Katie-Forman live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 19, 2022

8 thoughts on “Katie-Forman live webcams for YOU!

  1. I should have probably explained that better. So the club has regular functions that they both attend. He has actually known her for years; families know each other. So now they are in the same club they obviously stop and chat if they run into each other, or go to a club function. Because we have been together 13 years and I’ve never met her, he felt like I should because there is family history there. So he wanted to introduce us, so it wasn’t like all of a sudden some random girl popped up in his life. I

  2. There is nothing you can do, nothing you could have done. Keep doing what you are doing. BF will get over it or he won’t, hopefully he does. Be honest, his friend was nothing special , it makes you sad when he brings it up.

  3. And what do you expect from him after you say that? Do you think he's going to say “Okay, it sounds like you've really learned something from this?”

    It doesn't sound like you've learned anything, you just sound sorry you got caught out. You just want him to say something, so you can minimise the hurt and betrayal. If he forgives you, then you can tell yourself that what you did wasn't so bad.

    He's got no reason to forgive you. He doesn't need you in his life.

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