortable with ppl breastfeeding in public too aren’t you ?

  15. Exactly. The sheer nerve of this man. What a truly evil person. He was going to let all this slide until OP called him out on it. Slept by her side at night, was intimate with her. All while hating her.

    OP leave this trash man. Get free of him. What an absolutely vile person.

    Why would he care if you “die alone” anyways, he has told you to his face that he hates you. Dont lie down and give up. Fight for your freedom.

  16. His ex was 31f so yeah unfortunately that sounds correct, she was controlling so now he wants to control me emotionally?

  17. You’re young you’re gonna have a lot more love relationships than him let him go. You deserve to be loved and honored and cherish. This man is not doing that.

  18. It's such a massive red flag. The last time I met someone who had those massive jealousy you can't have known anyone before me, can't have pictures etc it ended with police and therapy.

  19. Yep, the more pathetic and weenier you act, the more likely she is to take pity on you lmao

    And in this situation, pity is your friend

  20. The only thing that really bothers me is that he will still bring up his ex in conversation quite a bit. Not all the time, but maybe every couple days.

    Please postpone your wedding. On this basis alone, he is not ready to get married to you. I know cost is an issue, but it's better than divorce. It's better than wondering if youll wake up one morning and he's left to try and find her to have one more chance…

    Look at what you've written here

    I told him it made me sad and I felt like he would rather be with her instead of me. Well he got intensely angry with me, saying I “tricked” him into saying that

    He heard you say you were sad, and he chose to get angry rather than reassure you.

    Any sensible person at this time would have said “…in a hypothetical world where she didn't cheat, I think we would have still been together because I'm a loyal person. But although her cheating has hurt me, in the end it feed me to meet you, and I'm so much happier now…” etc. But it sounds like he did not articulate this.

    It feels as though he is so caught up in his own feelings that he is neglecting yours.

  21. It’s ok to not be ready or willing to commit to marriage.

    It’s not ok to not be upfront with her about your unwillingness to commit. Anything less than a frank discussion about that now would be stringing her along and wasting her time, especially about the children question – stop assuming and projecting about that.

  22. No one cares, still not up to you. You could've seen your daughter had you gone to the hospital instead of going to bed, but of course you can't take any blame.

  23. Do not underestimate the risk you are in here. A divorce and child custody battle could rage against you despite her behavior. Do nothing. Interview a few lawyers. Make a plan. Prepare for battle. Play to win.

  24. At last somebody else who has realised that it depends on the child.

    AFAIC it not only depends on the child, but to make good decisions regarding a child's education you need to also get the child's input. I mean, I can see that my daughter is really talented in both music and writing, but she decided to become a jewellery designer. I'd have suggested she study literature and then get into a writing job of some sort, but she is happy to just be an avid reader outside of work.

  25. You are allowed to feel sexual intimacy is important in a relationship. She is allowed to believe its not. It sounds as if she is defensive since she does not want sex (perhaps asexual) and feels rejected by you because you want sex. Breaking up at this point would be the only kind thing to do for both of you, you are not on the same page on something that is a deal breaker in any relationship. You do not align.

  26. Talk some more about it. Tell him how much you love him but he also hurt you with the choice of words used. Try to meet at a common ground where some of these things can be resolved and y'all can go back to being sweet to one another again.

  27. Personally, if I was already dating a person who had been in gay for pay niche fetish porn and it had been a non-issue so much so I would cut off my family for not being cool about it… I can not imagine caring that they ate something gross decades ago.

    The only way that I could see it truly changing my vision of somebody is if he was forcing another person to eat it, even if it was acting. Or if it came out later that the people involved have been under the influence, or otherwise coerced into making the films. I could see being super sketched out if that were the case.

  28. Im wondering if the friend is either A.) Just one of those types that over reacts before knowing the facts or B) she doesnt like him and is just keeping that inside but once OP messes something up she will be yelling at the top of her lungs that he's all wrong for her

  29. Im sorry this happened to you, this is definitely sexual assault. Please leave him before his actions progress into something worse.

  30. he is tired of not getting respect in his life and is about to rage. He storms away, yells “STOP MOVIGN MY SHIT” after ruffling some things around, goes out and punches his car and screams at the top of his lungs in his car

    This would be enough to make me leave immediately

    Punching a car over laundry? What's it gonna take for it to be your face?

  31. I think the fact that you're scared of going back to him and going back to the cycle you've been in says tons. If you don't trust him with your future why trust him with your present. If he is bettering himself for you let him show you but do not return to him. Do not promise anything. Keep your distance and check his progress via a friend or his family member that you may have gotten close with. If he hasn't change he'll find another victim unfortunately and move on from you quickly. I could be wrong but that's my 2 cents

  32. Ugh. I’m so sorry.

    If I may give you a tiny bit of inspiration (hopefully).

    Sis, I was you. I was 23 though but straight up. I got pregnant and had a baby with a man who was similar. We broke up actually when I got pregnant (4 months) and briefly tried to make it work after she was born. Left his ass at 6 months. Moved back in with my parents and set my sights on success.

    Now my daughter is 13 and her dads a low life. Living in some shit apartment he can barely afford. Daughter doesn’t want to go see him because he’s a drunk and his place is filthy. My child is in private school and wants for nothing. I’ve managed to achieve success..I own my own small company. Have two employees. 5 acres on a small farm. Married af. Like. Yep. Shit was hard but so so so worth it. I’m so glad I got out with my baby girl when I did. I believe in you.

  33. Ugh. I’m so sorry.

    If I may give you a tiny bit of inspiration (hopefully).

    Sis, I was you. I was 23 though but straight up. I got pregnant and had a baby with a man who was similar. We broke up actually when I got pregnant (4 months) and briefly tried to make it work after she was born. Left his ass at 6 months. Moved back in with my parents and set my sights on success.

    Now my daughter is 13 and her dads a low life. Living in some shit apartment he can barely afford. Daughter doesn’t want to go see him because he’s a drunk and his place is filthy. My child is in private school and wants for nothing. I’ve managed to achieve success..I own my own small company. Have two employees. 5 acres on a small farm. Married af. Like. Yep. Shit was hard but so so so worth it. I’m so glad I got out with my baby girl when I did. I believe in you.

  34. Seems like compromise is possible. Just need to see if I can apply this same logic with my girlfriend. I'm not confident she would agree to once in 5 years or something like that, and I think “if kids enter the picture” is less of an “if” and more of a “when” with her..

  35. No. It only matters while the child is in state custody. Once they age out they can do whatever they want, even bang former foster family members. The foster agency might have something to say if the former foster kid is still living in the house and there are other minor foster kids there, because it could be seen as a risk to the other kids since it shows that the family member is interested in banging fosters. But most agencies are so oblivious to truly inappropriate situations in the homes that they wouldn’t notice and may not care if they did. Source: grew up in the system, have seen all the perverted shit that gets ignored and covered up.

  36. Same as others I suggest breaking up with her. She's clearly not respecting your relationship and it's really rude. I would probably just tell her that as well. Like look, you're doing this thing, which isn't ok. I'm not going to put up with this and it's clear you don't value our relationship much if you're willing to do this. Wish her well, and block. You deserve someone that will compromise and she's clearly not going to do that

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