LARAFOXX live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 5, 2022

10 thoughts on “LARAFOXX live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your framing of it as logic vs. “Disney-romantic novel fantasy” is intersting, because in my mind the prince in Disney movies is romantic and loves the woman and doesn't treat her like shit – am I wrong?

    Do not break up with your partner. Talk to them about the real issues in your relationship – what you think is lacking and some ideas for how to improve it. Do you still go on dates? Could he be more spontaneous?

    If you can afford it I'd advise therapy. But you also might not be ready to be in a relationship right now and that is ok too

  2. Nah your wrong for cheating and uprooting your children’s life. It’s totally fine if you want to leave one to be with your partner anymore, it’s not ever okay to cheat. Leave and then persue new lovers. Your children with have their own vocal opinions soon enough. You are seeing what you want to see. 1 month of talking to a man outside your marriage and you jump ship on your marriage and attach yourself to him. One codependent relationship to the next.

  3. If one person in a relationship has contempt and disrespect for their partner, its not going to be a happy relationship.

  4. Send her a clean background check if you are and then break up with her. Seriously what record would you have that she wouldn't know about? And unless her friend reported the abuser to the police and he was charged, he also won't have a record.

    But yeah this would be hard to come back from

  5. Then provide one if it's so easy. Seriously. If you find me a single instance of a guy getting a 5+ year sentence for just selling weed in any “western” country, I'll find you a unicorn that fucked a leprechaun. That means not trafficking 100 lbs of it, not running a farm, not carrying a gun, not his 5th conviction, etc.

  6. Have some self respect lady. This guy blocks you after taking your property? That’s not a boyfriend, that’s just a thief. Dump him.

  7. The bottom line is you don’t have to stay and you don’t owe him anything. He lied and broke your trust your well within your right to say what’s been broken can’t be fixed or will be to hard to fix and you don’t want to stay.

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