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42 thoughts on “KatiLeckerlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I went through this too with my now husband. I tried everything to make his house my home. I repainted got new furniture, decorated, etc. but it just wasn’t ours. He sold it and we bought a house together.

  2. What do you want him to do? And for how long? She said she doesn't feel love for him, doesn't want to have sex, and no longer wants to have children. Here is your chance to give some real advice.

  3. Thank you for this. This gives me a lot of hope. I'm really willing to set aside my fears and make this work. I believe he just needs a bit of time but he's still willing to patch things up since this is our first big fight. I have faith that we will overcome this problem.

    I appreciate this a lot ?

  4. I think it if bothers you, and your gut says this is an issue, you know way more about him than we do, so trust your gut. At the very least, don't listen to people saying you're crazy or overreacting. This subreddit will do anything to defend porn, even if porn isn't the issue (which it isn't, here.) If you feel off about it, it's probably off.

  5. You'll be hard pressed finding a lasting relationship when you start out hiding an incredibly upsetting portion of who you are from your prospective partner. You'll spend the entire relationship unhappy and you'll put that partner through a lot of unfair hardship if you hide these aspects of yourself.

    If you aren't willing to go to therapy and work to become the best version of you then stay single. Any partner deserves to have their other half be at their best or at least putting in the work to get there.

  6. Kick him out and dump him. And stick to it. You're not choosing hair over him, you'd be choosing your right to autonomy over him.

    Chat to friends and a hairdresser. Drump and block him.

  7. Press charges, this is assault. File a police report and have him arrested, break up with him while he is detained.

  8. I would totally break up with him. This is just the time he was caught. Stop wasting more time on a cheater.

  9. I would classify this as coercion not rape. You didn’t want it, he tried to get you to agree and then you did. I understand it still feels shitty.

  10. If he does anything other than listen intently, apologize, and work to find a solution that makes you both happy (and safe and cared for) then he is not the one for you.

    Repeated for truth.

    I cannot imagine anyone deserving the trust a sub needs to have in a dom doing anything else. I am inclined to suspect that this is BF's first time fooling with this nonsense.

    I am concerned about how OP's injuries are being sustained though. Even if we're just assuming inexperience and lack of communication as what's up here, there's a world of difference between a flagrant disregard for lubrication and botched impact or breath play.

  11. I see you tried to play the “victim” card in what you thought was your little “safe-space/echo chamber”, and they shat on you too. I think you need to have some introspection, cause none of what you said is normal, or socially acceptable.


    yes we are in relationships with unspoken intimacy agreements that don’t need expressly verbal consent at any given moment.

    yes we can explain to our partners when we want to establish boundaries because something felt violating, and that doesn’t make them evil for overstepping

    yes you can have a prior agreement that sexual touch is okay in moments of sleep. yes you can then wake up to this and revoke consent.

    yes, (often) women/femmes/submissives/etc take on the emotional labor of having to consent educate our partners in order to feel safe and respected. that’s stupid. this is something we need a much better cultural awareness of.

    OP, it all boils down to how he reacts and responds to an honest conversation you have about it. that’s what determines if he’s an okay partner.

  13. I'm glad you are willing to make an effort. I'm not sure what happened with your allergy shots before, but everything I know about them says that it takes time. I'm not sure if you got one only and expected it to fix things or if you had them longer term when you were younger. My husband has been getting his done, his allergist said to expect a minimum of 3 months before he started seeing any improvements. One of my coworkers husband's just finished his for his severe allergies to… everything… it took 6 years. Allergy shots definitely aren't a one and done, fix everything over night (if they were more people would be taking advantage of them), they are for people with severe allergies that need some help and are willing to go through the effort. So, seriously, you need to be prepared, that they are going to be a months or years long effort.

  14. Yeah, no. It my partner found out a friend of his was cheating, I would request for him to drop that friend. If he didn't? He obviously made his choice on who he would rather keep around.

    OP is justifying the friend's cheating. And honestly? I wouldn't wanna be with someone like that

  15. Is that “liking” cheating? He would never cheat or accept in his marriage but understands that his friend is flawed and accepts her

  16. Well speak to him and tell us what he says. Right now we can’t really tell you much .

  17. He understands what he's doing; he just doesn't care that it hurts you. He likely wants to knock down your confidence for one reason or another and will continue to disrespect you because you haven't walked away from the relationship. Either break up and have some peace in your life or get petty and correct all his American pronunciations and terminology. His sweater is a jumper. You don't know what he means by cilantro… oh coriander? He's so American! Keep it going until he realizes just how annoying and distracting it is.

