LANAROUX live webcams for YOU!


Fingering [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

7 thoughts on “LANAROUX live webcams for YOU!

  1. I love this. Good for you!

    That was money that could have went to the family.

    And again, the disclaimer like my other comment, it’s not that every dollar he has needs to go directly to the family and kids always, it’s just that would be a positive use of the money in a way that adds to the life of the family as opposed to what he did which impacted it negatively and jeopardized it.

    Even when parents are spending money on themselves, which they of course need to do, they can still be keeping in mind and coming from a perspective of will doing this take away from or negatively impact my family?

    I would wish to have a spouse and co-parent who looks at things in that way.

  2. I am an introvert, married to an introvert.. we both work from home.

    Thankfully our home offices are on different floors, and we try to give the other space for the most part during the day.

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE when he and my kiddo are both gone sometimes, the recharge is amazing, but I would NEVER in a MILLION years tell him he needs to leave. If I need space, and he's home, it is on ME to find it. I don't get to kick him out of our home because I'm feeling overwhelmed. I can find a spot by myself in the house (okay we are lucky enough that it's a large house and we could each be on a different floor and not have to interact), or *I* can leave and go do something by myself (just go for a drive, or find a park or quiet coffee house or something)..

    You don't tell someone they have to leave their house to recharge, it's on you to figure out how to get what you need in that situation.

  3. Yes, interesting to note though that if something has a 1% chance to occur per event, and you iterate over that event 100 times it has a 63.4% chance of happening. I get that it’s probably even higher than 99% chance but if you think about having sex frequently throughout a long term relationship your easily looking at good chance of it happening.

  4. I lack the words to describe what you are.

    She's already put a no-contact restraining order against you, how the fuck do you think you're going to salvage this. Do you really think she still loves you, or that you love her?

    For fucks sake divorce and never talk to her again.

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