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23 thoughts on “LamaKarelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you're both overreacting.

    You're his friend.

    She's now his friend.

    They were just messing about after a few drinks.

    it was an orange peel, she wasn't sucking his dick, quite innocent imo.

    Do you have any reason to distrust either of them?

  2. Yes, because it's not the kind of advice you wanted to hear/read.

    Another advice and maybe you'll like this one better: Don't listen to anyone's advice and just do what you think is best. But… If you don't want to listen to the advice people give you on here, you shouldn't have asked.

  3. Take this from a 30yo who has been dating a sea of assholes in her life – a girl best friend is the first red flag šŸ˜‰ He is engaging in sexual behaviour with her. Kick him to the curb.

  4. You need to sit down, and do a little future planning with her. Discuss whatā€™s going to happen if you decide to get married, have kids, etc. Are you going to to join your accounts (which giving what you wrote, I wouldnā€™t suggest) or are you going to separate finances? Can you both afford to live a lavish lifestyle and still save and invest for the future or is this going to fall on just you.

    My fiancĆ© and I have the same mindset when it comes to money and our lifestyle, and we did our future planning very early on and still talk about it as time passes. We have the same goals and work together toward it. Thing is, right now, I can save more than he does (he had loans), but weā€™re both working toward the same future goal so I have no problem with this.

    With my best friend however, her bf makes less than she does but he spends it all on friends, hanging out, and material things. And because he has a side job, he cannot help her take out a mortgage for their future home. So she has to work and save for the both of them. She wasnā€™t happy with their current situation but now sheā€™s learned to live with it and accept that she wonā€™t settle down anytime soon.

    So while weā€™re both in the same position (both of us as the ones saving much more than our SO), our future is still very different.

  5. You have no choice? Umā€¦of course you do. You can choose to go see a lawyer and draw up papers. She canā€™t force you into anything.

  6. Yeahā€¦ your best friend is not your best friend. She purposely said that to drive a wedge between you and your (probably ex now) gf. Likely out of jealousy. Time to have a chat and establish stroonnnggg boundaries.

    Also, you shouldā€™ve told your gf about your history before introducing her to your ā€œbest friendā€. You lied for over a year. She likely will never trust you again because whoā€™s to say yā€™all arenā€™t trickle-truthing and more things wonā€™t come out on the future?

    If you have any hope of saving this relationship you need to tell her EVERYTHING. No secrets whatsoever. And likely make some compromises in regards to this ā€œbest friendā€.

  7. sex is a major aspect of compatibility. Agreeing to a lifetime of bad sex is… depressing at best. Like… girl. He literally straight up refuses to please you and somehow you feel selfish? What in the fuck???? Do you hear yourself??

    There is no way this guy is offering enough to put up with a lifetime of lame dick. Like really, what is he offering? Please for the love of god don't just say, “we get along really well” because that is not enough. I get along with Debra in accounting, i'm not asking her to marry me. Theres more to it than that.

  8. You trust him? Why? He stomped on your boundaries and respect then said you were mental. Isnā€™t this actual gaslighting? Is his name Seann Walsh?

  9. Some people are curious, others are not. This is a defining trait or value for me, so I get what youā€™re saying. It took me years to find someone whose curiosity for the world matched mine and now I couldnā€™t be happier.

  10. I mean you didnā€™t like the answers you got which is why you kept insisting on PMing people so you could further clarify. I just saw your reply this morning which is why I only now responded.

  11. For the second time tonight I have to write loving someone means accepting them as they are, not as we might wish them to be or how we might like them better if they changed. If someone important to you makes fun of you in some way then how much do they truly care about you as a person? I believe at the least your wife owes you a massive apology and should take some time to reevaluate her priorities and work on being a lot more empathetic. Whether you decide to have a circumcision or not is your decision obviously but do it or dont because its whats important to you and what you want, not to please anyone else.

  12. She sounds like she's highly impressionable, got convinced by her friend that all men are potential abusers, and is too wedded to her own reality to understand how her demands might make other people feel. These seem like huge personality flaws to me.

  13. It is very possible for things to move this quickly, especially when mental health struggles are added to the mix.

    Only he can know if this is salvageable, but it sounds like — if nothing else — the relationship is a cause of concern for him and he needs some more time apart.

    It's understandable for this to feel blindsiding to you and you have my condolences for the loss; try to take care of yourself and your well being and focus on yourself for the time being. Give him space and if there is anything to salvage I'm sure you both will have the opportunity to talk further in the future.

  14. Step #1 – remove him and his access to any and all financial information/accounts etc.

    Step #2 – remove yourself from the situation … with a quickness

  15. But she shuts down all your ideas and isnā€™t willing to fix it right now. And Iā€™m certain your child is feeling that hatred and negativity from her. I just know the decades of damage that can come from being disliked by a caregiver, especially if thereā€™s other kids being loved on in the house

  16. ā€œI jokingly started touching him sexually in a way he never indicated he wantedā€ is not a great defense. Also this isnā€™t really about defense but about apologizing and making it up to your partner who felt violated and maybe also embarrassed. At the very least you need to apologize and promise to never do this again (and mean it). If he chooses to stay with you, heā€™s probably going to need some time to rebuild trust, you canā€™t expect it to be back instantly

  17. Her comparing you to an ex in this situation a big red flag. I would set a boundary with her. You canā€™t be in a relationship without open and honest communication. If that isnā€™t something she is capable or willing to engage in you need to end things.

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