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66 thoughts on “Kimberly2live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. thanks yeah thats a good idea. i have just always heard asking for space is like a bad thing or a sign the relationship is done

  2. You said talking did not help. Her mother came to you with concerns about her mental health. You and mom can have a sit down with her and talk about her seeking mental health services.

    For the sake of your own insanity, you should find different living arrangements; or your resentment will grow strong and likely more towards anger and hatred which could destroy your friendship.

  3. Honestly, we have a super limited view on what he's actually like. Based on your description, he sounds doesn't seem to understand reality. No one gets to say no when someone else breaks up with them. That's not how any of this works. ?

    I do find it a little concerning that you're agreeing to his “no”. That might be others concern too; a lot of people who cave so quickly have also been abused in some way in the relationship.

    Anyways, I hope everything works out for you. You deserve to live your best life.

  4. Neither of you sounds mature enough for an adult relationship. Just end it now. You both learned a lesson. If you continue you both need serious advice or counseling

  5. You break up. You can't have half a kid and you will resent her. You can't bank on people changing their minds and you certainly cannot accept an ambiguous answer. If the answer is not hell yes its no.

  6. Different direction in life means time to go your separate ways. It won't work out if you want different things in life.

  7. Dude quite babying a grown adult. You’ve tried beating around the bush and just need to be direct and I dare say- a nag. Just be blunt and if he can’t take it – it’s him problem “poop is gross and you smell like poop all the time. I’m not going to make out with a toilet so you need to stop smelling like one.” Maybe make him wash his hands every time before he touched you and just make it a force of habit. If he is getting very defensive it might be worth having him see a therapist bc this isn’t normal or healthy for anyone.

  8. Why would you put up with that BS? Trade him in for a good therapist and I’m sure you’ll start feeling better about yourself.

  9. If I had to bet, I would say he is using this “earn it” and “you know (what you did)“ and lack of affection, all this ostensible “punishment”, as a cover. Keeping you focused on what we mysterious thing you’ve done wrong and wringing your hands trying to please him and win his affection back conveniently keeps you from asking where the hell he is and what he’s doing when he disappears.

    Who’s house/apartment is it? Who moved in with who? Who is on the lease? Who pays the bills?

    If it’s your place, you’re on the lease, and you pay the bills, it’s time to change the locks on him the next time he does this.

  10. You’re being ridiculous. This doesn’t have to do with pride, it has to do with your toxic masculinity and misogyny.

  11. It seems like a simple request but there a few other ways to address the whole situation: put the pills in a weekly or monthly container that dispenses one at a time, move the bowl to the kitchen, try using liquid benadryl instead, or stop using benadryl since it does have long term side effects. Like ask if she wants to try chamomile tea or lavender or something.

    The issue is coming at her with “change what you are doing because it's wrong” (even if she is doing something careless) vs “how can we solve this together”. In general your relationship will go better if you both meet disagreements as “us vs the problem” instead of “me vs you”.

  12. Common law marriage is not legally recognized here. But from what I understand since we have presented as a married couple for so long and have children together, it would be very very close to a divorce. But i don't even want that. I just want to have the same securities and protection he has.

  13. I mean if you really want to live for him and is happy doing it, theres nothing toxic, maybe on your friends eyes your husband made you quit military só then you would be financially dependent on him and will have no other choice than live around him, i think you should just explain to then that you live like this because you want to, and your husband isnt manipulating you, its just your own choice and you want then to respect it

  14. Honestly seeing his other posts, I dont think he is. I think he's a really sheltered kid who has been raised in a heteronormative society and is unsure of himself because of it.

    But even if he is, is rather help someone than not bother.

  15. Well maybe he's now starting to change how he deals with condoms. You can trust someone but that doesn't mean they can't betray you. My man's just taking the precautions not to fuck his life over, don't question it.

  16. The thing is.. would that be true?

    If it isn't, he shouldn't. This is not meant to be a manipulative move, but a closure-generating action to start moving on.

    If he isn't actually trying to move on… I'm sorry but this will backfire spectacularly.

  17. If she did it with you so easily, she probably did it with others.

    Tell the truth. You owe the guy that much after what you did to him.

