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KajiraxXxlive sex stripping with hd cam


44 thoughts on “KajiraxXxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your feelings are reasonable. Just be honest. You have every reason to be put off and you don’t need a future with this person.

  2. What’s with people on Reddit always telling other people to go straight for an ultimatum?

    It’s like they just want no one to be happy.

  3. And mind you while C was married too. So C has already proven time and time again she does not respect OPs relationship/wife as well as her own marriage and life partner.

    C is very much obviously looking for either when OP leaves his wife willingly on his own or how she can talk him into them both leaving their partners for each other.

    C cannot be trusted.

    I’d almost understand why OP feels some sort of bond to this woman if they were friends since childhood and really does miss that close friendship but this is someone OP already had to remove from his life before.

  4. She needs to tell you the whole painful truth and not these bits and pieces and lies. You should be realizing that you deserve the painful truth no matter how sucky it is. She needs to own up to her being a shitty person and stop making excuses for her shitty behavior. Anxiety and depression won’t make someone have like 4ish month affair with someone. That is what she decided to do just like you decided to not cheat. If you decide to stay with her, make sure you do not make it about the kids. The kids have no place when it comes to relationship issues. If you decide to stay continue the couples therapy and get her to tell you the truth while in therapy. This way you won’t freak out as much when she tells you because it’s a “safe space.”

  5. Speaking as an older person over here, F, I can only share my experience. I don’t think I could have or would have dated someone 4 years younger than me when I was 21. That’s a big gap at that age. Also, in my life, I has crushes on older guys who felt like I was too young for them and they saw me like a little sister and friend. It’s sucks because you have a crush. But if it hurts too much to talk to her, I would let the friendship go for now. ?

  6. You should probably break up with her.

    She will instinctively know you don’t find her attractive, we’re not stupid and guys are really unsubtle about things like this, so all the time you’re trying to pretend she’s a 10 when you’re in bed, you’re destroying her self esteem

    Why did you start dating her if she’s not your type? Why didn’t you walk away before it got to this stage?

    When you do break up, make the emphasis on your issues: tell her you can’t date until you’ve sorted out your porn addiction. Or tell her you’ve got too much going on in your life to be dating.

    Tell her any fucking thing as long as it’s not how repulsive you find her because you will destroy any chances of her loving herself enough to date in the future if you do let it slip.

    And in future don’t lie to yourself and “settle” for some poor girl because you want any old girlfriend.

  7. I was 19 when I met him but due to a tonne of things honestly didn’t consider the age an issue. Neither would be hanging out with friends but him lying is whats made me upset and suspicious. I appreciate your advice!

  8. A few questions: how many times over 7 years has he discussed this issue with you? You said you 'lash out at him sometimes'. How often is sometimes? And what does the 'lashing out' entail?

  9. Women also hate nagging and be told what to do and feeling trapped ? it’s a generalization yes, but one that everyone feels

  10. Op this. If he keeps lying and breaking boundaries without “consequences” he sees no reason to change his behavior. I don’t mean to make it sound like he’s a child but…

  11. Wow… this is so bad. And honestly, it's so bad that the ONLY option here to leave. And if leaving isn't an option, I don't even know what to say… Other than: this is your life OP. That's how it will look for the next 60 years. I'm sorry. Abusive, scary men do not change for the better, they escalate. So it's not even that your life will look exactly like at this moment, it's gonna be way worse.

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  13. Just cause she didn't enjoy does not mean you did anything wrong. It looks like her friends are saying you forced it, but is she? Or have you talked to her about it? Do you two still talk?

    Look, I'm old, and come from the school of if she doesn't say no, or stop or anything, if she into it, her body language says yes, then youre probably good. That said, if your old enough to have sex, your old enough to talk about it. So maybe next time before you get that far, just ask them what their preference is. Do they want you to ask?

    Some women have had it really rough growing up and it can jade their view of men. Although you would never hurt them (hopefully) like that, as soon as you start it can bring up suppressed feelings. Just be as responsive and understanding as you can. Everyone has a different story.

  14. Sorry, but I I laughed out loud reading this. Your girl sounds like an absolutely insufferable arse. What a cartoonish character.

    Leave and never look back, in a couple of years she’ll be a funny story you tell your friends.

  15. To me they should never had needed to say anything.

    The fact he did something that required them to say stop, means he broke their trust, showed them disrespect and is disgusting.

