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62 thoughts on “keilabassi77live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have asked her but I'm in a unique situation. I'm going into the Air Force so I'm gonna be away from home and all that. That's definitely not helping my case. Also thanks for the videos, I really appreciate it .

  2. Sounds like he has severe anger issues. Getting hit in the nuts does suck, but it was an accident and you apologized.

    Thr fact he has gone towards ending things twice 8n two days screams red flag.

    Might be time for professional help, or just to be done.

  3. It's been my experience that when people of two vastly different economic classes hook-up, the wealthier partner will either be stingy and expect more than what their partner can afford for frivolous things (yes, a holiday vacation is frivolous as it is a luxury and not a need) or be giving with the added undertone of suspecting their partner is a gold digger. It's not always the case, but it is enough times to expect this dynamic.

    The wealthy do not care to understand that regular people can't plunk down a few hundred dollars on short notice. They do not understand the debilitating stress of owing more money that you can afford to pay off resulting in you having to sacrifice basic needs. Most don't bother making the effort TO understand.

  4. It's been my experience that when people of two vastly different economic classes hook-up, the wealthier partner will either be stingy and expect more than what their partner can afford for frivolous things (yes, a holiday vacation is frivolous as it is a luxury and not a need) or be giving with the added undertone of suspecting their partner is a gold digger. It's not always the case, but it is enough times to expect this dynamic.

    The wealthy do not care to understand that regular people can't plunk down a few hundred dollars on short notice. They do not understand the debilitating stress of owing more money that you can afford to pay off resulting in you having to sacrifice basic needs. Most don't bother making the effort TO understand.

  5. Well now you know why ??‍♀️ it will definitely not get better when you behave like a shitty and selfish person. But you do you honey

  6. Yeah and the whole time we’re on the phone he’s yelling and I’m talking calmly. He called me a girl and said he’s a man.

  7. You said no and he kept pushing. Your reaction was fine. It was one thing for him to bring it up, but he got an answer he was unwilling to accept. At that point it was only a matter of time.

  8. I think it kinda depends. To make it a bit better to understand you might wanna give an “I earn approximately ….+money for …+hours and he makes ….+money for …+hours” example so we have a bit more clear picture. I am Dutch so I don't know if the following numbers are realistic where you live, but I will give an example here.

    If you make €1500 per month for 40 hours a week and he makes €2500 per month for 32 hours a week, then I think he shouldn't complain because for Dutch standards he just earns a lot compared to the hours worked. For Dutch standards you might be a bit below average but not too low.

    But if you work way more for way less, he might have a point. In the Netherlands we have a minimum salary that every employer has to pay. But if it was allowed to pay €500pm for 40hours pw of work, then yes your bf has a point because, even though you like to do it, you kinda are spending your time on something that doesn't earn something useful. Idk it's kinda difficult to judge without the full picture. But nevertheless you two should be able to talk about it and figure out a way to make it work for the both of you. And housework should be divided fairly, you are his gf not his mother so you don't have to clean up after him. Each of you should take the responsibility to take a few tasks so it's done. Doesn't matter if it's laundry, dishes, cooking, taking out trash, or cleaning the toilet. All of it needs to be done and someone has to do it.

  9. I would go LC with the in-laws, recommend therapy for your bf cause being always neglected and made to feel like shit takes a toll on any kid, and that toll keeps on giving in life. It will help him accept that there is nothing he can do to change the dynamics. His parents (and sisters) are like this and he has to accept it. Either live with it or go low to no contact.

    You can host your own Christmas, and decorate your home. Make it a big one with your friends and good food and hot cocoa.

    Congrats to your bf for finishing his Law degree, that's the most important thing i got out of this post personally!

  10. I just miss her so much. She was such a part of my life and identity and I don't know who I am anymore.

    And yet clearly you as person is deeply tied to someone else. Those are your exact words.

    BEar in mind her cheating on your put your health as risk. Did she rawdog it? Did you have sex with her while she was cheating? That alone should make you so angry that you'll laugh your ass off at the guy she cheated with, knowing he's in for the same treatment at some point.

    Be glad you found out and for the record, her cheating pretty much means she dumped you first. You just spoke the words.

