LADYPETITE live webcams for YOU!


LADYPETITE Public Chat Channel

Date: February 12, 2023

11 thoughts on “LADYPETITE live webcams for YOU!

  1. I need someone who can be communicating with me about the problem and we can try to resolve it, instead of this break. I know the mistakes I made, but this doesn’t solve anything.

  2. No don’t do this! Please just keep this loser from physically entering at all. Hire security. If everyone has to be aware of the clown and act a certain way around the clown it’s going to take all of the attention away from the couple everyone wants to celebrate. This is for you and your fiancé don’t even let him inside. Even if he comes dressed appropriately you never know if he’ll bust out a red nose and slather some makeup on in the bathroom. God what a selfish loser seriously don’t let him in.

  3. “Look at these delicious pancakes I made and people eating it! ? This could be us, and yeah I cheated and youre rightfully upset, but you playing!”

  4. Definitely tell them dude. Honesty is the best policy. If she were in your shoes, wouldn’t you like that kind of honesty?

  5. Yeah, I wrote another comment on here about the horrible reactionary, extreme, over-dramatic advice on this forum:

    I guess they use this forum as a way to project their unhappiness onto others by trying to suggest they shouldn't work to be happy either so every single tiny incident turns into “omfg he's so TOXIC and ABUSIVE, dump him yesterday!”

  6. I kinda get where you are coming from. So what if initially he was calling to show interest? Clearly she's not interested, she's happy, married. He might even be like “good for her, I'm happy for her” then catch up and part ways once more. It's nice.

    What wouldn't be nice is if he called up again, at that point OP would have to say. Look I'm glad you're doing well etc but I don't want to remain close with you as you are an ex and it's not appropriate.

  7. And I met my current SO when we were in highschool. Does that mean every guy I met in highschool I have a romantic interest in? No, obviously not.

    You have to understand how illogical your perspective is.

    People meet in various ways, and just because they interact does not mean anything romantic is or ever will occur.

  8. There may be a reason….like she doesn't want her family to drive you away. Some of us have very disfunctional families. Mayb she is anticipating the wedding is going to be shit show…she is sparing you.

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