Lilcutedoll live webcams for YOU!


❧, Goal – Tom masturbates Ellie ☙ [338 tokens remaining]

Date: October 14, 2022

14 thoughts on “Lilcutedoll live webcams for YOU!

  1. u/Conscious_Throat3139, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Keeps referring to him as “my son” and not “our son”. Won’t answer any questions about why they can’t settle it with a second independent test.

    This is either fake or he isn’t your husbands kid. Which one is it? Because if I was in your situation and I was innocent I’d be doing a second independent test immediately

  3. If you really think everyone should discuss every outcome you’re being unrealistic. Twins are very rare, and also it’s possible he didn’t think his body would react as it did. Treating his very unfairly with your assumptions, give people some benefit of the doubt

  4. You deserve to be happy too. I'd protect yourself. That includes a lawyer. And a physical in case she brings something home.

    I'm sorry you are going through this. What she did by taking a photo is unforgivable.

  5. You can leave if you like, but maybe next time just be up front when dating that this isn’t something you’re into.

    What she did isn’t that unusual, but if that behaviour is a deal breaker for you – best to say so in the beginning (you of course have to reciprocate too)

  6. I can understand that you feel mad. Even if you two weren't exclusive, she has been lying.

    Doesn't matter if you didn't specifically ask her about it, she would only say the same. You weren't exclusive.

    People have different views about relationships and she felt like she could do this and did it. It was in her right, but it's not fair to make excuses in order to make it seem right either.

    If you feel like the trust is broken, you have 2 options. 1. You leave the situation and try not to get bitter about it so the next one coming doesn't have to carry her burden. 2. If you want to stay in the relationship you allow her to build up the trust and not have those hovering over her head.

    Either way, this is about what you can handle moving forward

  7. break up with him, block him, don't listen to him.

    He's blaming you because he's a piece of crap.

    None of this is your fault, he's just a crap human being.

    tell all friends he cheated on you, and block him and anyone that agrees with him.


  8. She doesn’t have to have my consent to get a pet but I think I can call it out as the dick move that it is to me given the context

    Why are you quoting “overuse”? Nobody said that. I used the word “unstable” once (about her behaviour) and that set her off. It was the best word I could think of to describe my concerns. I don’t think wording should take precedent over the actual substance of the issues. If we debated wording all day nothing would ever get discussed.

    I don’t agree that me using the word “wacky” was some grand insult. I just meant it’s unlike her and what I know about her. Just cause I don’t address every little point you make doesn’t mean I concede it, you’ve replied to almost all my comments on this thread, it’d be a full time job to clarify every misconception.

    Do remember though that this is not her family’s pet, it’s her pet.

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