Julisoto live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 17, 2022

36 thoughts on “Julisoto live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yea, see your body is fine and good; he just made a really dumb mistake going to strip club. Image is always something to keep in mind though! don't let yourself go, If you can get yourself back in better shape it would be the best gift for your him, your family and yourself in the end.

  2. You are just a security blanket. You have 2 choices stay and be a bank account or leave and be happy. She's made I clear if you can't not provide for her she will drop you in a minute

  3. it was never my intention to be insensitive. i obviously will never tell a soul. i came to reddit because its anonymous here and i wanted advice on how to support him better, what to do when he needs me, what to say. i would never betray him like that. thank you for showing me a different perspective. im sorry that happened to you. more power to you

  4. Oh my god what the hell? He is insulting and disrespecting you. He is doing this on purpose and it’s about power dynamics and control, he wants to diminish your worth so that you feel lucky to be with him. I wonder how he’d react if you talked about a really super hot sexy guy that you liked and how you would have dated him instead of you’d met him before your bf. There is a double standard going on here he feels he can say whatever he wants and you really can’t let him do that because it will get worse. “The most beautiful girl he’s ever seen” is insulting to you. Have self respect and tell him he crossed a line. But more than that think carefully about this guys intentions is he just a tactless moron or is he trying to put you in a position where you’re on your toes and grateful for his attention. Sounds abusive to me because there’s no need to say the things he said

  5. He was spending a lot and I was more modest when it came to spending so I thought maybe I was being stingy. Idk why I thought that now.

  6. My wife and I have been together for 50+ faithful years and married for 45+. She was 16 and I was 17 in 1972. She went through a brief spell of lower libido when having young kids. We talked and determined we needed more just us time. We began a weekly date night, having dinner, communicating, doing something fun, and focusing on making each other happy…making it about the other person. We always ended date night with intimacy… not just sex. Things just snowballed as the good carried over to the rest of the week. We did hmshare intimacy weekly armt first and then multiple times. Today, at 68 and 67, we both look forward to date night and always end it with intimacy. Sexual intimacy is important to a good marriage. It is not just the sex, but the bonding shared through the intimacy that connects you in a manner nothing else can. Try the date night thing with intimacy. Focus on him and make him happy. It will not take long for him to want to reciprocate. I think your libido will then grow, and he will be very happy that you are the only woman he desures.

  7. She doesn’t control him. HE LETS HER.

    He is a grown man. And he has CHOSEN to not have boundaries. To put her before you.

  8. You don’t have to stop overthinking, but you do have to stop acting on your overthinking. And don’t feed your overthinking. If it happens, let it pass without judgment and potentially redirect your thoughts if you can, but don’t humor it.

  9. I hope it helps and you can resolve this. You deserve to feel secure in your relationship, and I hope the issue can be resolved with better communication.

  10. If I could say one thing to make you feel better it would be this. You are young you still have your whole life ahead of you. In fact he did you a favor because he is not the one for you. Some people spend their whole life with someone only to realize they are not in love.

    You have an opportunity to go discover yourself enjoy life and along the way you will meet that person that knows your worth.

  11. She’s trying to heal and move on from the breakup. NC means NC. She’s clearly trying to not be in contact with you.

    Let her alone and move on

  12. 30 short days isn't long to be calling someone “partner”. Most couplings don't result in relationships and most relationships don't last forever. It might help you to know that relationships that start off too all consuming tend to end quickly while those that build over time have a much better chance of lasting. Do try to normalize this so you don't smother it before it even begins. As for sex – there's this monthly thing that happens to women wherein they'll avoid sex, especially with a relatively new person. Chances are great that she wants to spend time with you but just doesn't want to bleed all over you. Try to take your passions down a notch. You're pretty overwrought for it being so very early into this.

  13. That's what i told myself but I can't get over the guilt.

    I feel like I'm getting manipulated and guilted into getting back .

  14. I think they're saying that you can have a “sexy” bachelorette party without actually having to have sex with anyone

  15. Marriage counseling to learn how to communicate and rebuild trust. Have her be responsible for setting up counseling. You set up the boundaries that you need to feel safe.

  16. He lied. And continues to lie, average price lap dance 50-100. 38 tipping stage. He needs to come clean.

  17. Bruh I knew a guy like this. My roommate’s ex boyfriend. He had also been cheated on and claimed that was why he had such a severe reaction.

    Then he cheated on her.

  18. Yeah, I saw that. You're never able to happen to see what it is or borrow her phone because yours is dead or something?

  19. What?? Come on! You know that they will NEVER accept him! I’ve seen people like your parents in my culture and they do not change.

    You either have to break up and kowtow to your parents irrational ideas, or tell them that their behavior was disgusting and you have made your choice to be with him and go no contact.

  20. What you’re going through is pretty normal in the 12-18 month mark of a relationship, especially if you’ve moved in together.

    I suggest planning date nights or trying a new activity together, something to bring back a bit of romance and passion. However, you are going to have to accept that the honeymoon butterflies don’t last forever and probably won’t come back (at least not for as prolonged and intense a period), but that you’re transitioning into a kind of love based on mutual respect, love, comfort and safety.

  21. You sister is the golden child for sure. Or they are blinded by the grandkids. Best advice is to stop contacting them and let them come 2 you. If they want to talk 2 you about youre ex Just dont, switch topics and if that doesnt work leave or hang up the Phone. You are not going to win this with them so focus on others in youre live.

  22. Ask her if she has other lies and secrets to come clear before your relationship goes anywhere.

    She can be honestly panicked that you did not hook up if she warned about her having child. Or she can need a father figure more than a bf. Or you can be her future bank account. Or she may really love you and have a bad experience of abandonment.

    Sit her and have a serious discussion. No blaming. Tell her that discovering her son so late is disturbing. Tell her it is not about her son but about trust, yours and hers. Let her explain her situation and her feelings.

    If you want to leave, you can do any time. But having the answers is worth waiting quietly.

  23. You really need a good divorce lawyer, asap. These legal and financial questions, particularly about the business, are really above reddit's paygrade.

  24. I'd leave one last text:

    Hey, if you want to see me again, let me know. See you around.

    Then, carry on with life. You may find that someone 80% as passionate but 10,000% more reliable is a better match.

    Really, a couple decades of solidly good really beats 1 day of absolutely amazing.

  25. Ideally you want to continue to see him in a non-exclusive way. That may mean putting a pause on just the intimacy, perhaps, and you also don't get intimate with any other men as you try dating around a little.

    It's really up to the two of you to negotiate something that gives you a little freedom to explore while also not hurting you or him.

    Again, if everything's in green-flag land, he'll understand, support, and may even have some ideas of his own about how you can get what you need.

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