LatinCuteBlond live webcams for YOU!


LatinCuteBlond Public Chat Channel

Date: November 25, 2022

12 thoughts on “LatinCuteBlond live webcams for YOU!

  1. I was working and travelling around meeting friends I couldn't meet cause of COVID. It was 3 trips which he knew about even before the break happened and he supported them. It's not like I wasn't doing things I suppose, but in my mind we would've gotten back together at some point. Now I know it was different for him, he started moving on and I don't blame him for that.

  2. You searched for a sext partner just 87 days ago, you cheated on her one year into the relationship (2 year old relationship, you cheated on her last year) and still trying to gaslight us into believing you only cheated “at the start of the relationship.” You are not honest to strangers on the internet, you are not honest to your girlfriend, you are not even honest to yourself. Good for her to give a taste of your own medicine. Get some therapy, stay away from her and please stop fucking lying.

  3. The brother has children. If they ran the test with one of his kids DNA, and swapped the sample, it would come back with exactly those expected results. It all depends how smart they were when they meddled.

  4. $120 per guy for the show seems about right. She’ll likely collect tips and linger for “private dances” all for an additional fee of course.

  5. Do you expect to change his mind? Or him to change yours? That's silly. I don't recommend struggling through a relationship with someone when it's unnecessarily difficult to be who you are. That's basic advice I would give to anyone.

  6. I wouldn't bother. they have been together since he was 21. He has been an excellent boyfriend, and now she is asking for this. I would leave. She a drama queen.

    I wouldn't trust her with my heart.

  7. This is crazy, is she going to project everything that goes wrong with her friends on You?

    On the other hand it did take you 6 years to find out how nuts she can get.

  8. Don’t get married so young to people you don’t know that well!! Big word of advice……. Communicate!

  9. He doesn’t need a girlfriend he needs to go and live with his mummy.

    Why are you even contemplating this?

    Tell him to grow up and find yourself an adult to date not this needy child.

  10. I think you should take a BIG step back and breath. Your emotions are TOTALLY VALID. This is weird, not very considerate, and not okay for any friend to act as facilitator for something like this. BUT THEY ARE THE WEIRD ONES, You GF was dealing with a BIZARRE and UNCOMFORTABLE situation, and a situation where a man was expressing CREEPY interest in her. Get on the same page as her, because she was trying to do the best WITH A SITUATION THAT HAS NO RELATIONAL NORM. Look, could she have handled it in a way that made you feel better? Maybe, but that's up to to you do identify and then ASK FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION. But you're on the same team, and she probably felt WEIRD, targeted, awkward, confused, when it happened and freezing or trying to pretend it never happened, especially when everyone else in the situation was treating it like it was normal and a politeness issue not, A CREEPY MAN EXPRESSING BOUNDARY-IGNORING INTEREST IN YOUR GF. I cannot stress enough how many weird emotions stuff like that evokes and how she was PROBABLY CONFUSED trying to figure out how to JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY. Good luck, I hope you can be a support to her rather than an antagonist while she sorts this out in her friend group.

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