  18. The last thing i would want is to make her uncomfortable in her workplace. If i rephrase my tldr to ” Best friend who is replacing me with someone else and our friendship is drifting apart” would make no difference. I just lost a friend in the process of friend zoning her.

  19. Yes tell her before the inevitable domestic violence starts.

    Also he ruined his own famil, not you.

  20. So sessentially, she wants to be fully in control?

    I'd run to be honest.

    Also never let your reproductive rights be taken out of your own hands.

  21. Hate stems from anger derived from something you care deeply about and that something then being challenged. So, in order to move on with life you have to dance through the stages of grief. You'll get over this hatred eventually so long as it wasn't traumatic and you're average-minded. Just keep in mind that losing relationships that are/ were important to you are the same as grieving a death. You're mind races to ease the pain from the heartache so there are like 7 stages humans stagger through while mourning and anger is definitely one of them. You're on your way to healing, be sure to hold onto the stuff that helps you better yourself, and leave that other nasty shit behind. Big hugs because it's painful as hell!

  22. “TLDR; my bf tells me to pull my weight even though I’m doing everything I can think of. I’m on edge all the time from stressing whether I’ve done enough but its never enough. What can I do?”

    He is deliberately making you bad. And as if you didn't contribute anything to you partnership.

    The “dog and saussage” trick. Where a saussage “getting nice words, being recognized as a full 'pull his weight partner'” is constantly in the air.

    And used to pressure the other person into always doing more.

    He is a gaslighting scheming personality who really got you into working for him amassing wealth.

    If he had said: “Girl, pay more.” “Work more” “Clean more” even HE would have gotten his hindquarters kicked.

    So he turns it into that cryptic wording. So you always keep wondering, are always on edge, are always tearing yourself into quarters to make him acknowledge what you do.

    Bad news is:


    That gaslighting game he plays is voluntarily made that way to always make you feel like the underachiever!

    He is deliberately keeping you into feeling inferior.

    This won't get any better. Leave.

  23. Not unless you’re going back ready to have a full life with her, otherwise leave her alone. Don’t waste anymore of her life. You have no idea what tomorrow holds, this time two years ago everyone in my immediate friend group was healthy, 5 people that I love dearly are now battling for their lives, 4 of them were in perfect health.

    We have no idea what life will bring, everything is a risk, be brave.

  24. I think you should be honest with yourself first and admit that you underestimated the situation. You are clearly hurt by the past, and while there isn’t anything wrong with that it’s clear that this relationship is doomed. You shouldn’t tell him you resent him and make your feelings his problem, you need to sort out your own feelings. That being said I would suggest you do break things off. This seems destined for failure.

  25. Nope they thankfully will stay the same for the most part. Once she finds out she no longer has access to your love she is going to come after your money. Your child’s life will also get more expensive as you get into day cares, school and then cars and colleges. Get it all set in stone by a judge because if not this women who is highly manipulative will take advantage of the situation.

  26. There a literally billions of other men out there.

    And yes, he has a thing for her. And no, he’s not going to adhere to your boundaries. So what are you going to do now?

  27. Your ring isn't going to validate your sister's transition. Either your family accepts it or not. Maybe that's what you should tell your sister.

  28. It's like he's not happy for the attention to be on someone else so he has to do something to steal the limelight. Your sister and her husband deserve to have the day be about them. He's being extremely childish and attention seeking.

    If he really wants to dress up as superman, he can do it in his own time. Go shopping in the outfit, or their his own heroes and villains party or something. Just don't hijack someone else's wedding.

  29. The yelling is uncool, but I think he has a right to be upset that for 5 years, she was misrepresenting what was happening when they were intimate. That is a vulnerable time for both parties. If he was experienced, then yeah, he should've known better and realized she wasn't into it. But if she put on a show and now expects him to grovel over it when she intentionally let him continue making an ass of himself, I can certainly see why he'd have a strong response. I would not call faking orgasms for five years “mature and deals with conflict healthily.” Sounds like a coward.

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