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18 thoughts on “KimPolloclive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. 100%. Apparently yesterday the girl hitting on my bf said “I’m not going to talk to your gf when she’s around unless you break up”. I just find it petty. Not sure if she’s intimated by me or because I don’t care. But there’s something not right with her mind.

  2. Let’s stop calling these political views. They are personal views about how we treat each other. You’re not leaving because of his politics. It’s his personality. Don’t feel like it’s an insignificant thing.

  3. No offense to the Eastern European people (I am one of them) but this guy seems to achieve in a span of couple of years what others achieved in tens of years: moving to US, getting a house, residency… What if he needs CITIZENSHIP through a shortcut, which in this case would be… MARRIAGE…?

    You need a thorough background check (official, not from “friends”) and if you decide to do the marriage step, you have to protect yourself (ask a lawyer about prenup and whatnot).

    Good luck!

  4. Sounds like he is more invested than you are potentially? He seems like he is more comfortable around you, and wants to be in a peaceful and calm situation when he is around.

    You’re nervous energy might be making him insecure as well. Not saying it’s your fault. It’s okay to be anxious or nervous. You two just clearly aren’t on the same page right now.

    Why are you feeling anxious around him?

    If I hadn’t seen my SO for an extended period of time, and when I did it was awkward or off, I would be very curious to figure out why they felt that way.

    Is his communication bad?

    Y’all shouldn’t leave this stuff up for interpretation. Instead tell him why you’re anxious etc.

  5. You’ve been together for a year… I think youse should be a bit more serious than just seeing eachother but either way he shut em down.. I think you just need to talk about how seriously he sees this relationship at this point in time.. I don’t mean in like an accusatory way, more so just a deep conversation about where youse see this going and if he’s taking it seriously

  6. I am sure your emotions are all over the place. There will be times when you want to forgive.

    When I read a story like this I focus on what stands out for me.

    “Emily” has watched “Mark” belittle you and be horrible towards you for six months at least. Knowing what she did that he was hung up on her, spent time alone with him, knew he wanted her to be his girlfriend. At least six months of him being like this, over a year of doing whatever this is with him.

    Then she is choosing to make sure he is okay….

    She might well be sorry now, but she is still choosing him and has done for the past year. Whether it is about sympathy, attention or feeling needed by him I don't know, perhaps all of that.

    He has a lot of anger towards you and will continue to have, that is why you have to file a report, because he is capable of violence that by your own survival instincts just barely managed to keep you alive. That takes a while to sink in, trust me it does. The idea that someone wants you dead isn't an easy thing to think about someone you considered a close friend.

    For yourself, distraction is something people find useful when their thoughts won't stop, watch a funny video, do somethign that takes a lot of concentration. Exercise works well. Being purposeful is known to be good for recovery, helping people or doing something productive. Plan for something to do in 6 weeks time, then another 6 weeks, an event, a trip just anything. Meet friends but ask them not to go overboard with talking about this, distraction remember.

    You will get through this, keep writing it is helpful to see how far you have come sometimes.

  7. This is a you issue though. You like being the caretaker, or feel you ned to be, so you keep doing it. You then enable him not to do anything to better himself since he knows you'll do it. You simply say nope- either he starts taking care of himself or moves out.

    I do think you'll be in for a life time of this, and you need to realize its not your responsibility to ensure he has a good life. The only people you owe anything to without question, is yourself and any minor children.

  8. Managed to walk straight to this guys house on accident and then was coincidentally there right as she was in the doorway?

  9. Yes I'll do that but my main concern is why my brother doesn't seem to be bothered even though he knows of what I've been through.

  10. I wonder in what kind of bubble you are living so that the age difference of 2 years is an issue. I almost feel like understand why she was hiding it from you.

    That she was hiding it is not Ok of course.

  11. What does he do to make sure you’re sexually fulfilled?

    Seriously, make a list for yourself of the times in the last 2 weeks that he did anything in bed that was specifically tailored to your interests, not his.

  12. He underestimated his hand.

    Him: “If you don't like my rules, then leave!”

    *you leave

    Him: I can't believe you left me!

    Dude is stuck in the 1700's re: his view on women. Block him and never look back.

  13. She had an emotional reaction to hearing some news. It had nothing to do with you. I can almost guarantee you the thought that went through her head was “I was with him (the ex) for four years and wasn’t good enough for him to marry, and now he’s found someone good enough. What’s wrong with me?”

    Just because she did not have a rational reaction to the news does not mean there is anything lacking in her current relationship with you. She spent four years with him, I imagine at some point in those years she thought about marrying him, and now (again in an irrational way) he’s marrying someone else and she feels the sting and the finality of the end of that relationship.

    It’s a fairly common reaction, even from relationships that ended long ago and both parties have moved on. It’s also okay for you to feel a little hurt, but try to keep it in perspective—just like you can’t control feeling hurt right now, neither can she. It’s a temporary hurt for both of you, don’t let it ruin a new relationship solely for that reason.

  14. Did you just call my parents but because my dad has psychosis and my mum austism/adhd? And then said because of these difficulties I shouldn't celebrate my wedding with them? And called them nuts?

    If my fiance heard someone say this even he would be offended.

  15. I'm never a what if you want kids in future. But what if she wanted children. Come on man that's just fucking cruel to lie. You did the right thing. Maybe it could've been done a better way but I think it had to happen

  16. Are you dating him? I’m a bit confused. I don’t think a text of any sort is going to make someone think that another person is the one for them. You just say happy birthday. I wish I was there to celebrate with you. I’m guessing he doesn’t live near you.

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