KristinaAmour live webcams for YOU!


Could be time here so crazy ? 😀 [9860 tokens remaining]

Date: October 5, 2022

9 thoughts on “KristinaAmour live webcams for YOU!

  1. Jesus if the kid is acting like this now, imagine how bad it’ll be when she hits the teen years? You already got the advice you need about the mom needing to enforce rules and boundaries. She’s raising a spoiled kid who can’t control her emotions. You can’t let a child run your lives, it’s supposed to go the other way around. If you’re not sure how to reach the kid properly to do all that, google it. If your gf refuses, walk. This will only become worse.

  2. Go to a shelter (prob a women’s shelter) or go to a police department and ask them where you need to go tonight or can they take you back to your home to get your belongings. Google social workers near you (United Way might be easier to contact and can help you more). Google a shelter and get their phone number and ask them to come pick you up. Start calling relatives or calling social services who can tell you what needs to happen. Don’t sleep outside tonight! Google anything you can think would help you, but a social worker will be more knowledgeable about how to get to you and find you a warm bed.

  3. OP answered in the comments that he is in individual therapy. His wife is in individual therapy, and they are in couples therapy together.

  4. It happens a lot. Perception about things is a common occurrence and often people will go with the evidence that is front of them, even if that is not the complete picture.

    From his point of view, you went on a holiday with some friends and he was excluded. Your other friends left early and rather than also leave with them, you stayed behind and shared a room with a guy who I'm sure you have said “you don't have to worry about him”. This all happened after you made a pretty fair effort of making yourself presentable.

    Given this it's not a stretch to see how he has put two and two together and had his gf cheating on him. Anyone in his position would think exactly the same thing.

    So has it happened before? Oh god yes. This sub is replete with stories such as this (and worse) where a very seemingly innocent sequence of events have been taken the wrong way and it resulted in a breakup.

    You have to ask yourself though – if the situation were reversed and your bf was in your position, what would your reaction be? My bet is that it would be the same and you'd be boxing his stuff up before he got home.

    Sorry to say but this is going to be a hard one to come back from and if you go in with the attitude that you are hurt for him suggesting you have cheated when you haven't, you will just be adding fuel to already burning fire.

    Because denial and attack is the course of action of anyone who cheats.

    You have a hard task ahead of you to recover this and even if you do, your relationship with your bf will always feel “off” as he just simply won't trust you. Whether that is warranted or not is sadly not the issue.

    Because his perception of this is based on what you have done in his eyes. And that is not a good one to have.

  5. Maybe it’s because the comments on here are coming off mean and insensitive. People with differing opinions should still be sensitive to the fact this is an issue that is causing someone distress, regardless if what OP is feeling makes them a “bad partner.”

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