Leiadevil-1 live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 12, 2023

9 thoughts on “Leiadevil-1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. If it sours it for you, be gone. You are under no obligation and you don't need justification to find a situation thats more comfortable.

  2. Your boyfriend doesn't have a relationship with his parents (probably because he doesn't agree with their racism etc) but you felt the need to push him to meet up. Maybe respect his choice not to have a relationship with his parents?

  3. There is a world of difference in stages of life, maturity and experience between 23 and 28.

    Your whole fight sounds very high school.

  4. Men are dumb, flat out. And most of us get caught up in the mob mentality of, “you’re right I should be getting (anything you can think of). I’m going to get that for sure, even if it kills me”. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You stood firm, and he came back with his tail between his legs after thinking about how stupid his friends were. They probably made fun of him and hyped him up so he felt vindicated in needing head. My SO hasn’t out my dick in her mouth in years, and that’s ok. I miss it, but I don’t need it. If I didn’t love her and it was that important then I’d find someone else to be with. But like I said, it’s not that important.

    So in conclusion, I think he got caught up in the moment and had some false sense of entitlement. He came back like an idiot apologizing, and tried to help out his buddy with what you do for him and he loves. So that’s really a win. He easily could’ve just complained and told them you don’t do it and you should. But instead he tried to impart wisdom. I think you’ll be fine, he just had a mental lapse. Good luck ☺️

  5. I feel you. I've had the same sort of problems with my husband. My daughter suddenly had an abscessed tooth recently and I could not for the life of me get her into an appointment with any in-network dentists in my area and I was convinced it was going to go to her brain and kill her. After dealing with that and getting approval from the insurance to take her out of network to a dentist 2 hours away on referral, I was looking at her sitting there with an untreated abscess for over a week. He couldn't begin to comprehend why I was still anxious after getting her appointment set up – problem solved, right? I think we just must think radically different from men in some areas (if not most, lol).

    And I get that, too. I'd had a lot of periods of feeling the same way, especially when the kids were younger. I would feel so frustrated that he didn't just see it and offer to do something and having to spell it out for him felt like one more thing I had to do. I'm not sure if that's just one of those feelings you get when you've got a new little one, or if it's amplified somehow but when things settled down and I honestly looked back on it, I could see where I didn't see when he felt the same way and needed help, too. Maybe with different things, but the same sentiment. I think that's when I realized that just expecting him to know what I needed when I needed it wasn't a very fair expectation to have and what mattered wasn't him being unable to read it but his willingness to do what he could once he got the picture.

  6. Not sexually compatible. He just doesn't care about your pleasure. I'm a man, diagnosed with ADHD – sex/sexual contact is contestably the most fun and stimulating thing.

    He just doesn't care.

  7. since I have 0 way to really ever know what goes on

    That's life though. You'll never know what your partner is doing 100% of the time, that's why trust is important. And if you don't trust him then you shouldn't be with him.

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