  11. He’s probably going to apologize and say he didn’t mean it. That he was just having a really hard time with his kids not being there (which, he probably was). But that’s not an excuse and he meant what he said. He’s toxic AF. You’re worth way more than that. Leave.

  12. Take this as clear evidence of where he sees you on his priority totem pole. You are at the bottom. It's not just about the gift. It's about WHY no gift. You should be more than a bit hurt. He is showing you who he is and how little he cares. Believe him.

  13. I would check the entire bottle when you get a moment. Look for anything that looks different. I’d check a couple of different times.

    If not, move the bowl because this is super weird.

  14. Thank you for the insights, regarding number 4: I believe it could be something to do with my past 6 year relationship (ended 4 years ago) where I was cheated on right under my nose with someone my ex said was only a friend. Before that I trusted blindly and I feel after that I have my guard up in those situations so trying to keep myself reasonable not to be unfair to my new partner.

  15. You being incompatible is the only reassurance you need. But to address your focus, you're certainly right to walk away from a situation where communication is a huge issue. Good luck.

  16. Putting your best foot forward is faking. I'm not in an interview, trying to build something real.

    I'm super understanding of others, so they don't need to be their best. I also don't want to spend 6 months figuring out who someone is.

  17. I'm assuming he did not itemize the cost to her, but I could be wrong. At any rate, I was speaking about general etiquette and practice.

  18. I think people are allowed to keep diaries and notes to work out what happens to them, relationships included. If my gf was looking through my diaries, and I've been with an abuser so I know what it's like to have constant intrusion into my thoughts, I would end the relationship immediately. Life is too short to have your thoughts policed by anyone. Human output is what matters to me.

    I have a wonderful gf now and it would be a total betrayal to snoop in her diaries.

    As someone had already mentioned, it is common for people in therapy to male notes and keep diaries. They aren't meant to be intruded upon.

    Good luck with this OP.

  19. You’re so right about waiting until we have level heads. I think I’d like to spoil her, just gotta find a gift that doesn’t cost much (fitting the broke student stereotype). She’s a self-proclaimed “romantic” so I guess I got my hopes up that she’d have ideas for what she’d want us to do, only to have her not really even care when. Guess the actual date isn’t as important as spending time. I called her a little bit ago since she was doing poorly, we had a good conversation about me letting her know in the moment if something’s upsetting rather than waiting. I’ll see what I can plan.

  20. She could have broken up with you before cheating on you. She could have said no to that stranger she had sex with. She could have came home to you and plan a little movie night. But she chose to cheat.

    Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s because you don’t pull your weight in the relationship, it takes guts to go and cheat on someone you love. She never should have been in a relationship if she is was this type of woman and you honestly should have seen the signs of this coming.

  21. Yes, thank you i appreciate it. This definitely nails it. I’ve added boundaries in this aspect with family but in a relationship i can be a bit of a people pleaser.

  22. It was done when you stopped trusting him, and you didn't want to admit it. Now you've gotten hurt and gotten shown how over it really is. Gtfo now before you get injured or more traumatized.

  23. Apart from the obvious issues in your relationship, he's OK with you using protection but not himself?? That alone would be enough to make me question the person I'm married to…

  24. That’s master manipulation. You are not responsibility for her mental health. Brea up with her, let her parents know she’s threatened suicide.

  25. Lol idk why you’re getting downvoted so much, I’m with you I also think it’s weird to check if a mostly empty hand cream container was turned in to a public train stop

  26. You sure she wasn’t just using you to get marriage? Some people view marriage as some ultimate goal and now she has it, the effort she never wanted to do is done.

  27. I can see her feeling awkward in that situation, seeing as how he isn’t really a stranger.

    But she needs to make it clear she’s in a committed relationship and she needs to respect those boundaries. As long as she isn’t snapping this guy all the time now, I think you should be good.

    But you definitely need to realize that, although your GF didn’t really do anything wrong, this guy is making a move on her. I wouldn’t say she should consider him just a friend. He’s making his intentions clear. She needs to set up boundaries and and be ready to block him if he’s disrespectful. As long as she does that, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

  28. make sure your cat is chipped and the info is in your name. it will be easier to finder the cat when he inevitably throws it out/rehomes it/drops it at a shelter while you are out one day.

