Karissia live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 11, 2022

18 thoughts on “Karissia live webcams for YOU!

  1. The only reason i say willingly is thats what a witness said, they left together to the room willingly, if she was in a state of being pushed out id assume someone would have went to check the situation. Again shes not to blame for the assault but from whats being said she was willing to go with this guy to the room.

  2. Break up with the man-child and take the two babies with you. Don’t let him have that cat or it will get mistreated just like you have been.

  3. But I do understand now why Aish is offended. I can't tell Sara the truth. She will break up with me. I am just gonna apologize to Aish and try explaining her.

    I feel like I am going to lose her.

  4. Of Course she does.. that’s how highly she thinks of herself. I should know, I’ve unfortunately been in her shoes??‍♀️

  5. I mean I feel like he’s made his intentions with you pretty clear though, right? Didn’t you say he blocked you on everything?

  6. “It’s not fair that I’ve been handed a bonus check and that she would have to work to save up the money”.

    You did work for that money. You received that money from your boss for working hard and doing your job well.

  7. This is a huge red flag. Try to talk to her when things are calm and you're not pressed for time. Do not change who you are.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Back story I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for like six months and I enjoyed those six months and me I have zero to no sex drive meaning I can go weeks/months without sex, but my boyfriend can't, he would ask for my sexual attention but I just brush it off, He would even trying making dates to get me in the mood but I couldn't.

    So this happen for some time then he eventually gave up I though maybe he was understanding but he was not, he was dying on the inside because of his high sex drive which I don't understand it's sex.

    Yesterday we were sitting on the couch in his apartment watching TV series his favourite super hero the Flash, usually he would be excited if anything crazy happens on the show but this time he was quite the whole time.

    When I asked him if he's okay, his responds was – Am breaking up with you. I asked why?? he said because he does not feel loved and i don't have sex with him nor show any affection. I offered to have sex with him there on the spot but he said no. He said he doesn't want us to manipulate each other to get something out of the relationship.

    He said he was starting to have dark thoughts of looking for sex outside the relationship but he said he does not wanna be a cheater. So the best thing is to just leave the relationship to aviod cheating just because of sex.

    So my question is do guys really have high sex drive?? If so, what should I do to make my next or future partner understand my sex drive situation, because seems like sex is “important” in a relationships.

  9. Betrayers don’t have the right to determine when forgiveness is given, if at all. The fact you haven’t completely ghosted them should be enough for them. You owe them NOTHING!!!

    They’re only remorseful after their romance fizzled out. You know this and keeping them out of your life was and is the right decision. The fact they’re calling you immature even though they colluded against you shows their worth. Keep focusing on yourself and let them think whatever they want as they’re just somebody you use to know.

  10. You sound more like his mother than an equal partner. A mother he doesn’t listen to or give two shits about btw. Sometimes people have sort of core values aligned and yet be incompatible in a relationship. I say sort of because what you have described is abusive and I don’t see a single redeeming quality in this dude that’s worth sticking around for. You sound level headed and lovely, what core value can you have in common with this dude? Autistic or not, he is abusive and an ah to you. Go to manhattan, start living the life you want. This dude is bringing you down little by little.

  11. He is basically abusing you and trying to gaslight you into thinking you are the one abusing him when it's other way around.

    The only way to address is to pack your bags and dump his ass. He is threatening you with a violence if he doesn't get his way, so do you want to risk it OP that one fight you'll have he won't pretend he's going to hit you and he'll actually hit you?

  12. I meant there are no bad guys in the decision to/not have more children. Pardon my french, you done f'ed up with regard to the communication as something was obviously not clear. I don't know the ins and outs of how this was discussed over the years so I couldn't assign what percentage blame. It could certainly be all on you but in an earlier response out of fairness as a result of the lack of detail I said you both have to take the L.

  13. Why are you living with this man? That’s so scary. Omg. I’m sorry. Dark jokes about rape or killing you for example are not funny and not ok.

  14. Big misogynist man child vibes here.

    You're working to make yourself into a better person, which improves your value(job)/confidence(skill)/life (health). This is normal behavior.

    Working out gives you strength, skill and beauty, work gives you money and power, and taking classes gives you knowledge and skill. You are being well rounded in improving yourself. Good job!

    He may be threatened by this. Possibly thinking toxic things like “oh this can't be for me, she has to be looking for someone else” and he knows that better men than him will appreciate you as you continue to improve, so you are realistically not “stuck” with him.

    He can't pull a ” without me you can't” card, because you clearly can. This means he knows he has to step up as a partner, but he likely doesn't want to. So instead, he's trying to sabotage you by playing mind games. If you don't succeed in improving because you doubt yourself too much, or stop early before you gain the benefits, then problem solved right?

    Note that he is only upset/diminishing activity that improves you and your life, not things that clog up your time like gaming and managing the house for him.

    Partners are excited and encouraging when trying to improve their lives, not insinuating cheating, or claiming good work positions are only for men.

    Reconsider this relationship before you get pregnant please.

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