  16. Don’t completely understand why it’s a poor reflection on me and I would be dating someone more open minded. Great sex w someone who is experienced and has his own place? No brainer.

  17. Hair up with no make up on that’s when you the prettiest. he genuinely doesn’t see the difference between you, who is saying your not at your best to his friends girlfriend who you are saying is at her best. You don’t need to feel guilty because your technically right on not wanting to take your picture and he should just left it at that but us men are dumb and think ripping the scab off will heal things faster.

  18. Gloves is difficult because there are so many variables like length of rides and temperature. Does he have a Bluetooth set up for his lid? How about a subscription to the Calimoto satnav service that you can set to travel by various levels of twisty ride right down to farm tracks? There are some pretty cool snoods out there with band and team affiliations.

  19. Sounds like you have your mind set to be offended so just walk. He likes black girls you like taller guys. Having a preference is not a big deal. And yes most guys swipe on EVERY GIRL THAT EVEN SORT OF ATTRACTS THEM. Literally every girl.

  20. OP, question. What’s her mom like? Does she have some childhood trauma?

    Only asking because my best friend (since the 3rd grade) does the SAME EXACT THING to her husband. It hurts to watch it happen. Her mom used to freak out on them for being impolite and “embarrassing her in front of others” for things that were unreasonable to be upset about. She would come up with harsh and abusive punishments for it. My friend (without realizing it) is now mimicking this behavior because she grew up with it as “normal” and I don’t think she’s aware that behavior like yours is completely normal and acceptable. Like something in her brain needs to be re-wired. She reacts that way because she’s watching him do something that is burned into her mind as “taboo”.

    I’ve been meaning to try and find a good time to have a heart to heart with her about it. It’s going to be a difficult conversation. I love her husband to death. He’s the only person in her life that’s ever treated her with the kindness and respect that she deserves.

  21. Humans are animals with an innate drive to reproduce. If that weren’t the case, a lot fewer people would have children and way fewer than that would have multiple children.

    I’ll tell you this as a parent of 2 kids who were pretty much as good as kids can be: the unvarnished truth is that parenthood is really, really hard. Way harder in terms of the daily grind than you could ever imagine. I say this as an extremely fortunate person who had zero financial problems and a spouse who has always done far more than his fair share. My experience was a cushy as it gets, and it was still so, so hard. It’s a situation that requires that you put someone else’s needs ahead of your own for decades, and there’s no real “reward” for your efforts. If you do a really good job, they leave! Too, they are heart-stoppingly expensive, and surprise expenses come up eternally.

    I think that people go into parenting with a lot of vague ideas about how much fun it will be & that it will just be this giant snuggle-love fest. It’s not that. Only have a kid if your rational (not reptilian-must-reproduce) brain thinks that the best possible allocation of your time, energy, and resources is raising another human being.

    As an aside, have you been paying attention to the predictions regarding climate change? That alone would make me extremely hesitant to have kids today.

  22. In the words of Nikki Giovanni “We are sad today, and we will be sad for quite a while. We are not moving on; we are embracing our mourning.” It is OK to cry. It's not fair what happened to you or her.

  23. Your relationship moved way too fast. It majorly sucks that she got you to move in with her and is already going to move away. I find that HIGHLY inconsiderate behaviour for her to agree for you to do that and still consider NYU. If NYU was a consideration, she should have communicated that and waited until after hearing back to have you move in or not. Are you sure she’s the right person for you???

  24. Sweetie, he's isolated you from the word go. He's trying to make you entirely dependent on him so that when he starts hitting you, you won't leave.

  25. So he thinks he deserves rest and time off, but you don't.

    Why is your time, your labour worth so much less?

    Why does he not respect you in your own home? Its exactly dis-respect. If he respects you 20% of the time, he doesn't respect you.

    He will NOT change, this is who he is.

    You need to decide if you're ok with this being your life forever. You will never be able to lean on this person, you will never be able to rely on them, you will never be able to ask them for help.

    You might as well be single with the dog, its less work and the dog will actually appreciate you – unlike your partner.

  26. Well, if Mark was honest with what he said, then she reacted pretty strongly to pull a deception on you and also not feel too strongly when you cut her off.

    Seems like she was wanting some fun and wasn't all that invested.

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