Kimaralion live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 22, 2022

9 thoughts on “Kimaralion live webcams for YOU!

  1. A breach of trust is a breach of trust. First, talk to her. It’s telling that you are insecure about it and if never happened you as a couple should still work on that. If it did happen, I’m not gonna say break it off but you have to think I’d that is something you can work through. You’ll have trust issues going forward and you have to think if it is worth it in the end.

  2. You obviously love your sister very much. Unfortunately, as much as we want to, we cannot remove the paint someone we care about is going through. Definitely be there for her in any way you can. One important lesson I have learned as an adult is that sometimes no words are the best words. As caring humans, we have a tendency to want to talk/counsel/guide the pain away. But that is not always the best take. Sometimes you just need to be silent and be present. Listen while they talk or not. Be a caring shoulder to cry on. You do not need to fill the space with words if its not appropriate. Best wishes to you and your sister in this time.

  3. I mean…it's time to put your big girl panties on. You're 33, get your shit together. Report him, break up, and move on. It's really that simple.

  4. OP – by not acknowledging peoples questions here you are coming across as a liar and a cheater.

    From my experience these posts (or at least in the comments) OP will usually say “I have never cheated or been with someone else during that period.”

    OP doesn’t do that anywhere, while also saying “the test was negative – but maybe they tampered with it?”

    This makes it sound like she knows that there is a chance that it’s real, but that maybe it isn’t (or at least she’s hoping)

    Lastly – if you go in and have a look on OP’s comments, in the beginning every response to the people saying “take another” she answers “no he won’t be interested” and “I just want to get to a civil place again”

    This (to me) makes it look like she knows she slept with someone else around that time – and instead taking the chance with another test instead wants tips on how to get him to believe that his family is conspiring against her and drop the accusations.

  5. I just couldn’t even imagine being in a relationship and waiting more than a couple months for sex. Shits crazy

  6. I do want to note, that I totally understand that you wanted to help her and she's bummed because she was hopeful it would work out. But if it's not two emphatic “yes's” when it comes to moving in together it's a no. It doesn't mean that you love her any less, it would honestly just be dumb to financially screw yourself & her by not having adequate cash saved up before moving out.

  7. Either way he should be dumped. Then. If he has any self awareness he can think about why he acted the way he did.

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