  18. I know now that I am just as much to blame for being an ostrich with my head in the sand. I should have done so many things differently. I'm still in shock a bit but I know in my heart that I can't keep living this way. It's too much.

    Also I might be able to rent out the basement and will have to spend only a few hundred dollars to get a separate entrance ☺️ my house is laid out perfectly!

  19. When you did your own toxic shit you never involved another person in your marriage though. But don't “listen” to me it is not that you did something wrong communicating with your partner. We just talk and I just try to understand.

  20. Only two things that could’ve happened.

    It’s either she went to bed first, slept. And then he came behind her and cuddled her w/o consent. (Possibly the other way around).


    Both were mutually in bed together. (If this, your ex deserves better).

    I see no other options.

  21. I have misophonia and other sensory issues and the thing is they are MY issues. If a noise especially eating is bothering me and I mean it makes me go from calm to angry in secs, then I remove myself or put my coping mechanisms into place. Your bf sounds like he is using his issues to control you and controlling someone's eating and drinking is just abusive and asking for then to develop an eating disorder.

    My sorry but if your bf at his age can't see how he is the problem and either seek professional help or look into coping mechanisms and strategies himself then I would walk away. His peace of mind doesn't come at the expense of You!!

    Does he stay home at all times to avoid people eating and drinking?

  22. It’s more likely they both got trashed and hooked up or just cuddled.

    The fact that so many people are jumping to conclusions and accusing the male of sexually assaulting her is absolutely fucking heinous. There is literally zero evidence that anyone was sexually assaulted. These kinds of accusations can destroy someone’s life.

    Regarding OP, I doubt there’s anything you can do to remedy your relationship with your bf. I wish you the best and hope you find your peace

  23. We became official a week and a half ago. She has expressed her love for me several times (not the first)

  24. So are you implying that she is probably doing stuff with her best friend and her best friend boyfriend

  25. OP do you and your husband have any children by any chance? Does this woman share any characteristics with your husband?

  26. As a nonbinary person, I can 100% assure you it’s okay. You’re using the pronouns he is okay with and that is all that matters.

    If your friend doesn’t usually do this, you can talk about what made her react the way she did. She may be feeling disregarded by society and projecting that onto you. If she still insists that you are a bigot though, you need to set the appropriate boundaries.

  27. OK let me tell you some thing I understand what you’re saying and I wish everybody came to us pristine but they don’t. So it is better that you divorce her. Your stuff is so unrealistic and so judge mental to a woman who’s actually been really good with you and you’re so willing to throughout your marriage that frankly, please go on your way go in peace.

  28. u/LieTraditional1155

    If she didn’t delete anything she shouldn’t object to you trying this out. But keep in mind, you can only use this trick once. She’ll learn to clear the trash bin after this if there is a next time.

  29. You do nothing and focus on yourself instead of on your sister. Yes, it sucks, but she is an adult and can do whatever she wants to do – including making bad decisions. You, as the sister, have absolutely no say in this. You're not her parent and she's not a kid anymore.

    You can't magically make her see the light by saying a specific thing or showing her a specific something. The only thing you can control is yourself and your own boundaries. Which could mean many things – moving out and cutting contact with your sister until she breaks up with the guy for good, simply not focusing on the issue anymore, not engaging in any talk concerning him (even if a different family member, like your mother, wants to talk), whatever. That's your choice. But you don't get to control other people's behavior.

  30. Thats why in USA they ask you if they are authorized to call. Plus people talk, and if is the same industry, chances are people from x company know people from y company. I have worked in plenty of places where I found ex coworkers working, because they all go to the same places to work. Even if “unofficially”, there's a possibility someone gossiped and they heard what happened.

  31. That's true. I guess I just don't know what to expect.i don't really have all that much of a support network as I don't have family. I know I need to do it, it's the unknown that scares me

  32. Any advice ? Report him to the police and run away. The next time you wake up with his cock inside of you, he might not kindly get out of bed but rather punch your face and finish what he started. Don't be delusional, you're risking your life for a, well, low-life scumbag.

  33. You're wrong for everything.

    You're spending a ton of time on another woman, but claim you don't have time to spend with your wife. You're lying about your relationship and things you do with this other woman so that your wife doesn't get upset.

