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7 thoughts on “kendall_moonlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. When you're in an actual serious long term adult relationship, usually your partner is your priority. Maybe you'll go do a few things with you friends alone, maybe even often depending on what it is… but normal couples want to do things together that are fun together. They like to see each other happy and spend time with them doing exciting things, that's why they are together. Birthdays and big weekend trips with literal joint friends, especially when your friend is literally wondering why you aren't there and is totally oblivious to your bf deliverately missing you out so you couldn't go, is a very very good example of something most people would expect to do together. Your friend is confused about you not being there, because in his head, he's not even thinking your bf left you out deliberately. Why would he think that?

    Other people are either young, you're implying your clingy because you're so worried about it and they are assuming you're right, or he's implied you are and exaggerated things like just saying you wish you were with him on his birthday. That is a totally normal and reasonable wish. His response to her gf wishing she was invited along to have fun on his birthday is not.

    These are your feelings and they aren't unreasonable. Stop worrying that they are, and realise you've been treated pretty badly here, he's made it evident he doesn't want these things and you do. Don't waste time trying to have them and always feeling down and left out. Go find someone that doesn't leave you out.

  2. The wires are mandatory, it doesn't work wireless. The last time that it was updated in my condo, they used lan cables, but it could be phone wires as well. Those locks are bigger in the outside only, it's installed on the outside of the door. Yes, I'm Brazilian. I don't know about options sold in Germany, I just know about those, sorry. Then, the only option for you, would be find an more suitable place, sorry.

  3. It is a dealbreaker for marriage. It isn’t a dealbreaker for being a girlfriend. He’s just too much of a coward to come out and say it, or he’s too dumb to recognize the difference. Either way, he is never marrying you. If you’re not okay with that (he basically said it’s you, not him and he would marry someone in general, just not you) then I’d get your ducks in a row to end things.

  4. Aging is affected by genetics and environmental factors. I look over a decade younger than I am because of a genetic illness I have. It is less fun than it sounds like.

  5. Actually, yeah.

    If you are afraid your boyfriend is raping you, then that means you do not trust him. Would you marry someone like this? Even if it turns out he did not?

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