  29. Hell, I wouldn't rule out drugs either. It takes A LOT of alcohol to completely black out to where there aren't even dots to connect the next morning. I don't think I've ever gotten that drunk and I drank way too much in college.

    But, there is still a core belief that men can't be raped by women, even if we as a society are slowly learning how untrue that is. It's going to take a long time until “that sounds like rape” is the top and overwhelming response to situations like this.

  30. You don’t need to apologize. It would make the problem worse, frankly.

    Consider why you’re apologizing- you need it to absolve yourself of your own guilt. You are following up one abuse by demanding she massage your feelings two years later.

    I understand where you’re coming from and I’m sure it feels righteous. But consider her perspective. She is over it. You’d be opening an old wound for your own sake.

  31. I prefer smaller over larger as well. Smaller dicks don't hurt as often. (I do get some pain from penetration thats unrelated to my partner) also although my sample size is small, dudes with smaller dicks are better lovers. More stamina, more willing to do more than penetrative sex, easier to go down on. Just good fun all around lol

  32. You are waaaaaay too loyal. You should have been out of this relationship a looooooong time ago. This guy is totally unhinged and should work on himself before going in a relationship again. OP you should work on yourself in order to understand why you tolerate such obvious abuse. This is not normal behavior.

  33. Should I move on, or should I wait until she's over him? I really love her a lot and I don't want to lose her.

  34. Your flatmate is right.

    You even use the current context instead of “was” a serial cheater.

    Give it another 4 weeks and he'll cheat on you too.


  35. You're moving too fast and in the wrong direction. Take a step back from both men. Neither are keepers, the poly amorous dude has told you from jump that's his lifestyle, so it shouldn't matter if your ex hugs you in front of him, and you'd be dumb to let your ex toy with your emotions. Stop talking to him about shit that isn't his business and look for someone who wants what you want

  36. As far as I know I'm his only girlfriend. We are the same race/class, but because we live in different cities I think you might be right about him hiding me from someone.

  37. Right it makes sense. And yeah, I’ve documented a lot so will be a easy win in court if and when it does get there. Was just hoping there’s a possibility she’ll change without that which is something I was hoping for in the next few months, which is why I think I’ve waited and endured this long, it doesn’t even make me upset anymore, so what’s another few months of background stress?

  38. Says the guy who is thinking that he will just pawn hos daughter off to his brother on weekends so he can spend alone time with his wife. Yeah, definitely feeling that you are focusing on her /s

  39. Yea, family therapy & parenting classes. She feels that my daughter needs to go back with her mom which is not happening. The mom would love her back but admits that given everything my daughter saw (witnessing her spiral to alcoholism) she needs to focus on her self because she can’t be a great mom if she’s spiraling. My daughter also wants to stay with me.

    But my wife wants my daughter gone. She says if my wife can’t take her I need to figure out who can. Obviously I refused to give into her demands

  40. now you listen here OP – everyone here cares for you as you posted & needed some sort of advise & help. we care as we took the time to read & asses your post & advise.

    Most of us believe that you are unaware of the grey line & what is ok & not ok in a relationship since your last was a domestic abusive type.

    so you better start looking for a women support group in your area/city for immediate help asap, pack your bags & leave him.

    HE IS ABUSIVE & DISRESPECTFUL. NO MAN IN LOVE will be doing what he is doing to you. He has all the RED FLAGS.

    Please leave him. you deserve better.

  41. Hard disagree that you should try and work on a relationship with someone who doesn’t know how old you are or your middle name after dating for more than a year, lol. That person just doesn’t give a shit.

    Though I didn’t read most of this post: there are more boys in the world than just these two. You don’t HAVE to pick either of them.

  42. Um….just leave lol he’s probably lying and spending $1400 on porn and that’s why he can’t stay hard or has to use his hand.

  43. Do you admire or respect him? Cause I couldn't. The audacity of that man-child. Where did he find all the audacity?

  44. Yeah stay at your friends house for two weeks, you’re in each other’s face too much and this is what happens. But she’s also become toxic because u pander to her too much to extent that you’re not afraid of her, she knows that, and that’s why she doesn’t respect u

  45. Get a lock and put a sign on the door. “I'm working. Do not knock. Do not try to enter. If you need something send a text. If I'm available to answer, I will.”

    You might need to consider moving out of the house and into your own apartment without your girlfriend.

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