Lennon-1 live webcams for YOU!


Lennon-1 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 3, 2022

25 thoughts on “Lennon-1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. he wasn't immediately honest though. he spent a few days acting like the perfect boyfriend to butter her up and drop the bomb

  2. What's crazy to me is how much you admit you don't pay attention to your wife, but yet you have shocked Pikachu face about this whole thing. I'm on her side with this. Maybe be a more active husband in her life and you'd be included in her decision making.

  3. Apparently he brings nothing but emotional abuse, manipulation, abandonment and addiction. OP should just divorce him.

  4. This is pure Seinfeld plot line GOLD.

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this, and at the same time I am giggling my ass off. Like a reddit post hasn’t made me laugh this hard in a while.

    It might be too early in the relationship to be able to recover from an embarrassing blunder like this. If she had been able to laugh it off as a wtf moment, which we all have, it woulda been your sign to marry her. As it is, I think your best bet is to wait, see if she can get over it, and if she can’t… laugh at yourself, shake it off, and move on.

  5. If it's jointly their money, then they jointly have to decide on its disposition. Or they can divorce, then she can independently decide where her half goes. Until then, each spouse has a veto on joint funds, and he's exercising his. That's not a power move, that's called input.

    OP's withholding of honesty could just as easily be labeled as a 'power move'.

  6. He can control how he feels. I’m so tired of women having to suck up abuse and misogyny because “he can’t help it.” He’s choosing not to help it. He’s choosing to lean into the sexist idea that he can do whatever he wants, but you’re tainted by living his life. Hopefully, he grows out of it…with another woman. Dump him.

  7. First of all, I did marry her as an act of service. I knew when I was doing it that I would probably regret it but the alternative option of letting her lose her kids when I could have helped felt worse. What do you suppose my motivation was?

    As for the opiates, no. When she was diagnosed with this rare disease the medical staff gave her a drug screen without her knowledge, which is borderline unethical, but they can claim it was for the patients best interest. Anyway she showed up positive for opiates, despite the fact that she was not currently prescribed any medication. So because of that they have flagged her as having an opiate addiction and now no doctor will ever prescribe her pain medication. Hence why she feels the need to obtain it through her Dad.

    I am not a drug dealer and the girl that I mentioned in the original post, I said that we went to high school together so how could she be 10+ years my junior?

    I am not perfect, but you missed on several points there.

  8. Exactly. Use it as the test. He has one opportunity to handle this well. If he doesn't please promise to yourself you will let this all go, no relationship would be worth that amount of headaches.

  9. This comment sounds incredibly judgemental. As explained by OP, they have been exploring fantasies for a while now and the husband says what happened isn’t the problem; to simply assume that it is, being a stranger on the internet, and then write things like “that doesn’t feel romantic at all” (like it should feel romantic to YOU?) is unhelpful and says a hell of a lot more about you than about the situation here.

  10. She's obviously keeping him in her back pocket incase the relationship blows up. Why she doesn't see anything wrong with hanging around with the dude.

    If my husband had a honest reaction like this to being heavily uncomfortable with me interacting a certain way to a ex. And asked me not to just stop seeing the dude bt to limit our talking ie not chatting for hours on end. I wldnt see that as an unreasonable ask. And that coming from a woman who has the worlds least jealous husband! We aren't the type of ultimatum couples at all so if he told me he wasn't comfortable I'd listen.

    Whether i was right or not i wldnt want my marriage or relationship to suffer or to make my partner feel insecure or uncomfortable because of someone that literally does not matter in my life except the fact we used to have sex.

    If it was my best friend and we had an actual amicable breakup and we respected each other's relationships that's a whole different thing. Because again i wldnt be spending all my time with him.

    OP needs to decide if his piece of mind is worth giving up for the relationship if she keeps choosing this dude over him.

  11. I enjoy the TL;DR for a post that is one sentence long. And especially that the tldr is longer than the post itself.

  12. My man.

    Look, you’re not gonna want to hear this. It’s gonna suck.

    There probably was no pregnancy. You probably didn’t have sex that night with Abc. If she hadn’t had an ultrasound, and especially if she says she didn’t have one after the miscarriage, it makes it overwhelmingly likely that there never was a pregnancy. Abc may be cruel and manipulative to a degree you cannot comprehend.

    Normally I would say to leave your poor ex alone but in this situation I think it might make sense to tell her what happened. Not to get her back; that’s done. Not because you love her still, you’re going to have to start the process of getting over her now. If you’re amicable to the point where you could ask her to lunch you can do it in person, otherwise it’s going to be via email or letter.

    It would go some like like this.

    “Dear ex, I hope that you will read this in its entirety and understand that I am not writing it to alleviate my guilt or to attempt to continue our relationship, but to explain my bizarre behavior over the last two months and aid us both in moving on.

    Three weeks before Christmas I was at a party and became blackout drunk. The next morning I woke up with Abc in bed next to me. I assumed, and she told me, that we had had sex. It is unforgivable that I did not immediately confess this to you.

    Three weeks later Abc approached me and told me that she was pregnant. She did show me a test. I felt pressure to raise the child married to its mother, which led me to break up with you and begin dating, and later get engaged to, Abc.

    Abc informed me last week that she miscarried.

    Due to circumstances surrounding the alleged pregnancy that I’ve only now realized, I do not believe that there ever was a pregnancy. I also do not believe that I slept with Abc the night of the party. Again, since I believed that I had, my delay in telling you was inexcusable, and I am not writing this expecting forgiveness. But I wanted you to know that the relationship ended had, obviously, nothing at all to do with anything you ever did. I really thought that you were the one and grieve every day the relationship that my irresponsibility and gullibility caused to end. I wish you the best.”

  13. How did you find out? What about the omission of you watching it & not telling her? I do porn, and I would be very upset if my partners watched it (even tho I tell everyone this before the first date I can understand why she wouldn’t tell you about something that was simply just a job). But let her know you know in the least non judgemental way possible. “Babe you should know I’ve been hiding something. I found out very early on that you used to do adult films. I just want you to know that I love you and don’t care, have never cared, and don’t want you to feel like you’ll ever have to hide anything from me. I want to go into our marriage with full honestly.

  14. Please seek some mental health if that is the hill you're willing to die on. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever read on reddit.

  15. Don't bother. Not being compatible with her makes you unhappy in your relationship. This means you should break up with her.

    Don't negotiate with her, just clean break up, and look for some with similar values as you.

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