Lalu-shine live webcams for YOU!


Hard Spanks At Goal , ⭐Control Me 34 Tks ⭐ Sn4p For 99 Tks ⭐ Special Tips 22-33-44 [Multi Goal]

Date: October 12, 2022

35 thoughts on “Lalu-shine live webcams for YOU!

  1. Why do you think Ryan’s conception has anything at all to do with Jake?

    Let’s be honest, conception is often accidental. Especially the last kid in the family.

    And stress causes more birth control failures. Hormones are messed up, pills get forgotten, condoms get forgotten, life is shit so f it let’s f and worry about the consequences later, etc.

    This is a messed up dynamic that somehow your parents had a master plan to replace or save Jake. When more likely they had no plan at all other than trying to make it through one more day.

  2. Mom of 2 adult boys here. Tweens and early teen years for boys are super difficult in general. Hormones are crazy and insecurities are flaring. Not knowing the circumstances in which he came to live w you….he may feels lost and unwanted. No matter what you are doing to keep him from feeling that way. An honest open letter would be great. Addressing him by Son and ending in Love Dad. He just needs reassurance and unconditional love. It gets better❤️

  3. That not how pregnancy dates work. It’s dated from last menstrual period so 5 weeks pregnant means about 3 weeks from conception and just over two weeks of actual pregnancy. It’s really important to know this if you’re going to be giving any advice about pregnancy.

  4. Honestly I think after everything you've just been through, you need to take some time to heal emotionally before getting involved with anyone else. My advice would be, take time to heal, and just buy sex toys for your sexual needs right now.

  5. You’re feelings are valid.

    I would ask if she had a past with this new person and if she did then ask her why she keeps throwing these people in your path if she knows how you feel about it. Her answer might tell you a lot about how much she considers your feelings.

  6. If you trust her what do you think the men are going to do? Do you think she is indanger for being alone with that many men??? Just because a man hits on or flirts with a woman doesn't mean she is going to do anything.

  7. OP, coming from someone who worked for years in addictions and recovery, and who is also in recovery…

    This is the best advice you're going to get. I highly recommend you take it.

  8. I think she was maybe looking for her friend to assure her that the gap is always normal, and instead of pulled the exact thing she needed reassurance on to point out how the bait was trash.

    She was probably so embarrassed the only thing she could do was toss op out

  9. In North America that used to be a super offensive insult in the first half of the 20th century. For example, around the time of world war 2 or so, if you insulted a man's parents, that would have been worth punchin over. In Mexico and central America, it depends on how you word it and what you say. You could call somone's mother ugly or lazy, but you don't call her

    Then it started becoming kind of a joking insult among young, poor teenagers in the 1960's and 1970's. That is, a way to “roast” your friends in a joking way. Then some comedians and hip-hop musicians started picking it up

    Tell your friend you don't blame him for not knowing, but in most Asian cultures if you insult somone's parents or their family name, they're likely to kick you a few times or spit in your face then tell you you're a dog. Then tell him you'd like an apology.

  10. Hey OP, sounds like you have some unresolved feelings for your first love. I get that you want to have a normal life, but you can’t force yourself to be with someone you don’t really love. That’s not fair to your current BF or yourself. If you really want to give your first love a chance, you need to break up with your BF first. Don’t cheat on him or string him along. Be honest and respectful. Then, talk to your first love and see if he feels the same way. Maybe he’s moved on, maybe he hasn’t. But you won’t know unless you try.

  11. She asked me once if it bothered me, I told her no because we hadn't reached this level yet. Her response was, verbatim “It wouldn't change anything, but I'd still want to know”

  12. She asked me once if it bothered me, I told her no because we hadn't reached this level yet. Her response was, verbatim “It wouldn't change anything, but I'd still want to know”

  13. You’re right. Thank you.

    If I continue paying or pay a cancellation fee, she’s just getting the last bit of use she can out of me.

  14. Let me attempt to get through to you…

    She doesn’t want you. She doesn’t desire you. She doesn’t want to fuck you. She doesn’t care about you sexually. She’s not attracted to you.

    She will literally never open up to you sexually the way she has with literally every other man she’s ever come into personal contact with.

    Her sexuality is something she will never share with you, that was for every other man she’s ever been with, not for you.

    Her reassurances are lies. Her actions are the truth.

  15. This is the correct way to deal with it. The number one rule in any office is Cover Your Ass. Put everything in writing.

  16. It can take a year or more before they tolorate each other more. Which is fine. Do it in the cats tempo. Usually i calm the situation DOWN by either distracting them or talk to them softly. He is escalating the situation for you and the cats. Either he needs to learn to chill or he has to go ?‍???‍♀️

  17. Well first of all my knee jerk conclusion like everyone else is that your bf is full of it and he totally snorted some drugs.


    that doesn't actually matter to this situation in some ways, because regardless of whether he did coke or if he has a really weird case of severe allergies that hit super rapidly and seem to include nervous energy and anxiety, which he's really embarrassed of and defensive about for some reason… (omg tell me you see the numbers adding up here girl, come on, no way you're that gullible)

    Do you want to spend your life with someone who publicly shames and belittles you for voicing legitimate concerns in private?

    Because you don't deserve that.

  18. You are a fucking idiot…keep doing laundry and cleaning out your closet…going for walks…and using up your precious time to wait for him to respond…guess what??? He fucking won't. Yes stay up all night just to catch him when he is able to talk is the ideal time to have a conversation. And yes just to have a 15-30 ,minute conversation is way more better than text and to wait a lifetime time for a response that will never happen. Get over it…he ain't texting you back.

  19. I know you already asked about personal care, but we had a similar experience in my house.

    Medicated/caffeinated shampoo. The one that is for extreme dandruff for people with skin conditions, or that other caffeinated wake up shower gel, they both smell the same.

    It was like the cilantro taste effect. To me it smelt like liquorice to my wife it smelt like piss.

    Safe to say back to regular shampoo.

  20. Honey, you were violently assaulted/r*ped. Please file a police report so they have SOMETHING on him, and please utilize any and every person you know to get out of this relationship and as far away as possible

  21. When everything started? Some coworkers i had recently met. One of them offered me to go spend the night at her place and i refused. I left shortly after that and they stayed partying. It was after leaving that everything becomes a blurr.

  22. Downvote me all you need BUT apart from being rude she isn't completely wrong to be against these groups. Any results most people get are usually only temporary. They encourage obsession over what you are eating and give rules and regulations against scientific and at times common sense. Some of the recipes are good however the lamb tagine especially. It's not nice she's unsupportive and even worse that she's sneering, it seems like projecting her own negative feelings and possible jealousy of your motivation. Whether you do or don't join a weight loss group get out walking, do your 20 or so minutes then work up to more get her to come too! You'll both get moving and do something positive together. Good luck and have fun!

  23. I think that's a red flag. You really need three red flags to think of leaving. Are there any others?

  24. Yep it is so fucked up! And that pretty much says exactly what he is doing and expects. Hope OP is taking notice of that too. He's horrid!

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