    This isn't a friendship, it's an affair. You are cheating. You should do your wife the favor of ending your marriage so she can find someone who actually is in love with her.

  34. Long term relationships are tough. If you wanna work it out there will Definately be an upside. Hopefully he comes around eventually! Try to stay positive and helpful

  35. Are we talking clutter or disgusting dirty dishes? Honestly, for some people— especially with untreated ADHD— clutter and messes can be overwhelming. While it may be very tight financially, hiring a cleaning person every other week can be a life saver.

  36. “You’re abusive, insecure, and immature I’m breaking up with you.” That’s how you should respond to the situation now before he takes it further.

  37. You striving for bond & validation from your family – give them all the opportunities to do so – and then get hurt again & again when they reject those opportunities. Stop. They don’t worth it.

    Stop wasting precious pregnancy moments & your sanity on those ungrateful awful people.

    Enjoy your deserved happiness.

    Have a shower/gender reveal with your friends & SO’s family – DON’T TELL YOUR RELATIVES, they’ll ruin it & will guilt you for it.

    Learn grey-rocking techniques / information diet – currently you yourself giving them weapons to hurt you with.

    Generally, cease the contact with your family where they could no longer hurt you that much. Stop striving for their validation. You’re valid. Their approval has nothing to do with your worth.

    Someone suggested getting into therapy – I’ll look into that. It can help you address the traumas from such upbringing, explain golden child / scapegoat family dynamics, will help you rewire your thinking & behavior a little, so it won’t be as hurtful anymore & you’ll stop validation-looking from them, it will teach you boundaries & self-space, and most importantly – it will help you create a better life for your child.

    Do you want your kids to be as codependent as you? Strive for love from those who’re only willing to hurt them?

    Do you want them to constantly be at the loser side in comparisons to their cousins? To be always not good enough, not valid enough, not special enough? Their achievements to be ignored for the sake of their aunt’s & cousin’s ego?

    If you don’t want them to grow in the same environment & dynamics as you did and currently live in – the change needs to start with you.

    You’re used to victim mentality as that’s all you knew – that the position you were put into; but now you just have to shift it. You need to be an author of your life & relationships. You need to become that new you. You need to work on your validation issues, so you can stop asking for validation from them. You need to learn to put boundaries in place & get space from those who didn’t EARN being close to you. You need to be in charge of all that – so your kids can grow in a different dynamic that won’t f them over for life like it did with you.

    You’re so strong, mama ? You have a wonderful, loving soul – now you need a boldness to stand up & protect you & your little family.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, wish you and your baby the best ❤️

  38. Did OP ask her to “help him out”..? Nope. Also imagine the genders are reversed. A woman is getting this process done to her and she becomes aroused. You wouldn’t know it because it’s not nearly as obvious for when a woman is aroused. How would the esthetician kick that woman out for sexual harassment when she can’t see that that woman is aroused!? ? do you see how stupid what you’re saying is.?

  39. He’s being ridiculous and that part isn’t really up for debate. You’ve now gotten a million answers about his selfish, resentful behavior about you telling the truth about your own pain and pleasure.

    I will add that positively encouraging behavior that you don’t want to continue sends the opposite message. It’s not that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks – it’s just that the metaphorical dog WILL have a reaction to feeling like something was going well but has actually been going badly. I would argue all of his drama was to make sure you don’t ever ask to be fully sexually satisfied again, but it really might be his own dramatic response to not being the sex god he thought he was.

    Either way, telling people the truth about their affect on you will almost always help you. It would be naive to think that blunt honesty is ALWAYS the best policy on every single issue, but reinforcing bad (or otherwise undesirable) behavior will produce that behavior over and over again.

  40. He's manipulating you into ignoring your boundaries. That's not good. That's not healthy.

    He doesn't respect you. Do with that what you will, but I think you should break up and find someone who will share your sexual compatibility and actually respect your feelings.

  41. I don't think anyone owes anyone list, but I do think you should tell your partner if they are actively in either of your lives, because that's a dealbreaker to a lot of people.

  42. I had a college professor who was a retired cop tell me he had to go reclaim a stolen hamster once… I think a cat would yield the same results.

  43. You’re being taken for a chump. I know you don’t need the internet to tell you that. Think with the correct brain, my man.

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