Kendallwest1 live webcams for YOU!


I’m new here, but I like to find my most erotic side, I would help me? Big Squirt [444 tokens remaining]

Date: October 4, 2022

37 thoughts on “Kendallwest1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m not necessarily saying it’s normal behavior but it’s also not super abnormal to go no contact after a breakup. That’s how many people prefer to process breakups as following up and communicating whilst trying to be apart is counterintuitive. He didn’t necessarily do anything wrong imo but I would definitely be hurt too

  2. I would be the friend to let him know that if his gf can't trust him, then he shouldn't be with her. Getting cheated on sucks, but she shouldn't be in a relationship if she's not ready to trust her new partner. Only 4 months? I hope she realizes the problem is her and your friend as well for not putting a stop to it

  3. I don’t believe in God personally. But yes everything else you said – to me – is true. I do apply myself yet never seem to be given the light of day to make a connection on any of those four planes

  4. It's over. She's cheating on you emotionally already. This guy is ready to hit it if he hasn't already. Your ex-wife wants her ho phase while she's married to you. Don't do this to yourself. You will look like a chump to everyone you know. Because trust me. You probably already do. I bet she flirts with other men in front of you when you are out. Cause she's lol flirty. No wife/ husband should ask for open marriage. That mean they don't respect your marriage. You're just a stable income/ homemaker/ friend. You're better than this. Tell her you will be seeking an annulment because you were married under false pretenses. Stay strong king.

  5. It's her pregnancy hormones. You guys aren't really broken up. She should get better a few months after the baby is born

  6. 1 cloth napkins 2 she’s correct. The amount of water/energy used to make paper products is immense. Using a tea towel and throwing it in the wash (I imagine with other things getting washed anyways) is an efficient use of resources/time, money and energy.

    She’s a keeper

  7. I agree that your boyfriend is probably gay. People usually question if they ARE attracted to a specific type of person… I think that fact that he’s wondering if he’s NOT really attracted to your gender on a daily basis is a bad sign.

    The question of whether you want to stick around and find out the answer is up to you, but personally I’m not sure I would be able to move past this doubt.

  8. You don’t have to be ashamed of taking it, but you don’t have to be ashamed of being ashamed either. Just give yourself a break, man.

  9. Why are you getting so upset? Are you suggesting the Abolition movement and Women’s rights are extreme in comparison? Because those were the first things listed.

    I can’t imagine the mindset it takes to just willingly ignore all context to and argument so you can get worked up about a non-point. Stand down officer. No one is saying vegetarianism is extreme today.

    And to say vegetarianism has no historical links to religion is just…lol.

  10. Why do you WANT to tell the husband? Do you think you are some sort of hero or something. You should mind your own business. You are going to get some unintended consequences from this.

  11. Oh I mean it’s patently absurd to be jealous of a body pillow that doesn’t have any of the stipulations you mentioned (or is in the shape of an anime character). Yes I did find the attachment extremely funny, but it’s not the problem

  12. You may feel that way, yes. But you also can't dictate who she is friends with. She can listen to your opinion on the matter, but she doesn't need to do what you say.

  13. Honestly, age is so important because look at you.. with a mindset and unsaid expectations ready for multiple break ups throughout your life until you learn what you want for yourself. The boy is 27 and is really a grown adult now who doesn’t see the issue. I am also 27 and I don’t see the issue neither if it wasn’t stated to me.

  14. So, let’s start with the indicators you have pointed out in your post: what you have written, which I am affirming to be your facts. 1) She escalated the argument. 2) She slapped you on the shoulder and put her fingers on your chest. 3) We can infer or presume she was the first to contact. This relationship isn’t healthy by any means and if you’re getting into heated arguments (turning physical) violence is a quick stop away. Do I get into some nasty arguments with my partner? Yep, but the difference is I wouldn’t put a hand on him and he wouldn’t on me. It’s not good and not a sign of a healthy relationship. Move on and resolve yourself to be better in the future; to yourself and your future partners.

  15. You cheated. She dumped you. That's what happens. Next time break up first and then go fuck whoever you want. If you don't care enough to stay faithful at least be honest about it. Very simple.

  16. well i'm attracted to older men, is that a red flag too?

    No, not at all, because you see them as your equal. But they don't see you as an equal. That's the red flag. Healthy relationships are reciprocal and balanced. Age is not the point, but is often a clue. If one person has been working on a skill for 20 years, and the other has been working on it for a few years, are they going to be at equal levels of skill? Maybe, sometimes, but unlikely.

  17. Just for future reference, we don't get hit on every time we go out, especially in a group because that's more scary to approach lololol

  18. If you’re genuinely trying to get along with them and all your attempts fall flat… point that out to him. Bring up specific times where you tried and it went nowhere. Tell him how it makes you feel. Ignored, invisible, whatever. That would hopefully clear things up for him. And make him notice these things more.

    Sorry to hear, that’s an uncomfortable situation.

  19. I’m not explaining this for a third time. I’ve said what the problem is, you disagree. OP is going to get his ass handed to him if he pushes this with his gf. I’m done.

  20. We talked about having one in the future but didn’t expect it. We got in a car accident in January 2022 and when she went to get a X-ray for a head injury they stopped and preceded to tell her she was pregnant from the blood work results

  21. So I don’t think your GF is a bad person or did anything particularly wrong in amassing this amount of debt.

    The system is literally set up to “fool” young people to be saddled with massive debt for the rest of their lives. Her debt, is unfortunately, not that uncommon.

    However, I also don’t think you are a bad person for not wanting to be burdened by this debt, esp if you are starting to think about kids, family life etc …. I think you are very smart for making this consideration.

    This debt will affect your hopes, dreams and aspirations.

    I’m sad for you, because it’s a damn fricking shame that this is what kills the relationship… but try not to be too angry at her for the choices she made.

    At 26, ya frontal lobe is just fully developed, and she probably got, what turned out to be, some really bad advice as a teenage that set her on this path.

    I don’t blame either of you for the choices you have to make.

    Just try and do it with empathy, and personal bravery.

  22. So you did the absolute bare minimum of support is what you're saying. I mean the bare fucking minimum my dude. You say this all so confidently and proudly like you're the best boyfriend in the world without ever once realizing that the only way you could be doing less is if you just stood there and breathed.

  23. A couple things right off the bat… you should not be hanging out with someone you have feelings for while you're in a relationship, so idrk what your sis is talking about when she says you deserve better cuz it sounds to me like you and your bf are both being shady. That is, if your sister is right about your bf talking to other girls.

    But the bottom line is that it doesn't sound like you're happy with your current partner. It shouldn't feel stressful right away that should be the easiest and best time during the honeymoon phase.

    You're young, be single for a bit, learn and grow. You'll find your person at the right time.

  24. Then why is she with you if she has a big fat problem? Why did she married you if she was looking for a 27 year old virgin?

    Why is it that important for her?

    This is an issue that she must let go because it will make you eventually resent her.You need to have a serious final talk with her,and she needs to deal with her non-problem.If the therapy didn’t help then she needs to try someone else.

  25. The whole reason she's crying is because he was stonewalling her over her boundary of not wanting to be fingered??? how the fuck is that weaponizing her tears. she has every right to cry after a reaction like that from her pos boyfriend. he's the one manipulating her, and trying to make this situation of him being offended at her saying no to a sexual act, her fault?you cannot be serious. this is textbook abuse/manipulation on his part. he literally is punishing her for saying no. that alone is disgusting

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