Lenastyles live webcams for YOU!


lenastyles chat

Date: October 11, 2022

10 thoughts on “Lenastyles live webcams for YOU!

  1. No, I took her where she wanted to go and left. If she really wanted to, I'm sure she could get my number from the friend she called, but I'm not holding my breath for that lol

  2. You been dating all of 2 weeks – 14 days – 336 hours – 20,000 minutes – about 1 million seconds.

    This isn’t “the best relationship in both your lives”. Hell it’s barely a relationship. It’s not necessarily even in both your lives. Sounds like it isn’t in hers.

    You need to take a breath and stop taking whatever drugs or bath salts you’ve been huffing.

  3. Lol why is that “strange”? I have the same problem with texting and let people know upfront so that they don't overthink it when I don't answer something immediately/keep up a derailed conversation

  4. I mean, personally, I'd be suspicious of this. He likely wouldn't say it or double down about it unless he meant it in some way. The only other reason why he would say it without meaning it would be because he was trying to be a troll and piss people off, but even in that case, what well-adjusted 21 year old would be online just saying shit to try to piss women off? He's not 13.

    The “so when a guy with common sense sees that a girl has made an effort to not wear such ho attire he sees her as worthy” part really sticks out to me as something quite nasty to say, and honestly, I wouldn't trust someone if I saw that they said this online or elsewhere. Whether he thinks that way or not, he said it with the intention of it being taken as his actual feelings about the issue, which is enough to warrant caution and distrust from you.

    You didn't twist his words. He quite literally stated that men view women that don't dress in modest ways (so “ho attire”) as easy and worthless. Now this is just ME making inferences, but his statement about tight clothes and makeup being “for men” and “come fuck me attire” could also really get into victim blaming for victims of SA and worse.

    Tbh, it's a yikes from me, and not only would I bring it up to him, but I'd be reconsidering the relationship

  5. Honestly if you want to continue this, maybe suggest couples therapy. That would address her concerns and yours.

  6. Yes she is probably starved for attention. She has some extreme attention seeking issues so it’s not really particular to my bf. She does this with every male around.

  7. Then with that said, I believe we will simply have to hold to our seperate views on this topic. Granted I fully understand where you are coming from, I fail to see how people on the average who are straight would not have a difficult time obtaining and securing a traditional relationship with someone who has identified and is living as bi or even homosexual, this also includes those who who keep it hidden from their spouses, this difficulty goes both ways not just on one end.

    Perhaps if I saw relevant data on the average of flourishing traditional marriages where one partner is straight and the other is bi/homosexual it would make more sense, but the trend you mentioned shows the opposite to the point of the bi/homosexual tending to prefer open relationships. So again drawing things to it's logical conclusion what do I do with that information? To me, the end result seems very clear.

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